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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. THIS! yes, he couldn't show all of his abilities in competitions, because he still had to go by the rules and if he wanted to have a chance to win, he had to stick to them. And with the rules changing and artisty beeing worth less and less, yes, maybe it's good that he already said goodbye to the whole thing (still sad and a bit angry, but its getting better). He doesn't need comps to be successful or to show his skating. Now he can do and show what he wants. And if it's some crazy jump combo, noone is there to say "sorry, that wont get you many points". LOL, nice reference
  2. But maybe he will do live streams of his shows. Just imagin him doing his own ice show and streaming it live, that would be amazing!
  3. .....I should say: "Yuzu whatever is best for you and I and many other Fanyus as well will always support you, it was an honor to see you skate. You are our light, thank you for giving us so much". But right now, for today, let me please be egoistic. Let me say: "Shit, No, Why, Please don't, not yet, you can go on".....let me cry and feel angry (not at you Yuzu, but the circus that has become the sport) and sad and tomorrow, I will get back to my first statement. And yes, I did not expect it, so I'm quite shocked. I thought he will sit out the GP series to let his injury heal completely.... ....I'm off crying. Group hug to all off you.
  4. Hmm....my guess: something flowy (LOL, what isn't). And all these reaching guestures: wanting, loss, hoping, love.....well, it doesn't look like it would fit to a rock or heavy accented piece. And no idea how one can choreograph without hearing the music during the process.... he must have the whole piece in his head.
  5. Finally had the time to watch the latest FaOI. Just some short thoughts: I loved how much fun they all had. That was what gave me the most joy in watching. The smiles and giggles and waves...and I don't mean Yuzu alone, I mean all the skaters. For Yuzus Raison........I watched it three times and I still don't know how to feel about it. For me, it's a weired mixture of brilliant and strange.....so I will leave it at that. Would love to know what the extra long hug at the end with Stephane (I think) was about, it just had my heart melt a little bit. And at last: A huge thank you to all of you who have posted videos, pictures and so on, it really helps people like me who couldn't watch the shows live (in my case, not-a-single-one! talk about bad timing here)
  6. Wow.....hope it gets shared a ton. I really like her blog and this is quite a content heavy letter. And now I have to figure out what the ISU f***ed up again.....
  7. Can we appreciate how absolutely perfect his three necklaces sit on him.....
  8. What the heck. I shouldn't be surprised, because its Yuzu, but still, this guy is something else. He pulled something like this even beeing obviously exhausted. would love if something like this would be allowed in competition (i think its not) and worth a ton of points..... Nice to see he had a lot of fun, that was one of the best things to see. His wide, happy smile
  9. Thank you Gosh, I would love to see this in a cinema, must be amazing seeing him on this huge screen🤩😍
  10. Finally had time to watch at least Yuzus performance and the opening (I really missed this opening and the opening song). Just my quick thoughts on Real Face: I like his costume, he looks badass when he has the hood up. The water pouring is a nice touch, but a bottle would look cooler then a cup . It wont be my favorite show program, but I love his facial expressions, his attitude and the vibe he has through the whole performance. We obviously don't know him, but it feels like him? It's hard to explain....Overall: He rocked it Edit: is there a video of the whole closing performance? I only saw small snippets of it.....
  11. I got the same vibe, sounds like he wants to stay competitive for quite some time. Any guesses what his third quad could be?
  12. LOL, I was in Paris four weeks ago and had the same thought when I saw the Nike stature and of course I had the Yuzu macaron as well😁😎. Even if I don't actively think about him, looks like he is a fixed part in my brain. And as everyone else I'm so looking forward to the FaOI madness. Sadly, I probably wont be able to keep up with it, because my weeks until july look kind of crazy, but I know I wont miss a thing as it will be here on the planet. So, a big thank you in advance to everyone for sharing the upcoming Yuzu content💜
  13. Thats exactly one big point why he is so loved. He treasures the art of figure skating and is a beakon of light in a sport that some want to change to something that has nothing to do with the origin of figure skating. It is performance, musicality, jumps, technic - it's a complete package and not only one element. He is THE complete package and I think we can be pretty sure he knows he could win more easily if he changed his way of skating, but he doesn't. And thats why he is our light! Side note: I like that in german figure skating is called Eiskunstlaufen, literally ice-art-skating. The name says it all, it has to be part art
  14. Ok, so I came back late and was like "Roman probably wont be live anymore, but lets check anyway"....and he was still on, playing some kind of game. Is that what he did the whole time? Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with it, he should do what he wants and has the most fun with. But if thats the case, I don't have to be sad about missing these lives on twitch.....
  15. So incredible happy for him. This season must have felt like a rollercoaster for him, so nice that he could end it with a really good result. Oh, nice....but most likely wont make it😕, will see. Quite curious about what he will talk about or do though....
  16. Maybe simple, but I would tell him to watch movies. I find movies are a great source for inspiration. You have storytelling and in the best case a great soundtrack on top. I also think one does not need to interpret a movie 1:1 to the ice. Get inspired by a story, but interpret it new and choose your own music or use the soundtrack, but give it twist. Same with books - get inspired by a story, think about it and interpret it your own way. Watching documentarys is also something I personally find extremly inspiring, so I would recommend that as well. Really now?!? What, if not one of the most watched videos on their channel would make for an exceptional case? Sigh, lets hope we get that video back somehow.....
  17. I was fist a bit afraid of watching it, because.....well, we know what happened, righ? But its so much fun to watch and really good to see him smiling and saying it was a great experience. I hope he has amazing worlds!
  18. Really? They have two spots? I thought it was only one, glad that I'm wrong on this.
  19. Really good to see this post, sounds like he is on his way to make peace with what happened.
  20. Well, thats certainly a better interpretation then my "damn, has he also hurt his hip" thought.....
  21. Second that, its really beautiful. Will keep it as a theme after the olympics are done.
  22. Oh thats fun. I got Parisienne Walkway. Nice description, even if its the opposite from myself 😂 (or I have no idea that I'm like that, LOL) Text:
  23. Wow, this is a cool picture🤩. Safe flight and only negative tests all around🙏💪
  24. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the olympics and especially figure skating is happening in like 8 days. Just wish him an amazing time, that he can skate and show what he wants and stays healthy. And yes, the Interview is great. Edit: what the heck is this with the forbidden video sharing?!? He probably wouldn't share a whole competition (why should he), just snippets like training, some feelings and so on and thats not allowed??? Boooo, on that one😠
  25. Sounds like he feels quite a bit under pressure.....hope he can blend it out and just focus on his skating. And don't be afraid Yuzu, please. I know what he means. Sadly, it happens that one action or missed win will blend out all the previous accomplishments in the eye of the public. The typical "fall of the hero" phenomenon. But Yuzu, please trust us fans, we wont let you fall! And noone can take what you have done so far from you.
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