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Posts posted by meoima

  1. 5 hours ago, Strawberry said:

    Yuzu can't participate in this year's Dreams on Ice :noshake: He's schedules don't match:sad-smiley-046:

    Do you have the source? No DOI means good... he will have time to do new programs. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Fresca said:


    Yes, Jason has more flexibility in the legs while Yuzu has more flexibility in the hips and back. Back flexibility is what allows Yuzu to do the Biellman and layback Ina Bauer :pbow:


    Thank you. this makes more sense why Yuzuru can do Biellman while Jason does not even though he is also flexible. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Fresca said:


    It's also here on twitter.

    I will have to disagree with that poster on FSuniverse. Yuzu is the king of turnout. Turnout flexibility is solely from the hips and Yuzu can do spread eagle and Ina Bauer with his blades turned out more than 180 degrees. His turnout in his R&J2 Ina Bauer where he carves a half circle in the ice is insane. Flexibility to do the splits comes from the hips and the legs. While Jason has both and has more flexible legs than Yuzu, he doesn't have the level of flexibility in the hips that Yuzu does.



    Thank you for your comment. So you mean Jason has more flexibility in the legs? While Yuzuru is more flexible in the back? Cause I don't see Jason doing upright Biellmann like Yuzuru.

  4. 3 minutes ago, mcq said:

    Jason's catchfoot (and variation) is lovely, while for Yuzuru, I think his camel and sit is really lovely, not just the position but also the speed (when he is on lol). When it comes to pancake spin, I think Yuzuru is one of the best if not the best :BeatingHeart:, his are personally my favorite. 

    Yes, I think Jason has superior upright spins, his camel is consistent too. While his back doesn't seem to be as elastic as Yuzuru, his hips is really flexible thus the catchfoot creating a very beautiful arc.

    I think Yuzuru is really good at donut, intermediate position and sit spins. I guess these positions are more comfortable to Yuzuru. I have noticed his Biellmann this season has become quite well centered though. That's great improvement even when I think he should drop it for the sake of his back. I guess as long as Yuzuru's back is ok, he will keep doing Biellmann. 

  5. Just now, mcq said:

    I like Yuzuru's camel and doughnut better but for upright spin I think jason is generally better than Yuzu. I would give the sit spin to Yuzuru too.


    But I think  when it comes to Spiral, I think overall Jason might do a better spiral than Yuzu (since i barely see Yuzu does any spiral so these are all gathered from all the spiral I have seen of him. While I sae Jason did quite a lot) :4chsmu1:

    I think Yuzuru's flexibility is more on his back while Jason's flexibility is more on his hip. I remember they have said somewhere about that on FSuniverse. 

    Jason's hip area is very flexible that's why I think his upright spin position are so good. And spiral position too.

    but Jason doesn't do upright Biellmann like Yuzuru so I think Yuzuru is more flexibie in the back.

  6. 6 minutes ago, xeyra said:

    I like Jason Brown's split jumps more, I'm sorry! :banned1-smiley:

    What Jason does is Russian split jump. And of course he does practice it and put it in competition. Someone said Jason is more flexible in the hips. 

    What Yuzuru did in ice show several times is just normal split jump, and Yuzuru is more flexible in the back (Oda said that once time about his back).

    That's why Yuzuru does full Biellmann and Jason doesn't. While Jason has some other positions in the hip area that look more natural than Yuzuru.

  7. 20 minutes ago, cherry said:

    Regarding javi/yuzu relationship, I'd like to think they're friendly rivals rather than soulmates/bffs/bros. At least from what I read from the interviews of Brian/Tracy/related indv, they don't really hang out together and they are not training at the same time. And we know they have very different cultural background and hobbies etc.

    To me, it isn't surprising at all that Javi doesn't know/care to know Yuzu very well. Despite what shippers may see, I think it is already very admirable just to be polite and respectful to another top skater fighting for the same resources.

    Exactly, they're good training mates and good rivals. They have healthy sportsmanship towards each other. 

    But that doesn't mean they're close. In fact they might nor care and know about each other much. 

    On the other hand, I think Yuzuru might not watch Javi at Spain national. Cause there's nothing much different, Javi didn't do more quads. 

  8. 1 minute ago, xeyra said:

    Can I just say that there's no actual confirmation Nathan will go for 7 quads yet (or that he'll be able to, or that Raf will let him, etc.). He made an off-hand comment about maybe giving 7 quads a try in an interview but it was vague, but like everything with Nathan, it will probably depend on the time of the day whether he'll actually jump 5, 6 or 7 quads...

    Even if Nathan doesn't do 7 quads, he can still do 6 quads with 4lz and 4F repeating and I think he already can do that in practice. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


    Yes, I know this - I was actually surprised that Javi said something like it was not his fault. The whole docu had a strange atmosphere though, as if the intention was to provoke drama.

    And it's kinda funny because they have never been close. After Yuzuru won Olympic he also had too packed schedule, too much noise around him. It's no surprise Yuzuru himself doesn't even talk to his previous close friends for long.


