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Everything posted by Winnie_20

  1. Enjoying all the new programs, hopefully discover some “new” music I can get obsessed with etc.
  2. Oh no, what happened to Jorik? And does Kevin Reynolds now have two assignments?! I thought he was going to retire... wow! *happy*
  3. I adored Denis Ten, one of my favorite skaters gone far too soon and for nothing. Such a tragedy. According to his wiki, he was gifted a car by the mayor of Almaty after his bronze Sochi medal. The horrible irony doesn’t escape me...
  4. I guess they all saw Trusova’s scores and suddenly realized they *really* need to step up their game. ;-) Unfortunately I probably won’t be able to see the JGPs live this year. Maybe I should block a couple of weeks in October for solid straight JGP catching-up...
  5. Wow!!! I had no idea so many youngsters are trying 3A or quads. JGP is going to be such a delight to watch!
  6. As well he should, with it being in Japan. Go for it, Dice! <--- this coming from someone who died with joy at seeing Kazuki Tomono skate the skate of his career so far at Worlds. But I love all Japanese skaters. No exceptions. So, yeah, let's see the return of the wonderful Dice! May the best man win Nats, may the best three men get to Worlds, and may we all enjoy the beauty that is Japanese skating by even more incredible skaters than we already thought we would this season. Hurah!!! pssst Hey Mao-chan and Takahiko Kozuka, wanna give it a shot, too? For my sake? Make my year? ;-)
  7. I will see it before I believe it. And if he does make it onto the competition ice at, say, NHK or even Nats... *dies*
  8. Attending FS events in other countries is a luxury I can afford now (and I work hard for it) and when I do, I go all the way (well, up to a certain level; I do not need VIP treatment with booze and pay a gazillion bucks extra for something I don't drink or will use, like a lounge... also, in Milan my non-VIP seat was better than the VIP seats, so there's that too, hahahaha). A hotel or good apartment with everything present, I will happily pay for. I do not want to talk to people I don't know or who don't share my hobbies; I do enough of that at work, and I'm on holiday. ;-) No offense, I'm sure it's a good idea for some, but I'd never give it a second of thought now. I always prefer staying in/near the city. I'm not going to, ahem, sightsee the skaters, when the enter or exit the arena, when they enter their hotel etc. I will also not pull all-nighters or get up at 3 am to try and get practice seats, so no reason to be next to the rink. The good shopping is in the city, not at the arena. ;-) Public transport is always convenient enough, Helsinki pt has so many fast options. Most of the hotels near the rinks are ridiculously expensive; but sometimes not that great, you just pay for the location. You can usually do much better nearer to the city, and cheaper. I remember in Barcelona, some hotels at the convention center were sooooo expensive... but didn't even have coffee/tea facilities in the room. Thanks but no thanks. I adore Marin, but... If Marin is still the way she was this past season, she has no right to podium, anyway. I saw her at the Challenge Cup (read: aside from the Japanese ladies, no high-level senior ladies worth mentioning IIRC), she was, what, 11th in the SP?! That was not the brilliant Marin Honda as we knew her from Juniors. She ended up third... behind Wakaba... but also behind Rika Hongo (!).
  9. Now that would be REALLY impressive. I don't think even Yuzu could pull that off.
  10. Helsinki, come on, you know you want to! We'll make it work, somehow, everybody who wants good seats gets good seats. I have a good track record at getting tickets in on-line ticket sales. (knock on wood)
  11. I just looked at the list expecting to see a lot of Junior pairs moving up... but actually surprised to see very few of those, mainly some ex-Junior Russians pairs. Who are really good, IIRC. edit: or, wait a minute... *looks confused* Maybe I'm mixing up some names. lol. So confused, all the names are more or less familiar. Have some already been on the Senior circuit? Or maybe I've just been watching too many Russian nationals... *blush*
  12. I'm so confused right now. Why is SC getting to reveal all this stufff?
  13. Because they paid a gazilion dollars for the opportunity to tell the world that they're getting Yuzu.
  14. Surprise twist, the Netherlands have claimed the missing GP *and* Hanyu in exchange for not bidding against Sweden at the Worlds 2021. hey, a girl can dream...
  15. *wishes all these skaters sitting out the GP series could give their seats to some awesome Juniors instead* Sorry, what is it we were talking about? Oh yes, an end to this madness..., is in sight!!!
  16. Looks like I made it through one work outing / dinner event thing without the fandom exploding with GP news. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be the same.
  17. Awesome, thanks! I looked it up, and it looks like the kind of cheese I would enjoy very, very much. (I'm a huge fan of soft French cheeses; much better than all those hard boring Dutch cheeses.). I usually live pretty much on baguette and French cheeses when in France, if there is little time to sit down and have proper meals. One day down, how many more to go until this madness ends? Today I already spent a lot of time checking the websites for news, and we didn't even get an announcement for the CoC replacement city. *groan*
  18. I’ll take any chance I can get to eat French baguette and camembert. And escargots!
  19. It probably doesn't get much easier than from London, actually. Eurostar to Paris, (maybe switch train stations by direct metro if the Eurostar arrives at Gare du Nord instead of Gare de Lyon) TGV to Grenoble. Not saying it's the fastest option, mind, but it's definitely not complicated. Unless French public transportation are on strike, which they've been doing an awful lot these past few months. *cringe* Then it gets very complicated. And a direct flight is always easier, of course, *grin* but then most flights probably go to Lyon, not Grenoble.
  20. ... meh. I don't really feel the urge to return to Milano so soon. Then again, it might be a safer choice than Grenoble. *mutters something about HUGE strikes in the French public transport sector*
  21. Awww... So close by and yet so far! (I’m in WA state then). I’d love to see the Ladies! Still, at least it’s a better timezone than China. ;-)
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