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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. I think the point is not whether you choose the music from your own cultural background, but rather whether you personally have certain connection with the music per se. The music resonates with you in certain way, and in turn you bring out that affection and understanding. When you have that feeling you would be released from the mechanic enactment abided to principal, internalizing the rhythm and melody in your body movement. The music as outside thing becomes one with you. 


    That's the idea of Zen philosophy.

  2. 29 minutes ago, 4Nessie said:


    I agree to some extend. But my opinion on music choices is a bit different maybe. I think that a skater should choose his music for some reason. To show something through that music. If you choose Irish music, than you should show something that is specific for it, otherwise you could choose anything and skate the same program to it. That's the main problem imo. Many skaters choose music that they like for some reason, but they are not able to express it fully.

    Agree, at least you need build some connection to the music you choose so you have chance to excercise your own agency in creating and performing the program.

  3. Future Music Proposal: I know it's still at the beginning of the new season but I am already thinking about the music for next season...

    I really love Joe Hisaishi's Princess Mononoke music, especially the piece of "Ashitaka and San" and "The Legend of Ashitaka". My dream program's music would be the mix of them. Although it's just my own imagination for self-satisfying, I still hope Yuzu can do more Joe Hisaishi's music. The artistic of the two are perfectly match!

  4. 17 minutes ago, Sammie said:

    I read somewhere that his family had to move because fans and reporters keep popping up at their home and the neighbors was getting disturbed by all the noise and people. 

    That's unspeakably irritating...

  5. 14 minutes ago, MeowZu said:

    I totally agree with this. Yuzu doesn't seem like the type who likes money or wealth so much. Even his family lives simply. I remember reading that they still live in their old house. He seems okay with everything for now in terms of financial stability...as long as he gets to buy expensive earphones hahahahahahahahahaha

     I am trying to picture that he gets a HUGE book-shelf-ish showcase where tons of earphones are sleeping together and waiting for their new friends to join in The Master's collection.

    The ones chosed by Master Zu are lucky enough to company with him during the competition.


    Suddenly become jealous to his earphones ; b

  6. 18 minutes ago, TallyT said:


    (Err, sorry, this got long)


    Though one has to say, that even if he hadn't managed that 2nd OGM he'd still be the biggest most glittery star of the sport... and conversely, had someone like Patrick (and this is no slur against him) done it, he  wouldn't have IMO reached the insane heights of, as you say, rock star adulation Yuzuru gets (I personally doubt that even Shoma would have quite reached it, let alone Nathan or Boyang, but I've no proof there, YMMV. Nor could they handle it as well.) Yuzuru has that unique charisma, the changeable, elusive personality, the intellect and emotional intelligence, the looks and camera-appeal, the dramatic aura/cute dorky side, the backstory with its rise from tragedy and the trouble and grief (and stumbles, which kept it all from getting even slightly predictable) along with way, the fairytale culmination last year from injury right through to crown. And he's a genuine, amazingly good person as well as a fiercely driven fighter.


    Yes, he has his faults like anyone else, but honestly, if you invented Yuzuru for a fictional hero, you'd be slapped down for him being too fantastic... it's no wonder that he's the ultimate star of skating, IMO he'd be a star in whatever field he was in, but then you marry it with a body and mind almost designed to be the perfect skater and a deep love and gift for everything that makes the sport unique, the athletic side and the artistic.


    And even the timing, with the rise of social media and the internet meaning that fans around the world can 'get together' and follow him, virtually or quite literally. I'm not about to say there won't be another skating rock star of his standing in the future - Takahashi fans did, and look what promptly happened - but they are going to find it hard to match the lightning in a crystal cage.


    We are investing our love on a actual human being, a boy who would be angry for the wrong pair of gloves, a people just like others who pursue their dream with courage.

  7. 47 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

    Some Notes about Choreography of “Origin”

    translated by: lorandomuffin


    Except for the content in 11-min interview with Shae-Lynn Bourne, I found something really interesting in this blog. (The writer, Momo, luckily had an opportunity to directly listen to Shae-Lynn after ACI, and has got the consent and some confirmation to share the post.)




    I learned a little bit Japanese early Shinto myth last week. The opening movement of ground upward is like the King Jimmu descendants from the Heaven by Sun Goddess Amaterasu and creates his earthly Kingdom. The lord of Yamato!

  8. 7 hours ago, MeowZu said:

    Has this been posted already? Hahaha look at this brat lol whoever ends up with him should definitely attend Mama Hanyu's masterclass on how to deal with Yuzu



    Yuzu: what heck?!.. where is the another one??!!Mama???!!!!!!!

  9. 7 hours ago, dotsquare said:


    My biggest fear right now is not being able to tell 4A from 3A. I'll probably mistake his 4A for the World's Highest and Longest 3A :13877886:

    I guess I began doubt myself every time when watching his 3A jumps since this season...His 4A-ish-but-not-yet 3A just drives me crazy...

  10. 3 minutes ago, TallyT said:



    As Kurt Browning said, "They screamed every time he jumped in the warmup, they screamed when he fell in the warmup, they screamed when he blew his nose with a kleenex from his Winnie the Pooh kleenex box" (actually it was a strawberry shortcake, wasn't it?)  :embSwan:

    Pooh is back!

  11. I just watched the newest version of Media-day filming of Yuzu's open practice in TTC. It's a totally different angle from previous one. And OMG it's breathtakingly beautiful. 

