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Everything posted by amylance1215

  1. And the madness continues... this bracket is not good for my emotional wellbeing... because.. how do you choose between Oly SEIMEI and Swanyu?? That is just cruel!
  2. I think this hasn't been posted yet. The dilemma goes on. As much as I love Otonal, Chopin is just special, no matter which version! PS: don't miss the extra question about which Yuzu's quad is your fav right below it! For me it's the non-prerotated Lutz, just because it is so unique! All of Yuzu' quads are grade SSS quality
  3. I think this first round is quite easy choosing for me. Some other versions present impossible choices right from the get-go so I appreciate this as it doesn't make me lose sleep lol
  4. This Yuzu award will be the death of me! Just the second match and I'm already tearing my hair out not knowing which to choose In a sense this is a fitting match since Yuzu never really had a perfect skate with either I'm leaning toward Origin a little since it is the most artistically and technically ambitious program to date, the culmination of Yuzu's growth and maturity, not to mention the gorgeous costumes But the energy and sexiness of LGC is just off the chart, and those Purple Pants of Sin!!! I need some sleep, maybe the answer will show itself then~
  5. In case you haven't found it. It looks like the Amazon version has an extra cover so it's a limited edition.
  6. Yeah I've heard that a few times so I was searching for more translations but at the time they were not up yet and I got impatient Now that I've seen other people's discussions on the word choice and its implications I think it makes more sense too. Now I can celebrate Yuzu's PC Olympic gold medal in peace haha.
  7. Thank you all for your inputs, I feel more at ease now. I was getting a bit worried but the tone sounded nonchalant so I just wanted to make sure. I'm so sensitive when these words are uttered around/about Yuzu
  8. Do we know what damage he is talking about?
  9. I've seen pictures of Plushenko in this costume but never watched this program, until now... wow, it had me in stitches with laughter. Such a fun and unique program!! Sasha was just adorable, can't wait to see how he grows! I was secretly imagining if Yuzu were to do a similar program (not that he would, our boy is too proper for that), I think we would all die, instant death, BAM!!! But I still wanna dream~~
  10. Ah yes, best version so far! Loving the green more and more. I mean I already loved it to begin with
  11. Does anyone know how we can stream this?
  12. I'm so happy for him and glad that he is back. Watching him skate at 4CC was such a joy. I've always loved his 3A for its ease, breath and height. It's good that he has decided not to let the unfair treatment get to him and just focus on skating his way. I believe that unfavored skaters can only thrive with this attitude, lest their spirits and ideals be crushed by the rampant corruption. In the same vein, I'm grateful that Yuzu has found himself again. ISU really doesn't deserve all these skaters and their undying passion for the sport.
  13. Omg yes, I had chill when he did this. Greatest A-spin moment of all time!! I still think of this moment whenever I remember 4CC Chopin
  14. Am I reading this right? Young did 4Lz and 4Lo? I don't understand Korean so please correct me if I'm wrong. But if not then this is amazing!!
  15. It's so misty here today... is that rain??
  16. I've seen her quite a bit on my TL talking about Yuzu and writing novels. However I didn't know of her extensive background, such an impressive woman!! Yuzu would be proud to have such accomplished and dedicated fanbase
  17. OT, I just received Yuzu's Aoi Honoo I & II from amazon today. I'm uber excited I just had to share with someone I feel so giddy, like a kid opening their Christmas present! Can't wait to receive the translations so I can binge read over my holidays in a couple of days! Wheeee!!
  18. Casual fans see Olympic events and automatically think of Yuzu lol. Same with the YOG, people kept asking when Yuzu would skate
  19. Yes yes yes!!! We would be so blessed~ Thank you in advance
  20. Wow I did not know that could be done!! How did you even remove all the wordings?? This is so amazing that I'm getting greedy and wanting more Thank you so much
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