    Oh by that way Icenetwork has chosen their "person of the year" lol http://www.icenetwork.com/news/2017/05/15/229795804

  10. 6 minutes ago, yuzuthebest said:


    Sorry for an interruption.  Just wonder whether or not J. Fernandez knew about Brian Orser's staying at home last Chritmas ? As his coach is always away to Japan to join in the Japanese National Championships which is always during that period of time every year...


    To be true to myself,  all I want to point out here is there is NO way for Yuzu to say something that will have bad effects on/hurt the others or something negative about all concerns, no matter how the situation is, you sure know.

    For instance, J. Fernandez himself was already beaten by S.Uno several times but you will never ever hear such facts from Yuzu.....  On the contrary, he's always praised everyone and moreover even tried to protect everyone in concern without  any hesitation too:5918bda4d232b_0011(1):

    Sorry again. I'm not supposed to post something like this but probably I seem to easily sympathize with anyone who is unfairly treated. Especially with Yuzu who has never been treated fairly by Japanese Mass Media, JSF, etc.  This really hurts me a lot time and time again.       Poor :snbleh:


    With regard to S.Uno; If I'm expected to say something about him as someone from Japan,  I'd rather say in brief that  as an athlete or even as a human- being,

    the MORE I get to know him,   the MORE I     :BeatingHeart::BeatingHeart: :BeatingHeart::space:.      

    That's it, my shout out for today:embSwan:     


    Thanks for sharing your time with me .:anti-sadness-smiley:


    Yeap I agree that Yuzuru will probably never say "Javier has been beaten by Nathan, Shoma, Boyang several times". 

  11. 13 minutes ago, swanbeau said:

    it takes a very painful event (boston :cry:) for him to realise it but i'm also glad he's taking care of his health now.


    about nathan, i guess there's also the pressure from his fed, and since he's known for his quantity of quads there really is only one way to go.

    I think USFA doesn't pressure Nathan, it's more like Nathan and Rafael want it. I don't blame Nathan. It's his body his choice. But Rafael... he knows what they're doing and he knows technique but he still encourages Nathan doing that... I have not much respect for him honestly.

  12. 2 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


    I am not surprised that they don't see each other often, and we know that most of the time they have different training schedules so they rarely see each other at TCC. I don't doubt that they haven't seen each other since Worlds or haven't even contacted each other between Worlds and WTT. But it shouldn't mean that they don't hear anything about the other - Brian, Tracy, or any other skater never mention Yuzu when they talk with Javi/they are in contact with him through sms, e-mails, whatever? 


    I think either the journalist made a mistake or Javi was confused about the facts.

    I'd say even at the beginning of the season, Yuzuru already knew that Nathan would do 5 quads (he mentioned something like that when they released Hope and Legacy I think). So for sure Yuzuru follows other men quite well, maybe not closely but he does watch their performances and layouts. 

    I am not sure why Javi doesn't know Yuzuru didn't do Japan National. Or maybe he doesn't care because it's National, to most people in the skating world, they know it's not serious when it comes to world standardings so they don't care to follow.

  13. 6 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

    true... *nod*

    i agree with you ... it's just that even tho skaters often r**** young, if they recklessly risk their health too much then even when they're not skating, when they get older the strains they put on their bodies build up and will catch up to them...

    i see news about old skaters who end up having hip replacement, back, etc. surgeries and it just makes me feel sympathy pain...

    I remember Kwan once said her back still hurt quite a lot even after she r****d. Hopefully she is much more healthier by now. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, sallycinnamon said:


    Something has changed in their relationships over the years, yes and it is possible that they have zero contact to each other when they don't train together in Canada.


    But I would find it really strange if Javi hadn't heard anything about Yuzuru for about a month (between GPF-early January), he's in contact with Brian, Tracy, other stuff members, skaters, so someone should have mentioned it to him? Maybe not before Javi's Christmas show at the end of December, but in January, when he returned to Toronto.

    On Weibo there's a girl training at CC, and per her words (or people she has talked to), Javi and Yuzuru don't even train together most of the time, they have different schedules. Javi and Yuzuru might meet up like 1-2 times per week in a joint session and that's it. I am not surprised Yuzuru hasn't seen Javi at all and that they have had no contact to each other after WC gala. 

  15. 1 minute ago, sublimeskating said:


    good god, 7 quads?  does he even want to have a long career???

    i feel so scared for these young skaters who are risking their health killing themselves with quads, quads, and more quads

    do they even want to be able to walk properly when they reach middle age???

    Well this sport isn't for old bodies, sadly so, especially for single skaters. As great as Carolina and Mao were, they can't upgrade their quality compared to the current field. Carolina indeed has a long career and won Olympic medal at age 27 but she is the outliner, not to mention there's no rivals inside Italia. Yuna also had no rivals inside Korea. Javi has no one inside Spain. 

  16. 5 minutes ago, AmudoBun said:

    I think there is nothing wrong with reading/writing fanfiction as long as you do not push it in their faces. As long as we (as I am a reader as well) stay in our little part of the internet we do not hurt anyone in ym opinion. I would never write such comments as you mentioned and I know that they are not that close but I still do and will read the fanfictions. 

