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Everything posted by barbara

  1. I suspect it's a photo book or folio. He wouldn't be coming out with a new song this close to Hobi. I'm sure the photos will be lovely, but it's not something that I would need. I think maybe if I was a teenager or a college student with walls to fill, I might be more interested in doing the photos stuff. But I think that most of us are trying to save for what will be coming up.
  2. I can't believe that this would be legit. His album doesn't come out until a month after this. I just don't see him "trying out" his new show a month early and someplace not Korea. Not that he wouldn't consider performing in Paris, but what would he be performing?
  3. Hobi is on line and responding to ARMY- says "f-sure" for BTS coming to Canada and yes to Brazil - they'll be everywhere no more bad dreams. I wish we'd get a Jimin update-
  4. I am trying to register for a ticket for one of the Seoul concerts and would try to go a few days earlier than planned if I got a ticket. I had to go with a Global membership,, which is fine. But trying to go through Global Interpark is insane. One needs to be verified. I had been and was re-doing it,, which one needs the phone camera to access the QR code, etc. All done - and accepted and verified - but it doesn't say so on the webpage on my computer. Such a hassle. Anyone else have to do this? And know what the next move is? (I sent them an email.....) Arghhhhh. At least the Seoul concerts are reasonably priced -
  5. Until BigHit does announce something and dates, this is speculation, although probably correct - expect there is no way there would be only one show in LA. And,if correct, I will be in Seoul immediately after the concerts there and not in the states until the last week of those dates. I'd try for LA,, and BMO is where I saw TXT, but can't get too excited yet. And totally understand why one would not want to come to the states after Jan 20. I don't want to be here. When BTS is ready to announce actual OT7 tour dates, I suspect they'll have a world tour in sections, with some break in between. They'll go to SoAmerica and more of Asia and I would think Europe. Why not Canada? Maybe they will. Enhypen did. There will have to be some balance between how much time they are on the road and what their new "older" bodies will require. They're not going to be doing the level of activity like they were able to in their early 20's. It'd kill them.
  6. All good, but I wish people would stop calling them a "boy group".
  7. I can'r believe no one posted this - and I've been out in the ether for a day! 9KInd of home - some of me is in tomorrow and some of me is somewhere over the pacific. Exhausted.
  8. I won't even click any stories that mention nj. I wonder when their schedule set up months ago will end. When will they be on their own and see the insanity of their choices? Maybe Yoon and mhj can be cell mates. on the shuttle to the airport now and will leave afternoon but arrive before I leave. I think Tae would have done a Live if there hadn't been the week of mourning.
  9. He's national champion 9 consecutive years -
  10. So when was Hobi in that studio? Busy boy. Kai chose US over Korean citizenship? That seems a curious choice. (I didn't get on ny flights - going home tomorrow -)
  11. I thought Seoul was already experiencing extremely cold weather. And it snowed today. Ouch.
  12. You guys need to cross your finger harder, Maybe finger hearts. Did not get on the first flight and waiting five hours for the next that also has only three seats open and I'm the fifth non-rev.
  13. I believe Kai has duel citizenship- so he wouldn't have to serve BUT it would kill any career in Korea.
  14. It may be in there somewhere, but it's not the opening. I'll watch later - and oddly not available in Korea on the 4th but maybe that's because my VPN was in the states. And Tae won't have time for anything more than a one episode appearance....who knows when they'd even start shooting the next season. Coffee and then Incheon. I'm a wreck. I LOVE the ARMY bomb leading. But, of course.
  15. I'd move to Korea in a heartbeat if it wasn't for my two dogs, one who is 13 1/2. Cost of living here is much better: it's safer; more civil. Of course, learning the language might be a help. (I'd also move to an affordable part of Canada, if there was one, or Scotland, or the west coast of Mexico- all in the mix. But my dogs. )
  16. I'd rather not live in trump's America.
  17. Hunger Games, Blood will flow. We just have to hope - and I do expect - that they will have multiple shows in every city they go to. Tey know they can fill the stadiums and know ARMY is beyond thirsty.. It's really a smart strategy to go with the 10th anniversary of The Most Beautiful Moment in Life> They can safely perform stuff they are familar with and ARMY will not be expecting a whole new set list. They'll be able to drop in some new stuff, a bunch of the solo work and some old favorites. Whatever- I don't care. I just need to see them.
  18. I wonder if they'll be better with 2024 sales. RPWP has to be double what Indigo was. And there will be Jimin Muse and Hobi "Hope on the Street", Tae, though Friends was really a single, and, of course, Happy. That Jungkook over 3M is for 2023 - what took them so long to announce it? The continued lack of respect us really annoying.
  19. This is so sweet -and sad, at the same time. https://www.instagram.com/p/DEOxr_oTcaG/?igsh=MWxtamtya204cmk5OQ%3D%3D
  20. And they call them a "pop" group. Not a K pop group and not a "boy band". Finally getting the recognition they deserve. I trust that the company and/or managers give them this info. And Happy New year! Sun is up and the comeback year is officially here. 💜. keeping fingers crossed I get out on my flight on Sunday- 🐇🐇🐇
  21. I read about this. BTS was performing for free and BigHit was fronting the cost of production. Yoon has been corrupt from day one. We know that BigHit can absorb the cost, but it's such BS. May he end up in prison - Here's a nice post for Tae - (and I'm still freaked out about getting home...all everything is impacted by the week of mourning. Fingers crossed....)]
  22. There has been a one week national period of mourning declared so no Tae birthday related content and all scheduled music and variety shows will not be happening. The Korea Herald says that k-pop stars have expressed condolences but I have seen only one. I'm sure that they, like everyone in the country, are still in shock.
  23. My dad, who traveled a lot, said that they happen in threes. And that it's always safest in the back of the plane. Fingers crossed for me that I get n my flight from Seoul to SFO on Sunday. Not just Boeing - they wouldn't have made the engines. That will be Roll Royce or another company. Boeing does not manufactur their own engines.
  24. It's hard to click the "heart" and like these posts. I did see video of the likely bird strike and one engine "puffing" but cannot imagine how that would have impacted the landing gear. And it only needed one engine to land. Something was up with the hydraulics- they have the black boxes but it takes weeks, minimum, to determine the cause (unless you have shrapnel holes in the fuselage because the Russians thought you were a drone and shot you out of the sky-). The mention of "bad weather" is ridiculous if you see the video. No landing gear and evidently no brakes, either. I don't understand why the pilots didn't try to turn it a little and go off the runway because they had to have seen that concrete barrier coming at them.
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