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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. It's a literal representation of my heart: A Hanyu shaped hole just like @¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...
  2. This is pretty much it. I doubt anyone is going to love him less if that happens, or that anyone is going to really doubt about his capacity (sure, the media might want to play up with that but the people that matters always knows better). It comes down to our inability to cope with his sad, defeated face You'll be fine, so will be the FS team if they decide to go together. I speak as a very anxious individual who had never been on a plane before september and decided that a 6hour long flight was the best thing to fly for the first time lmao. And i've read a lot about plane crashes so i totally expected to have a full blown panic attack as soon as we encountered the tiniest bit of turbulence. It's hard to bring down a plane (And i'm going to stop bc it's kinda off topic lol, the thing is, planes are safe, fear isn't rational but try to think that they're made to be up in the air!) Everyone should become my avatar and then i'd die
  3. スワンの頭がちょっと変だと思います そうです~来年のカレンダーも買いました
  4. pilot error is the most common cause of crashes and stuff in recent years. If you die in a plane crash then your number was up, because they are very very very rare. Also, that wasn't a commercial plane, was it? They will face the collective wrath of the Evil Fanyus. "Score is score. My performance is my performance" i didn't want to say this ugh but what i meant about me only wanting to see him happy even if the results aren't ideal was something like Mao's FS in Sochi. So it can happen. If that medal doesn't go to its rightful owner, it's not the end of the world: He will overcome that and just imagine the kuyashii from that. His next performance might be mind blowing, and those are the kind of performances that people hold in their hearts forever and go straight to the history books (though for me every performance of him is precious) He has nothing to prove, he really wants it but i'm sure that if it doesn't happen, he will find another goal to conquer and we will be there to watch him show the world why he is so admired as a skater. I really want to see him shine like the sun at the top of that podium, because i want him happy and maybe a bit of a selfish reason too: it will make me tremendously happy to see him achieve that dream again. But i trust him: whatever happens, he will find another goal and we won't be disappointed (not that he owes us anything). I feel really shitty now, i feel a bit bad because one of the reasons is that it's hard to accept i won't be able to watch him skate until next year, and also because he must be feeling terrible (his murderface must be epic rn) so yeah... It's been hitting me hard. It sucks because there's nothing we can do but hope that he feels we're wishing for his recovery and happiness and... wait.
  5. Planes are equipped with a lot of redundancy mechanisms. Catastrophic failures are very rare nowadays, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
  6. I was thinking more about the fact that he's pretty but some people don't like tight pants... especially duochrome pants which make all folds and stuff really evident.
  7. Somehow it makes me think that on those days no one wants to do business with 4Lo...
  8. i think of his spins as girls but his jumps are boys The idea of his jumps being girls is amusing and i like it but they feel like boys to me Am i anthropomorphizing his jumps and spins? Yes, yes i am. Also, i stopped having expectations of gold medals. I believe he's fully capable of doing it, and if it doesn't happen it will be bc of stuff he can't control. But my only expectation is to see him satisfied with his performance, which yeah, we could argue it will only happen if he gets the gold. Don't want to jinx l o l but i just want to see him happy. I miss him tons, god damnit, pls bb i hope you are slowly coming back to your usual self. Pls kill us with your murderface in PC
  9. With the cranes and the swans, i imagine the origami god buried in prayers because of us lmao Shameless self promotion:
  10. "Pressure daisuki" And lutz doesn't want to stretch?
  11. I'd love to see him but i only want him to be in a good condition so i don't care if i die because i can't yuzusynthesize, as long as he is ok
  12. Yeah, i don't care about him WD as long as he is on the path to recovery. What pagan gods do i have to pray to to ask for a good mental condition for him?
  13. Apparently yes... Not that it was unexpected at this point... God i just hope he's okay
  14. One of my aunts was looking at my Proud Evil Fanyu from Pooh Hell™ display case and she kept observing the cover of ice jewels. "You know, I'm realizing that looking at Yuzuru calms me." She looked at me and quickly added "No, I don't like him. It's just that I feel peace when I see his face, like here: he's expressionless but it's calming. Or here" pointing to the back cover of Aoi Honoo 2 "His smile heals the heart" she looked at the clear files too. "He's just calming." She turned to me very concerned and asked "is that normal? Is it normal that he makes you feel that way?" Bear in mind she used to criticize him for being "too girly" , but she was completely serious about this. She then saw the calendar on the wall with lgc Yuzu and said "oh my God, I hadn't looked at that... "
  15. I was watching two videos from practice that my mom took and i am crying
  16. i just received a high quality scan of this and now i come here and see it guys you don't really want me alive do you
  17. tbh the hairdo he used for the actual program is better than this one... Let bb do his own hair, he might not know how to pick a suit that fits and how to tie a tie but damnn does he know how to style his hair
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