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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Wow, thats a lot of gold bling bling on Yuhanas (?) costume... Edit: lol, and a lot of silver on Gabrielles
  2. Just catapulted myself via vpn to Canada to catch Rikas skate😁
  3. Wait! Did you say sparkle and Keegan in one sentence Shame on me, how did I overlook Deniss🙈
  4. I swear, one day I will get the time conversion to Canada/US right🙈. Thought it was in the middle of the day, but the men are in the middle of the night for me. Looking forward to Kao, Shoma, Keegan and Camden and hope Rika has a great skate.
  5. Edit: just found it on the skate canada website🤦🏼‍♀️ Does anyone have the time schedule? When I go to the Isu site the time schedule folder is empty😑
  6. Really good to hear. It must have been so scary. Keep my thumbs pressed, no worsening is allowed💪🙏. Wow, you recorded over an hour, respect😲. Gave it a quick listening and I think your voice sounds nice😊.
  7. Just watched some of the programs on Youtube. My quick thoughts: Illia: 4A - wow, respect, didn't see if he pre rotated or not, but still, it looked good. But: i think he should work on his stamina or change the layout. He clearly has not enough energy for Step and Choreo sequence. Overall, his programs do nothing for me. Jun: really happy for him. His short is not my favorite, but I like his long program. Just the middle part looks kind of empty? Maybe they will add some steps along the season.... At this point, I don't think he will become friends with the Axel, but his Ina Bauer is so so beautiful! Kao: i love his short and long program. They are beautiful and so enjoyable, he is enjoyable to watch. Roman: only found his short on Youtube. The missed combo hurts, but his skating is just so nice to watch. From the comments i guess it wasn't his day during the free skate. Its just so sad, still hope he will one day be stable on the jumps....
  8. Does anyone know if there will be a free live stream?
  9. Yes, thats what I meant, thanks. Ok, then we will just wait and see😊
  10. I think thats definitely the right way to go, but a question: Will everyone see what he posted, just not have access to it without a membership or will the content be completely hidden from non members? (I have no idea how a youtube membership works, didn't even know its possible). If thats the case it would be great if one could share the information what he posted. I for example will most likely do a occasional subscrption, like for a month, and then leave again (think others plan to do this as well), so knowing what he posted would help greatly to time such a on/off membership.
  11. I'm so happy for him, he can just do what he wants to do. But doing a whole show on his own....wow. Kind of crazy, but also not surprised by it. He probably will do some talking, maybe have some musicians there, he did a collaboration with before. I could also imagin him having a talk about his deep thoughts and interpretations of certain steps and programs. It could turn out to be a "lets learn about yuzuru hanyu lesson", he said it's about his skating and his history. Maybe he will also do something like he did during this one olympic practice, a best of/history of the main choreo parts of the programs he did. Whatever he will do with his ice show, it will be emotional, insightful and entertaining (and sold out). And we international Fanyus need to pray a live stream into existance
  12. One can look recent things up on Twitter without needing an account. At least thats how I handle it
  13. I love how much Yuzu content we get, but.... Sigh.....I hate instagram🙈. Tried it for 4hours and deleted my account, because me and this app ....yeah, not best friends. But it looks like I will have to give it another try.
  14. Sigh.....oh Roman, that was a rolercoaster. That one fall looked like it hurt, hope he is ok. He for sure fought till the end. It looked like he had not enough power and his skating a bit slower then normal? Let it be the first pancake. And can I say I like how much time the judges take? Not sure if the scores are ok or not, but it feels like they want to do a good job.....but, maybe their technic is just not that fast, who knows😅. Oh, and the commentator is nice😊
  15. Just my quick thoughts: The skating speed between the first two and last group of skaters gives you whiplash😅. Ivan: touching, incredible touching program and performance Roman: love it🤩😍😃! His skating was so soft and calm and cool and I really, really hope he can keep this kind of mood for the free and through the season. Keegan: well.....Keegan did a Keegan😂. He really needs to learn to hold in his power a bit🙈. I thought he would fly straight out of the rink. Fun, powerful, freaking fast, but not his best day concerning jumps Kazuki: wasn't his day...... Looking forward to the free skate tomorrow.
  16. For Information: Nebelhorntrophy will be live streamed on Sportdeutschland.tv I'm really looking forward to Romans new programs. I deliberately didn't look up the title and music to still be surprised.
  17. You have done so much for us Yuzu and figure skating fans, so please don't stress yourself. It's really amazing what you have achieved, the passion and time you have invested in everything, you have my utmost respect for it. BUT: Health should and needs to be ones first priority! Hope you feel better soon and congrats on the nomination.
  18. If he continues with all this content dropping left and right, the AWW Team has to change their jobs to do fulltime translations🙈😉. Did I mention that I really love them and what they do for all the International fans💜.... The Youtube algorythm is shitty, to be blunt about it. Vanishing and freezing view counts is something a Fanyu will need to get used to. And sadly, they don't give back views after taking them down and if they do, it's a small part of the deleted views. As a Bts fan, I had to see more then 500.000 views getting deleted at once after a new MV drops. And as a TXT fan (also k-pop group) I had to stare for two hours at a barely moving viewcount after a new MV got out. The algorythm will adapt as he goes on, deleting and freezing views later then it does now, but it will always happen.....
  19. Wait what?!? I mean, I was hoping he would do something like that, just said so in my last post, but can't believe he really will do this! Wow.... Of course I wont be able to watch it live🙄, but someone will upload footage of it, if it doesn't stay up after the live stream. Guys, prepare to get busy he really has a masterplan!
  20. I honestly did NOT expect this. Whats next? Insta, Twitter? He must have some kind of masterplan....But I hope he will get someone doing eng subs for the videos. Imagin him doing live streams of his training, that would be something else.
  21. I love his expressions through this video. A bit sceptical/surprised, then proud and a "you see this! Try doing it that way everyone!" and then back to a nearly shy "hai".
  22. Guys, I can't keep up🙈. Do we have a Yuzu "next chaper" archive or thread in the forum where all the interviews and videos are safed so one can easily find it later?
  23. Simple answer: Yes! Don't even have to think about it, because I want to keep art in figure skating and still hope we will get fair judging one day and maybe, just maybe your campaign can help a little bit, who knows. And to be honest, I think the campaign will be more effectiv with Yuzu no longer active. It shows that it's not about a single person, but the sport itself. So if I can agree with what will be written in the letter, yes, I will send it. But if you decide you don't want to do it anymore, of course we will respect your decision. It's your time and effort. I would be just one of hopefully many that will hit print and take it to the next mailbox.
  24. And I hope he will voice more of his opinions in the future! He started to hint at things even during some of his last comp.interviews, but now, no need to hold back.
  25. This made me laugh out loud. Love it! Maybe lets start calling it his "next chapter"? Or "finally ISU free life"?
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