Here are some random thoughts about Yuzu receiving the Japanese greatest honors. At the very beginning when I heared about this breaking news, I had some concerns about all the pressure Yuzu would undertake for now and in future. And to be honest, I am glad and simultaneously sad for his reward. The reason is that, as his announcement explicitly says, being an ordinary is never what people expect from him. I personally do not hope the one I like and admire has to be an outstanding existence and whose life must meet some standards and expectations so people can look up to. I'd love to see my idol lives as a normal person whose private life would not be intervened by too much outside viewings.
I still hold this point.
But I come to realize that people who live with honors and responsibilities actually have their own agenda and mission, with all the courage and determination that makes themselves unbreakable. Even sometimes his insistence makes him trapped into hard situations and being vulnerable to others' judgement, those are the cost of being what he want to be and achiving what he pursues to achieve. Just think about my own experience and a full heart of passion and courage I gain in the pursuit of my own dream, I can totally understand that feeling of being proud of taking responsibility for yourself and others. And that feeling can actually empower you.