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Everything posted by Faithyu

  1. Coreys lines are beautiful and the end is certainly dramatic. Sad he had so many mistakes. But the sparkles on the right side of his butt, would like to know the thoughts of the costum designer🤣
  2. That felt like a puzzle with some pieces missing and some not fitting right.....some elements had me going "oh nice" and others (many) made me go "....huh". But I see potential.....I think. And he is only 17.
  3. ........well, not the worst start? But if he had charisma while skating it got lost through my laptop screen, sorry.
  4. Ok, lets see what the free skate of the men will give us. Hope for many clean jumps and nice skating🙏
  5. ......didn't know we had a "good" pair out in the field🙈
  6. Question: But talking about the seen content is allowed, right? Because I agree that member videos or pictures of it shouldn't be shared, but there is no harm in exchanging opinions or thoughts on it. We could put it under spoiler or in a seperated thread (and sorry if this is already the case, didn't see one so far). At least thats my opinion🤷🏼‍♀️.
  7. I just read it and I know Yuzu won't read this but I still want to say it: Dear Yuzu, We only want to things for you. You beeing healthy and you beeing happy doing what your doing. I'm sorry that you felt so pressured from outside sources to continue the dream of 4A, even if that no longer was your dream. Maybe the support can sometimes be overwhelming and become pressure, but as said above: we only want you to be happy. So please take care of yourself and don't hesitate to tell everyone if you want to change your directions or dreams, we will support you along the way and hopefully, in a non pressuring way.💜
  8. What is written on the ice during the new program?
  9. And still bad at showing us Yuzus skating
  10. Wow, and now Spartacus? He can't change anything about his next show dates, but really should consider a rest day in between. He clearly had more power on day 1. And i don't want to say he wasn't amazing today, but with exhaustion comes the potential of falls.....
  11. I would have been in deep sh** if not for starrrynote. So yes, huge thanks
  12. Oh,nice😁. Well, my bed needs to wait
  13. Ok, I will head back to bed and try to catch some more sleep. I think you probably feel the same, but I'm just so incredible proud and feel so happy for him. Huh, why do I see Seimei again?
  14. Great, so now that the stream is over I can reach the qq site agsin? What the heck!?!
  15. I want to scream arigatou right back at him. Thank you Yuzu💜
  16. Are these tears in his eyes? He looks so happy! And exhausted, as to be expected.
  17. Question: Have these pants zippers at the legs? Because he would need to change while keeping his skates on....
  18. I don't like wearing things with brand names or obvious merch names on it, but I will wear Yuzus white hoodie proudly
  19. Why do we get a video of all his hardships😭
  20. Ok, 80% of the time I couldn't tell what Yuzu was doing. I need to see this from another angle please.
  21. The light design is really, really pretty, but we still wsnt to see Yuzu dear camera controller
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