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Posts posted by Anzi

  1. 9 hours ago, vanadiezz said:

    I will share a lil bit of my experience with the commentators and my take on it then.


    As a new-ish fan with limited background info on FS I do rely on commentators to gain some additional insights and information from a performance. That is why, up until now, I enjoy ITA ESP and Kurt's (even with all his talk about Pooh bear :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:).  


    Also, I can understand the criticism on how commentators should say unbiased things. I do not recall listening to the debated BESP commentary, but I do remember being puzzled when I watched Spanish commentaries back from GPF 2011 where the lady said Yuzuru has juniorish skate (CMIIW, I might confuse it with another competition, it was from his early years though). I also remember looking for another source to confirm about the said juniorish skate comment and find it to be untrue. 


    Biased commentary is a double-edged sword:

    When a fan (especially a well-informed one) get it there can be criticism. I suppose that is the main reason why BESP toned down their bias.

    For a not well-informed one fan like me, it will just give an opportunity to learn more about Yuzu. And I think this can be considered as a positive outcome.  

    For antis, it will just serve as weapon. We can see how they will use it as a justification and spread comments about "xx said yy about skater A" and so on.

    But on indifferent people, it will just a passing information that will soon be forgotten. I don't really think some indifferent people will go on spreading criticism about some athletes. They got better things to do with their time. 


    Thus, I think it will just serve as a proof that people will see (and hear) what they want to see and hear. 


    (Note: you can replace biased commentary with "facts" and it will still have the same outcome. Bizzare, isn't it? :13877886:)



    TL;DR this is the internet era. There are so many source of information out there and when people are interested enough they will find additional information and avoid the unreliable one (reliable one here being relative to their preference, of course :14066882:). Now, should BESP give a valid commentary? Well they damn should at least try if they don't want to be considered incompetent by FS fans.  

    That's why I love ITA, cuz they will first make a fair judgement and provide very details on Yuzu's performance, and begin gush at the END of his program. No bias, no misinformation, but sincere congratulations. Period.

  2. 3 hours ago, Erin said:

    There's a true fanyu right there. 

    Ok I remember the ITA esp commentor Max or another one(I can't distinguish them right now) who once, after Yuzu's 2015 NHK Trophy, said to be a good skater you need first to learn how to jump. Clearly this young girl has been dealing with some difficult jumps and adding them into her program. But let me interpret Max's classical quot in this way: to learn how to jump is not just to nail it but to perform it with heigh quality, and there is no exception for landing a good jump without years of efforts. As I noticed, the new generation of figure skaters are trying different jumps and are able to do so at their really young age, which is a undoubtably good. However, being persistent to practice every jump until it is no way to be better and being humble to keep challenging your limit are the true spirits of skating behind your program, and that's never a easy job. So keep calm and carry on, young people have a long way to go.

  3. 8 hours ago, vanadiezz said:

    So we're back to costume discussion? :68468287:


    I 'forced' two of my non-FS-fan male friends to watch and comment on several of Yuzu's programs.


    The result is as follows (not surprising):

    - Seimei Olympics: great program, great costume, impressed with the sincerity of Yuzu's bow to the fans.

    - Hope and Legacy: show off (since he opened it with quad loop), dislike the white shoulder patch, got chill near the end of the program. Very impressed with the performance.

    - Notte Stellata: almost close down the YouTube after 10 seconds due to the deep V in the costume, like the single axel and the triple axel.

    - Let's Go Crazy: Purple? Prince? Get me outta here (in his own words).




    The guy with an absolutely straight mind...

  4. 9 hours ago, getsurenka said:

    It says here that Yuzu had overcome his small appetite since Sochi period, and is able to finish the mealsets they prepared for him now. Now he is able to consume 3000kcal per day, which helps with his recovery. 


    Haha, good job Yuzu. He also says he now finds his costumes to be tighter around his hip area lol.

    3000cal....I only eat one third of the quota, but as an athlete this portion seems very standard.   

  5. 1 hour ago, micaelis said:

    With all this talk about new programs I think many of us are missing something very important here, and that is how much of one of Yuzu's programs nowadays is already put together before he starts working with a choreographer.  The key here is that he edits his own music and has said that while he is editing it he is building his program.  The question is how much of that program is already there before he starts dealing with his choreographer?  I imagine that in those days when he was first learning how to edit the music what he brought to his choreographers was much more a rough sketch.  In this day and age I have a suspicion that what he's presenting to them is much more filled in and they are basically helping him to tweak it to the kind of perfection he wants when competing, although I feel also that if a choreographer makes some suggestions that would significantly alter what he's put together he will genuinely think over the suggestions.  Yuzu's goal is a perfect program and anything that someone else offers in suggestion will not be ignored simply to satisfy his ego.  He wants perfection and will take it wherever he finds it.


    The crucial thing here is that from when he first identifies the music he wants to use he takes charge of what he plans to skate.  I'm not sure how many skaters have that much initial control and, more importantly, that much ability to envision what they want in the end.  In many ways as I've learnt more about Yuzu's control of his programs I'm beginning to think that coaching might not be as attractive to him post-retirement as choreographing might be, maybe even choreographing entire ice shows.  In addition to the competition business I think that Yuzu has show-business in his blood also.  We saw that in his own ice show this spring.  Moreover, coming of age in the era of the internet there are ways to succeed in ice shows in terms of profitability that go well beyond the event that takes place in an arena.  Yuzu is media-savvy, indeed, savvy enough to avoid the pitfalls of involvement with social media by not getting involved at all.  He's a young man who very much knows his own mind and is quite capable of thinking outside the box.


