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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 14 minutes ago, Winnie_20 said:

    Hhhmmm... I was gonna reply to your other long message, but this bit is actually the most compelling to me. Those are probably the main reasons why he's sticking with Chopin. There does seem to be a trend there.


    I'm not gonna lie: I don't like the idea of him doing 'the same thing' again, and I kind of think if it were any other skater doing this 3.0 thing, he/she would be getting a lot of criticism (hence the lazy argument, that still is what it feels like to me. I know the man isn't lazy, anything but, but also, if I were a casual TV viewer, watching the Olys, and this commentator goes, "He is reusing the same program for a third year", oh, I'd probably not be going, "Oh, that is so smart of him!" but going "Gee, couldn't even be bothered to come up with something new for the biggest competition of the sports").

    However, fortunately I don't need to be convinced that he can manage to pull of something spectacular with this program, because I have enough trust in the guy that he knows what's possible. I trusted him to pull off a spectacular FS in Helsinki, and that didn't turn out too badly. :thumbsup:

    Most casual viewers don't care if the skaters have reused the program for their whole life. I have seen people who know Yuzuru but don't know that Yuzuru has reused Chopin again and again. In Olympic season, most people who sit before television watching Olympic will not have a clue which programs are old. As long as he doesn't skate to PW or Romeo again. 

    The point of Olympic is to skate to the best programs with cleanest execution. Had it been Beethoven he would have chosen something he had performed many times before. 

    Heck, even Bach and Mozart reuse their own melodies many times. They occasionally copied this and pasted to that. It's not something new in the art world. 

  2. And frankly, judges will inflate other skaters's scores no matter what, we have known from this season. Javi with old style for 5 years still get huge scores. Nathan without proper skating still get good PCS and GOE. Shoma with cheated jumps and virtually no difficult transitions still get huge scores.


    On the other hand, Yuzuru skated to something new, more difficult in both programs (Let's go crazy and Hope and Legacy) and got quite lower scores than he should. So by repeating programs that he had gotten much better scores, it's the same as saying: "I did harder stuff and you didn't appreciate, how about I skate to the stuff you guys gave huge scores in the past, dare you underscore me now?"


    At this point people have to understand, judges don't care if you have something new, whether difficult music, innovative set up, packed transitions... they all don't matter. Judges give you scores based on reputation and politics. If I were Yuzuru I would just skate to no transitions and say: "Screw you guys, now I do the same as other guys, give me same scores as them."


    Instead, Yuzuru even he comes back to old programs, he still makes them harder, with more transitions and harder layout. This strategy surely give the judges no room to underscore him when he does well. Because judges already threw candies to these programs before, they can not take it back, and with higher BV, jugdes also can not underscore him cause those base values are constant. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Winnie_20 said:

    Quoted for truth.

    I came into figure skating fandom very, very slowly. I just sort of gradually started watching more and more, and not because of a single specific skater. But the programs themselves: the skating, the costumes, the music (the jumps not all that much, and lately I could care less).


    But this sport... I dunno. First the ISU wants to make them shorter (after the Olys season, right?). That is not a good thing to me.


    And There is So Much Music in this world. Repeating programs just comes across as lazy to me. Doing a program three times? Sorry Yuzu, but that doesn't earn you any brownie points from me. Unless maybe you pull out some blindingly-awesome new costume...

    I assume Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and many other great composers in the past were lazy as well. Because they kept copying and pasting the musical theme and melodies from their previous works or even from other composers' works. And no one complains that these great name were lazy.


    I assume that skating to a music he has been familiar to, thus he can deliver higher tech with better quality and consistency every time to the audience is lazy.

    I assume all the great Olympic champions in the past who won with watered down programs and recycled themes were lazy too.


    It's not just you who is a classical musician who happens to like ice skating, and of course someone has to know the history of western music too. There has been copy and paste for like thousands of years, there has been recycling for thousands of years too. The point isn't not repeating, the point is actually repeating it and perfecting it. 

