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Everything posted by Hydroblade

  1. Yuzu: Brianbrianbrianbrian I saw this video of you Brian: [oh god what did he see] [Sees the video, looks up from the screen and looks at Yuzu's glittering eyes] Yuzu: Can you teach me how to keep on being able to do things like that when i'm old? [Brian's hair vanishes] Brian:... Wait who are you calling old [Yuzu is already jumping far away from him]
  2. Don't forget he made Minoru Sano skate Trollzuru must have used that to gather more data about it ETA: I just got paid and first thing i did was to order a CiONTU shirt and one of the clear files (guess which one)
  3. For the sake of maintaining the Order of the Universe, at least one of those has to be fake.
  4. Yuzu: "Hello Brian, i brought some friends to play. Can they stay for dinner? We will we have axels for dinner.Triples and quads"
  5. that's like getting private likes on twitter, i always get paranoid
  6. Hey, there are some pretty funny people here. As comforting as it is to think about him only lurking jpn twitter, imagine him chuckling to the Yuzuticons [plot twist, he joined under a fake email+completely innocuous username and has posted at least once] We're full of love for him so should he lurk here once in a blue moon, i'm sure it would bring a smile to his face The spike in the searching Yuzu's fault for googling it too much
  7. Reading is easier than speaking, and he seems to understand English quite well actually, he's quick to react It still represents an extra effort and that combined with him having more important things to do, I doubt he's a lurker here (but if you are, hi~ we love you,応援しています〜)
  8. Ot but to those wondering if Yuzu knows of the site, I'm 90% sure that he does. I told Tracy about it at ACI and in the message with the swans I included that everyone on the Planet Hanyu site would be cheering for him
  9. Waaah! Lots of new members Welcome I hope you enjoy your stay in this crazy orbit and don't hesitate to ask stuff! You join just in time, soon we will have streaming parties for the three days of CiONTU: And there's the thread for Fantasy On Ice (FaOI) because Yuzu will be there for some shows: If there's a planned broadcast we will provide the voodoo to watch it ETA: There's also a streaming party being planned, to watch Yuzu's major competitions from previous years here is the info:
  10. it's ok, the drought is starting to affect us
  11. please stop stealing my songs, Yazunori
  12. Happy 1st Anniversary! Thank you so much to all of you who make this place so nice Those sleepless nights at the beginning were worth it now that i see how much we've grown and how nice this place has become. I hope we get more years of a thousand deaths by Hanyu Also, @Geo1 i hope you feel better soon! Let's meet again in Vancouver
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