    Just look at his skating in the ice shows.  Because of his endorsement income Yuzu doesn't need the ice show income.  He must by now be one of the wealthiest of currently competing figure-skaters.  He's skating in the shows to give himself more experience in seeing how they are put together and also to keep his visibility-level high and sustain his fan interest.  I really expect to see more shows like Continues with Wings in future years.  He might already be planning the next one.


    To get back to my main point, however, I think Yuzu has a major advantage in the fact that he is basically in charge of his programs from the first initial idea to the finished product.  His programs are truly a part of him, not something handed to him by others.  This gives them a unity that those skaters skating programs that are essentially sequences of moves handed over to them by others.  This is not to say that other skaters do not have some input into their programs but I really do think that, given all we've learned over time, Yuzu's programs have attained their excellence because they are basically products of his own imagination and creativity.  I would add also that it seems to me that Yuzu has a sensitivity to music and an innate ability to envision how certain moves may be linked to music he's considering.  One other thing, Yuzu understands the way scores are made and accumulated.  He is in many respects a master at gaming the system.  He is a strategist and like I've said before, when it comes to putting together all the elements needed to achieve success on the ice, he's playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers.


    Remember, though!  All this is speculation on my part, coming together by making connections of little snippets of information drawn from many different sources.  In short, I could be wrong on all this, but I figured it's worth giving a shot to get these ideas out for others to think over.

    Some of skaters, if not most, follow the order of their coaches, doing what choreographs have taught them to do and merely performing other people's interpretation of the music instead of interpreting and feeling the music in their own ways.

  6. 5 hours ago, LadyLou said:


    But also #relatable :laughing:


    Yesterday I would have said this:

    it will be hard for someone else to break the FS WR  (that was probably the most vulnerable till the rule change that cut 1 jump and BV) because the simulations (in General skating chat) show FS scores will probably be lower on average, plus being completely clean on FS is usually harder (and now mistakes will be more costly). So if there will be a new WR, it would likely be in SP. That said, other skaters would need much higher GOE than what they got till now, because they need more than their 'old' PB... not impossible of course (Nathan is usually better at SP too), but still quite hard. And I don't think judges will be gifting WRs left and right in post-olympic season and with rule change.


    What I say today:

    With the GOE judges are giving in minor local competitions (and to junior skaters too, like in Korean test skates for JGP), well,  it looks like judges are stile eager for inflation, so who the heck knows :dpooh:

    Totally agree! before the rule changed, the judges already inflated the score in WC2018...I mean look at Mr. Chen's programs and his overmarked score...seriously?! I am not criticizing but compare his execution and program quality with Yuzu's, I don't think there is only 4-point gap between them.

  7. 9 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:

    I just had a heart attack after seeing this on Twitter and ran over to check before I read it. Trolled. :facepalm:





    Just a clarification in case anyone turns up and is disappointed. It's not a Hanyu photo exhibition but will feature a (or possibly some?) photo(s) of him. It's called something like "The power of athletes who want to spread their wings throughout the world - sports journalism photographic exhibition."

     This faux news is just so hilarious! I can't stop laughing, the announcement from the two-Olym-champion-badass was covered by some fliers, who did that and HOW DARE YOU! what the heck is Chopin let's go gravy on Parisienne walkway? the Victory Show of "all my shine custom with the end of purple sin"?  Hahahhahahaha!

  8. 3 hours ago, Moria Polonius said:


    It'd be nice if they edited it without the aerial camera...*never satisfied* *grumble grumble*


    Does anyone know where I can find the Olympic FS event from NBC, the one with Tara and Johnny? I've got Yuzu's performance, but I'd like to see the others. NBC had better edit.

    Remember his EX Swan program in Olympic official edition? Awkward aerial camera plus horrible half-body biellmann spinning🙃

  9. 20 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


    Omg when I watch the Worlds Saitama, I probably already know the result of my phd application. This season might cross the most challenging time in my life. Hope everything goes well for both me and Yuzu🙏🙏🙏

  10. 1 hour ago, KatjaThera said:

    I really like Patrick in that... now I kind of want to see all nice Yuzu and Patrick moments. Since they were such fierce rivals (and there was quite a bit of drama), it's really nice to see them getting along!

    There is a song to describe the relationship between P Chen and Yuzu since the later one took over the lead in FS in 2015( maybe earlier?): We Don't Talk Anymore : )

  11. 1 hour ago, micaelis said:

    I think it's impossible to figure out how many headphones Yuzu has.  For me an intriguing question is how many Poohs does he have.  We know, of course, of the one that is rinkside (except at the Olympics) every time he skates competitively.  I cannot help but think, however, that he might take one Pooh home from every skate, keeping it as a 'people's trophy' reflecting the judging of those in the stands.  In choosing which one to take after each competition I think he might opt for one of a type he doesn't have yet.  There will never be a shortness of variety when choosing.  It makes me wonder, also, if he has a display case for the Poohs either at his apartment in Toronto or his home in Sendai.  There is, however, an alternative theory, that being that he takes none of them, reserving the place of honor for his tissue-box Pooh.

    pooh troop occupied his bed already.

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