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Notte Stellata

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  1. Im so angry that this continues to happen in our sport. Minors share so much with adults with spaces (they train together, travel together, compete together...) I think the ISU and the Federations should work harder to protect them.
  2. She has a quad now, though, so she might be a more mature, late bloomer skater like Javi, for example. Her technique is so good and Mishin is a good coach — it sucks RusFed doesn’t support her as much as the As (and Alina and Zhenya up to some extent), but I think she will continue to develop.
  3. This is so disturbing. If the allegations are true, the girl was so young. Now it makes sense that Vanessa & Morgan took a year off during the peak of their career... Morgan has been under investigation since January.
  4. This seems to be a year of “firsts” for Yuzu (he got his 4Lz back, he completed 2 GP assignments and rotated his 4A) so I think he will compete at 4CC. Plus, during the GPF he said he felt motivated by the rivalry with Nathan so he might want to compete against him before Worlds.
  5. It was an unstable jump for him and now we know why but apparently he has quads now! Alexander posted a vid of him doing a quad I think in practice at Warsaw Cup
  6. This is so lovely! I miss him so much in comps
  7. The bit when he said he became scared of jumping after he injured himself doing a 3A... ow
  8. Misha :((((( Really hope this surgery will help him with his sinusitis!! He has been struggling so much ;_; I can only pray everything goes smoothly and he doesn’t miss the whole season
  9. I think cheering is great and you can tell skaters appreciate the audience’s support. However, we shouldn’t forget that these are athletes about to risk the work of months in a couple of minutes. Many of them like to be very focused and visualize their skate before taking the ice etc so I think we shouldn’t behave like we’re in a rock concert either. About plushies, I think they’re a cute way of supporting a skater after their performance. I don’t think they’re a “psychological tactic” or anything of the sort and I’d only oppose to items being thrown into the ice if they’d be risky for the next skater (a white envelope the flower girls might miss, unwrapped flowers whose petals can stick to the ice, items with glitter or sequins that might fall into the ice...)
  10. You can def do a spin “out of nowhere” but your speed would probably suffer, which is probably the reason most skaters would prefer to have some momentum going before entering the spin! Even then some skaters lose speed mid-spin...
  11. I was at Nebelhorn on Thursday and Friday (had to miss Pairs, Ladies and Dance FS because I had to get back to London for a business conference 😢) and I was surprised by the high attendance of locals plus some international spectators like me. That being said, my expectations were extremely low and I thought the rink would be almost empty. It can’t even begin to compare to ACI, of course, and the tribunes were separated so the side closer to the door was for the audience and the other side could only be occupied by officials, skaters, team members, press etc So the audience side was almost full, and mostly by elderly Germans, which I thought was very cute because you could tell they were from the area and really enjoyed Winter Sports. Many Austrians too, and there were a couple of Israeli and American fans as well. Very, very modest but I was so negative haha
  12. Catching up on this... I don’t know if this is midly controversial but I would see Keegan landing a 4A as unlikely due to his body type. He has very strong jumps and one of the best techniques, but the 4A requires 4.5 revolutions in the air and to perform such acrobatic jumps very lean and light bodies are favored. This is why most women doing quads are Juniors or very very small. Of course, hard work and a good technique can make up for the “wrong” body type, but the 4A is almost an impossible jump and I think having the “correct” body type can help a lot. On to Yuzu... I voted that he’d try to land it in Japanese Nationals because it’s a home arena and the competition is less fierce so maybe he’d like to play it safe and try there for the first time? But we all know how chaotic Yuzu is so my second bet would be Worlds — and if he does so it will be because the jump is more stable. From what he says there’s still a bit of work to do so I don’t think he’s gonna risk it in any GP... internationally, I think he’ll either do it at Worlds or hold until next season but with Yuzu you never know!
  13. I agree that Satoko will sadly be away from the podium from now on. She’s a very talented skater but I don’t think she can compete with Rika and all the Russians coming from Juniors. Apart from Rika, I think the podiums and Top 5 scores will be dominated by Russia. I feel very bad for Tuktamysheva because she’s my favorite lady and actually one of the strongest Russians, but the “Juniors” will come on top and we all know RusFed will always favor Zhenya and Zagitova over Liza...
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