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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Yuzu, trying to keep us cacti alive:
  2. Oh look, he gently sprayed us cacti so we don't die
  3. That is if i can fall asleep. She was laughing when i saw it hanging on the wall and i had to look away because those eyes.... (omg do it) Also my birthday is next week haha january baby, i get presents either on christmas or my birthday lol
  4. the koala was a gift from my cousin haha for some reason she wanted me to keep it
  5. She told me to send her the picture bc she wanted it as bg for her phone then we went to the print shop today and picked this thing and cue the whale noises when i saw it...
  6. So... i got my Christmas/Birthday present from my mom... right in front of my bed, how am i supposed to sleep now...
  7. swan febreze, yes please. What does it smell like, tho.... lemon and chocolate?
  8. i was looking at UK history in wikipedia how did i end up in Yuzu's article again please make the pain stop
  9. When i go to Japan, if i see something like that welcoming me, going back will be even harder. I would have to be removed from the country by force
  10. i'm bored at work and felt like squishing myself to oblivion so i watched it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. that doesnt look like yuzu tho... but that's what it says? i'm urious, i wanna know the story too lol
  12. it sucks to be a january bb hahaha Thank youuu aaah i can't wait haha, i'll post pics when i get it
  13. (since it will arrive after the holidays i'll take it as birthday present too hahaha THANK YOUUUU) can i steal this gift too for when he comes back
  14. Don't be ! The worst that can happen is that Prime Minister Pooh sends to you the PCS or paprika fields for the holidays
  15. WHY ARE THE SHIKIGAMI QUADS NAKED (also awww lookie at sleeping zuzu with his totally real medal next to him) ETA: Still 24th here but merry christmas (or as i'm saying in spanish, Feliz NaviDARKS"
  16. to be honest i would be happy to receive anything from anyone here just knowing how i was able to connect to so many people thanks to our dear Trollzuru and that it allowed me to receive a little something for the holidays from someone that otherwise i would have never known is the best part of the gift imo
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