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Posts posted by meoima

  1. This talk about ballet and alignment are amazing. Thank you very much @Fresca and @koneko .


    The first person who told me that Nathan's landings were weird and not very good was Adelia my friend. She also did ballet and gymnasts since young. I did not ask what style she studied, but in short, she was very disapproved of his landings, Of course, she's not a skater so maybe we can not tell for sure the impact of the jump landings.


    But do we see some similarity in good jumpers' landings? I think many good skaters have similar landings.

  2. 3 hours ago, SSS said:

    That was my question too but someone told me Yuzu had no problem with his eyes and he wore glasses to look cool... Now I don't know...

    Yuzuru does have prescription glasses for reading and studying, it is not to look cool. Even Javier has to use glasses as well. Actually, it is not unusual for skaters to have slight issues with eyesight, as they have had to look at the ice for their whole life, it might be as harmful to the eyes as much as you look at the digital screen your whole life. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, b138oo said:

    On a more serious note, it's probably bc of his asthma. I have asthma and I hate swimming bc it's hard to breathe. Especially here in the US with the amount of bleach they use to sanitize the water.  :2023:

    I don't have asthma but I have allergy so the swimming pool water is bad for me too. I went swimming for a while when I was 12 and got sick for 6 months. So no swimming pool for me. I remember Yuzuru also has some allergy.

  4. 6 minutes ago, liha said:


    yes!! and if you're saying it there's no way he won't do well!! :heartbeat:

    You get to believe it's the universe putting itself together to throw challenges at Yuzuru, to make him grow stronger and become the skater of all skaters. There has never been a skater that gets so many challenges and struggles like Yuzuru and yet he still faces those difficulties with grace and honesty and keeps getting stronger. The gold at Sochi was just the beginning. 

  5. On 5/20/2017 at 19:25, ralucutzagy said:

    They say that education is important!! :idea-007:





    Sorry for being late to the party but I assume this is photoshopped? 

  6. Today my boss kept my whole department stay at work for like 3 hours overtime. I came home to see the internet is not working well. 

    And now I see that Kiss and Cry Magazine properly I am like: wut?? Such bad photoshop skills and ideas... Give me photoshop I can do something better than that.

    anyways, my cats are here to eat you guys who dare praise the Boobskirt. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Katt said:


    A chopin ex would be the best thing ever :smiley-love017:  But I think he will get another jpop ex, given his passionate lip sync skills :laughing:   

    I only google to see that one of the performers at FaOI is a pianist. What about the other 2? I don't know them. 


    If I remember correctly, at FAOI, he usually skates to one of his old programs, and the other ex-program is a collaboration with the singer/artist? 

  8. 14 minutes ago, Katt said:

    I dont think 4lz is beyond him either. His 4lo around 2015-16 season didn't has perfect landing. And  after boston he's off ice for a few months and have to re learn his jumps from singles. In September we saw great 4lo with Yuzu-quality landing. I think if he focus on traning 4lz this summer, he can get it. And unlike 4lo, he have plenty footages of 4lz from other skaters (hi, Boyang :coolio:). I think Yuzu will decide his layout depend on the success rate of 4lz. That's why he won't skate his new programs at ice show  

    Yeah I think he will skate to his old programs (competitive or ex) at FaOI. I see that at FaOI they have a pianist, so maybe we will see Chopin as an ex. 

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