    He has that feeling in the practice, so don't be worried, he will bring that to the future competitions.

  12. Some funny thing: I might be totally Zen if encounter someone I really admire, in this case, Yuzu. Cuz dam...my poor vision dosen't allow me to recognize or identify any one I know. I don't wear glasses when I leave my loptop or not in classroom. And I will just past acquitence without saying hi, acting out as I never know this people, which is embarrassing and also hilarious. 

    So Yuzu won't be worried of fans like me....

  13. 9 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

    I don't have much time before I have to go to work, but I wanted to give my 2 cents to this topic.


    After having heard on Friday that it was possible to go look at the press conference, I decided to just give it a look. Going downstairs, you could, indeed, see Yuzu talking to the press in the distance, with volunteers keeping a small crowd away. But at that point, everyone was calm and just watching. It was only a few dozen people, just standing around, though more people did come. Several skaters walked by and were greeted, especially Jun and Jason - and Jason was the greatest sweetheart as a few minutes later he was talking to people and taking pictures and hugging and being super friendly - and it would have been nice to see Yuzu walk by, though I had serious doubts it'd work as well. There was no real security, just a few volunteers that would have likely been trampled if fans got crazy. Personally, I would have just liked to say otsukare or omedetou, but keep a respectful distance. I also admit I was ready to start grabbing at people if I felt they were trying to get intrusive. Then, after a few minutes, somehow word got around that he wasn't going out through there - which really made a lot more sense; even with people calm, it did not feel safe at all for him to walk through there - and quite a lot of people rushed outside. I kind of tagged along, but then it was like: you know what, he's obviously avoiding the crowds, so nevermind. And then I saw Jason was still there and hang around a few minutes until he left.


    While there, I saw Ghislain many times, but only shared a smile. I ran into Vanessa and Morgan as they went to grab some food and drinks and also just smiled and said Hi - because it was weird to pretend I didn't know who they were - and saw lots of other skaters, but I didn't want to bother any of them, so I just left them alone. Satoko walked right in front of me, for example. And even ran into the Pumpkin King at Fortino's and was tempted to ask him to let me take a picture of him with the mountains of pumpkins there, but didn't.


    Honestly, there were plenty of crazy people. I don't know how much they showed on TV about the craziness of going inside on Friday or how many satellites were there, but it was crazy. I was actually staying a bit behind because there was a lady with a cane and I was really worried she might get knocked over. So I'm not surprised they got intrusive with Yuzu... I honestly expected him to always come and leave secretly. I was really surprised that didn't always happen. But I guess the organizers had no idea just how crazy things could get.


    It's really a matter of self control, though. When he came out on Thursday, I was right by the skaters entrance and my first thought - really weird, too, because duh? - was that he's just a normal guy. A kid, really. And yet there's all this craziness about him. Of course, then he took to the ice and you could see that ok, he's not just any kid, but every time he came close, I had these two thoughts: one that he really is beautiful, and the other that he's just so normal. But speaking of self control, I was at a concert just before ACI and was front row and there was a small catwalk right next to me, with no barriers whatsoever. The guys in the band were literally next to me and I could have pawed them to my heart's content. But it was instantly: no, they're doing this because they trust us to respect them and not hurt them, so I won't do that. Instead, I held my hands up. If they wanted to initiate contact, great. But I won't just grab at them. (There was a girl next to me that did give one of them a butt squeeze and I was honestly so shocked I didn't get to react, or else I would have stopped her... that was just incredibly rude...)


    Anyway, on the other hand, I don't think it's fair to put fans who are only into FS because of Yuzu in the same category as the intrusive crazy fangirls. I admit I wouldn't be watching FS if not for Yuzu and don't really watch if he's not in it. But I do respect other skaters and at ACI, I found myself genuinely wishing everyone would do well - even though I was sure a clean Jun would beat Yuzu. Just because Yuzu is my only reason for watching figure skating, it doesn't mean I don't respect the others or that I only support him because of his looks. So there are more nuances to it than just FS fans vs Yuzu fans.

    So I'd suggest every one of us need to be Zen, and internalize the Zen philosophy : )

  14. 31 minutes ago, Xen said:

    I don't like the idea of Yuzu fans being more of a cult than an actual FS fan group, but realistically, there's not a whole lot you can do. There are quite a bit of Yuzu fans who are involved only for him, and nothing else. And while we bemoan about it, let's face up to the fact majority of us who do follow FS overall, even we won't follow FS with as much dedication if he stops competing. Personally I might still watch, but going to live competitions might take lower priority than say, normal life obligations. =(


    However, there are people who have somewhat converted to being FS fans and also follow other skaters, due to being introduced to FS via Yuzu.

    Agree...I see some radical fans are easily get evoked and behave really rude simply because of some objective evaluations on Zu's skating...that's basically personal cult....

  15. I just found my favorite professor also like figure skating!!!! 


    So it's my class for Easy Asian Religion and Philosophy. Today we are engaging in the philosophy of Daosim which I think can directly found the similar implication in Yuzu's personal philosophy. We talk about like there is always a higher way, a superior way to do thing. And my professor uses the example of skating to illustrate that only when you internalize the external skills, the skill can become the one with you, the integral part of you as a whole. That's exactly what Yuzu mentioned in previous interviews that how techniques and artistic should be harmonized and become part of your body-mind.


    thank you Yuzu! You are such inspirational not for my life but also for my learning!


    And my professor is just awesom! I bet she watched Yuzu's omlypic competition!!!



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