  4. So bringing this from the fantasy on ice thread: It is said that Yuzuru tried out 4lz at FaOI practice. He landed 2 out of 5 times. And one landing was perfect.

    it is good that now he still has the whole summer to practice 4lz. As he doesn't have to learn new programs anyway. So all of his training time can be focused on those new difficult jumps. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Katt said:


    This.  Yuzu got LGC choreo around mid july last year, so there's still possibility of new SP :biggrin:


    I still think his SP is still open up a bit for debate. Cause literally, he hasn't had a new SP choreography yet. I am just sure he already has the LP done somewhat during the time in Toronto. 

    We shall see, from now until August if Yuzuru will decide to stay with Chopin and upgrade the layout or get a new SP entirely. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, xeyra said:

    I did wonder why people didn't backload two jumps in the SP because it's only 2.30 mins, which is basically the first half of a FS, but I think because of the very strict rules of the SP, which will cost a lot if anything doesn't meet its requirements, skaters aren't very keen on taking too many risks there, including saving too much stuff for the second half.


    I mean, you notice how Yuzu was basically the only skater actually using his combo as the second jumping pass and not the first? People want to get the combo done first, which helps if you mess it up since then you have a second jump you can attach it to. Having the combo as the second jumping pass is a risk that kind of bit him in the ass last season but it's a strategy he's been following for a long time, back when he did 3Lz3T in the second half, and the only comparison in risk I can maybe find in the top men is Boyang doing his 4T in the second half. 

    Yuzuru has always done combo in the second half... for some reason... Now people understand why he insisted on doing 4-3 in the second half of LP. Because now his 4-3 in the second half of SP is already stable. 

  7. Jeff hasn't finished the ice shows. I still think there is a chance that once Jeff and Yuzuru have time together, they might think of a new SP. Or they might adjust something very big in the SP.

  8. Well, on a brighter note, the original Chopin 1.0 was magical and more of an art. 


    I have seen some comments saying that the Chopin 2.0 is more of a CoP oriented program than an art. 2 quad in the front makes the Chopin less of a masterpiece (yes Blade of Passion where are you lol)


    I assume Chopin 3.0 will be very close to the original Chopin 1.0 with Spead Eagle Quad spread eagle // 3A + quad combo in the second half RIGHT on the 2 consecutive musical notes.


    Personally, I do want a new program from Yuzuru. But Chopin 1.0 has never been skated clean. If we talk about a true art in CoP, then Chopin 1.0 would make it. 

  9. For the records

    Olympic 1994, Urmanov also won Olympic with lesser tech.

    Olympic 1998, Kulik won with watered down programs, fewer transitions and easier set up DESPITE HORRIBLE PROGRAMS AND COSTUMES (that horror thing,..)

    Olympic 2002, Yags won with watered down programs too. Ironically Goebel had the hardest tech and got 3rd. 

    Olympic 2006, Plushy won with watered down programs AND by repeating programs (that Godfather).

    Olympic 2010... Evan won without quad...


    So Yuzuru keeps upgrading his tech and yet people still complain lol 



  10. I am fed up with people who are entitled that Yuzuru should have programs that suit their taste so they can root for him.

    This is a sport, and I am telling you this, most Olympic Champion won because they did not risk.

    Yagudin watered down his layout to win. Kulik watered down his programs to win too. Frankly Yuna Kim won Vancouver because she didn't have to do 3Lo her weaknest jump anymore. If anything, exciting programs don't help you win. It's the ability to stand on your feet when it counts help you win. If you support him just because you want programs that excite you then feel free to go.

    As a sport fan, I support Yuzuru because he is a sport man first and foremost, not because he is an artist or so. If I need art, I have art at classical music world already. This is sport, whoever has the best strategy and mindset win.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Elaine said:


    I have to be honest on this one: I would much prefer Chopin 3.0 to LGC heading into Pyeongchang :xD:

    And for sure Chopin will have some new choreography parts... and rhe casual viewers will love it anyway.


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