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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. As it's a student thesis, the most likely place to get it is from Waseda itself. Usually university libraries keep a copy of every successful thesis by the university's students. That's my guess anyway.
  2. At the very very bottom of the page, you'll see the Twitter bird and underneath that, 2 dropdown menus and a link: Language, Theme, and Contact Us. Click the drop down for 'Theme" and it should show you a list of all the banners. Select the one you want and you should be good to go. It changed automatically for me once I selected it from the menu. The new Heaven and Earth banner is truly spectacular, by the way! Congrats to those who made it.
  3. While I was reading that part of the interview, I kept on thinking about his thesis and the motion capture idea...I wonder if it has occurred to Yuzu to try using motion capture technology to analyze his 4A attempts? Also, with the right set of coding skills, someone could probably create a computer model of an 'ideal' 4A and Yuzu could use that as his guideline for image training.
  4. Yes, Yuzu went second last and brought the house down with PW. Then, even though Yuzu is the toughest act to follow, Piper and Paul were still able to keep everyone glued to their seats and spellbound with Starry Night. It was a huge testament to their talent as performers, honestly. Anyway, about the skaters having a show off session after galas and ice shows: I have no idea how it got started but it's a pretty established tradition now. It depends on whether organizers are willing to allow skaters the time for it or not, though. Some places turn on the lights pretty quick to get everyone off the ice sooner. And as far as I can tell there's no real 'pecking order' to it, it's just whoever wants to show off. I think the other skaters encourage Yuzu and egg him on to do spectacular things a lot, though. They all seem to delight in watching him.
  5. Didn't he say in one of his Worlds interviews that his weight gain was strictly due to training the 4A? He said he wasn't doing any extra workouts, but his upper body built up naturally from the effort of trying to hold the rotations for the 4A so often. If he's eating more, my guess is that the extra he eats is protein only, not only to build muscle, but also to aid recovery from the bruising effects of repeatedly throwing oneself at the ice.
  6. All we can do is wish him success. Our positive energy reaches him, he's said. So let's be positive.
  7. I'm not scared, but I am a little concerned. It sounds like Yuzu really is doing the FS version of climbing Everest for the first time...and as every mountain climber knows, the higher you ascend and the closer you get to your goal, the greater the risk. However, if he's jumped it a 1000 times without landing it once, that means that Yuzuru Hanyu has gotten really, really, really good at crash-landing without injuring himself. Probably what they call a mixed blessing, but maybe it means we don't need to worry quite so much. Maybe.
  8. Oh, I just saw that and came to post the tweet: Looks like Yuzu's life as a beauty influencer ain't over yet! This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  9. I thought of him the second I saw the new design. I hope he got one, too.
  10. And that's a big part of why I assumed Citizen designed this watch with male fanyu in mind. I'm not saying women can't or won't wear them and I know it's a stylish trend for women to wear men's size watches. I'm saying that, looking at that watch, my estimate is that the designer had men in mind. To each their own when it comes to watches. I personally think the big ones get in the way at every turn, catch on things, and are altogether a pain in the neck to wear and wearing one would not be my choice.
  11. It looks too large for most female wrists. I'm a large lady myself and something that size would be far too big even on my wrist. The colour scheme isn't necessarily boyish, although for my own taste I'd like more red and gold, but that combo definitely would suit menswear. and by big, I mean, it will be awkward to wear, kind of big.
  12. You misunderstood what I said entirely. I see no point in continuing to talk to you. You are simply here to say hurtful things about someone you don't even know. I'm putting you on 'ignore'.
  13. Looks like they realized there are male fanyus. That's a man's watch if I ever saw one, or at least designed to appeal to a male audience.
  14. And do you think Yuzu would appreciate you disrespecting his coach this way? No matter what you may think of Orser, he is the coach that Yuzu himself personally chose. Yuzu could have any coach in the world that he wants - or all of them at once - but he has stuck with Brian all this time. Year after year, Yuzu chooses of his own free will to return to Brian and TCC. It is his own decision Therefore it is wrong of any of Yuzu's fans to disrespect Brian. If you disrespect Brian, it's the same as disrepecting Yuzu and criticizing his decisions and choices. It's not supporting Yuzu at all.
  15. and frankly there's no mud to throw in this case. Brian has stated on several occasions that he follows Yuzu's lead. If Yuzu wants more from Brian, he only has to ask directly.
  16. Toronto is the current hot spot of Canada's third wave. Yuzu is far better off in Japan at the moment, although things may change by July, which is when TCC normally reconvenes for the new season, I believe. So Yuzu doesn't have to make a decision right away. Still though, considering the way some of Brian's past students have left with little warning, the uncertainty must be painful for him, I think he genuinely regards Yuzu with great affection and misses him.
  17. ....hopefully at a more affordable price!
  18. Since it doesn't seem likely that I'll be able to travel to Beijing, I surely do hope that Yuzu will go to Milano! But it seems a bit premature to speculate on it.
  19. Oh, 100%!! In fact, this whole issue opened my eyes to the fact that a lot of ways of communicating that we Canadians take for granted actually do sound very inappropriate and rude to people in other countries, even other English speakers. Pretty ironic for a country that prides itself on being polite! I can only say this: when it's the CBC, assume goodwill. They might sound bad, but they definitely don't have any malice in their hearts.
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