    I am not sure you have this kind of knowledge about LGBT bias among young Asian girls. They keep saying stuff like "Hanyu is like a beautiful wife-boy" and they harp on any chance to call him like that (the wife role in homosexual relationships). And they do not even feel ashamed when people call them out and tell them many times that Yuzuru and Javi are not close and not an item, that they're not seeing themselves that way. It's really irritating they're seeing Yuzuru as like an idol playing homosexual game like some of their idols. 

    I can not stand fanfics about real people. That's a big limits.

  17. 1 minute ago, GoldMedalist said:

     Sorry, but the one has nothing to do with the other. :party0035: There are many types of relationships and things are not just black and white :shakehead:  

    It has relations. They're not close. That's pretty much Javi's words. And even Yuzuru said the same about not having close friends in CC. 

    I have nothing against them if they're close. I am just fed up with young girls who read boy loves manga and fanfics keep throwing crazy comments like this: "No, Hanyu doesn't like girls. He likes Javi." Or "I hate Javi's girlfriend. Javi should be with Yuzuru."

  18. 15 minutes ago, jinabee said:

    tbh even if he is gonna go for 7 quads I don't really view Nathan as that big of a threat. Even with 5 quads, nationals inflation and judges throwing him PCS and GOE candy Nathan couldn't beat Yuzu's best scores. And with a 7 quad program, I don't see Nathan skating clean, even if he manages to pull it off with no falls there's bound to be quality issues all over the place. Or he's gonna get injured (not that I want that but more quads = higher risk).

    So long as Yuzuru skates well when he needs to, he's gonna be fine, and I trust in him to do everything he can to prepare himself in any way he can to make it happen.

    Shoma probably is the bigger threat because he's landing his jumps, his bad technique isn't being called, and he puts enough in his programs so they don't feel as empty of Nathan's do, and imo is a better performer than Nathan, so get's the PCS. I might be biased because I simply like Shoma a lot more than Nathan but unless Shoma has a total disaster skate at olympics, i see him getting ahead of Nathan.

    But I trust in Yuzuru to train smart, put together a smart layout, put together strong programs, and perform at exactly the right time. 

    You underestimate USFA very much. Even with 6 quads (with 4lz and 4F repeating) Nathan might get 90 PCS at Olympic. And Nathan for sure can land 6 quads with 2 quad Lutz and 2 quad Flip cleanly in practice. 

    And please, Nathan has more transitions than Shoma in the SP already. 

    I am not dismissing that judge's blindness towards Shoma's cheated jumps as not a thread.  

    But I know karma will come for that kind of technique, soon. Whole Nagoya's group jinxing Shoma and hyping him doesn't help either.


    And I repeat this again and again: Yuzuru MUST upgrade his layout. That is a must. He knows that too, that's why he is upgrading it.

    You don't take scores in the season before Olympic seriously, because next season, the judging will be adjusted to the point you right now couldn't believe why! No one expected Adelina Sonitkova to score 149 at Sochi, right? 

    Don't ever say Nathan won't reach this or that, you don't underestimate the power of biggest federations. Especially in Olympic when political games are played. 

    I already repeated many times right after US National that Nathan would get the same scores at international events, no one believed me. 

    Guess what, he got same scores at 4CC. 

    Never take USFA lightly. Had Nathan landed all his jumps at WC, he definitely would have won silver and Shoma third. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, xeyra said:

     This is not the best area to discuss this but it's by adding a new quad (4Lo).

    Yes and poor his hip. But Nathan doesn't seem to care so I don't rule out the high possibility of Nathan going for 7 quads. We know he and Rafael want it right there at 2018. He can't go on like that to 2022. 

  20. 10 minutes ago, Fay said:


    Oh come on, Yuzu's not that much of a cry baby - I don't remember him crying at 4CC. :shakehead:


    I think on the whole Javi was way too preoccupied in late December what with his Nationals, his show and maybe personal life to suss out that Yuzu was ill and missed his Nationals as Yuzu was in Japan at the time. But yeah, it proves beyond doubt that these two are not really that close - which is OK by me. They might like and respect each other, but they don't know what's going on in one another's lives apart from what they get to see with their own eyes.


    Maybe I am irked Yuzuvier shippers but yeah this just shows they're not that close. I hope to see less shipping comments on Facebook after this.

  21. 5 minutes ago, Vadrouille said:

    Yes I agree that Shoma is the most dangerous among youngsters not because he is better than others like Nathan or Boyang, but because the judges love him. They ignore all the problems of his jumps, prerotation, under rotation, bad landings. They give him undeserved GOE on jumps and PCS, unless he falls down on his jumps.

    Even his fans find that his jumps are ugly and scary, but the judges give him +2 or +3 GOE.

    But what can you do about that?

    By the way, I like the picture you put in your post. May I ask how to add a picture to your ID when you post?


    Believe me, it will be Nathan and Boyang the more dangerous. Especially Boyang will have THE better career than Shoma. :party0035:

    Yuzuru will be fine, he knows where to look at. He will have a huge upgrade of his programs lol.

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