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Everything posted by VyVy99

  1. Talking about taking things for granted
  2. LP All I ever wanted. Secrets that you keep. All you ever wanted. The truth I couldn't speak I LOVE how people makes it sound like it's Just Another 4 Years of hard work media craze pressure and possible injuries and he should decide by a nod or a shake of the head 2 months after his 2nd OGM.
  3. 2014: My OGM... This will not happen again. 2018: Handshake it is.
  4. You've just reached out a hand and save my poor heart from a dramatic fall there that somehow came out bit creepy
  5. It looks more fitted here when he's walking though Let's hope he doesn't decide to give up one day after all these attempts and goes back to this ÉT: I bet Alex's gonna be shook when he sees this on the internet today Stop reading my mind
  6. I think you are talking about a different taking off jacket, it's during an interview with Akiko here: Whereas Sparkle was talking about this well known killer bite-zipp-strip: Either way
  7. I don't think so.. I mean what type of buttler will he be, stealing the spotlight from every possible object or person in the house Well performance wise I like it more as the season goes of course, because he's more tuned with the program and indeed looks more and more confident, he practically owns it by GPF. But appearance wise I like him in white more, hence my forever struggle between PPOS and WPOH
  8. Banoctopooh I don't know if I should feel proud or creeped out since I've suggested you all the identities needed Now that you mention, I realise this pic is such a beautiful personified Yuzu version of the Japanese flag If that's the correct way to describe in English...
  9. The timing must be good because I have my last college entrance exam on 25th.... Bless me I was SO SURE this is gonna happen when he did this GUYS. I've just realised. Where is Sparkle?? What has become of her??? Did she not survive the tongue and lips??? Oh Sparkle give us a sign, a banana, an octopus, a Pooh, anything.
  10. Here I am strolling along every other threads because I don't even dare to go near the General thread while I'm having exams I've heard and seen him a couple of times on the internet, some public pages posts little cuts of him fooling around and it was very cute. But public pages usual posts for fun and they didn't even credit him properly, didn't mention any of his inhumane achievements. So back then I thought that, "Oh, just another good looking guy, probably popular cuz he looks cute." Pls understand I don't believe anyone is that perfect to be smart and beautiful and ahtletic like he really is It was end of 16-17 season, one otaku friend posted his picture wearing the H&L costume and said how she came to like him after discovering YOI, and I saw the line "11 World Records". I was struck by how good he looks in that costume but mostly, I get it that "This is no ordinary pretty face." I went to watch every video and digg up everything I could find about him. Honestly it only took one video of Hope and Legacy for me to fall completely for him That program really speaks who he is, because I could already feel his complex and charismatic being just by watching it, I feel his unbelievable confidence and manliness under all the tenderness and sensitivity expressed in the performance. In short. I've been dead from then till now And I so badly wish I was dead much earlier...
  11. White Samaaaaa I'll be forever *cough cough* faithful to yuuu. Though please understand if I go nuts over Purple Sama as you're not there Srsl though White LGC Yuzu also had his hair brushed back for a while how can you guys forget
  12. When he says this, that song "I. See. You.~" rings in my ears and I'm a pile of goo (again) I don't remember exactly from where but she said something along the line "When Yuzu came here, he's a bit of a (lost??) Puppy. Everyone wants to take care of him." Actually Tracy said a lot of cute fluffy things about Yuzu, like "He's very giggly, and easy to laugh, he could laugh at any joke you say." (iirc)
  13. ^^^ Even his animal appearance is extra. We have the GOAT The delicate Swanyu (though with Hydro's constant footages of violent swans I highly doubt it's that delicate after all) The Nyanyu And Tracy and his Japan team members keep insisting he's like a puppy Did I miss anything?
  14. Ahhhhhhh this sweet death. I remember rushing to google "Yuzuru kimono" "yuzuru traditional dress" "yuzuru hakama" etc when this slaps into my face. I was so determined to drown in that pit....
  15. I just happen to develop my own death glare since secondary. But sometimes it gets a bit awkward, since people also never take me seriously until I use it. Will be like, the whole group fuss over to tease me, then when I've had enough and stares at them, everything goes silent I'd say Yuzu does that transition much more graceful and charismatic than I do lol. Pun not intended
  16. I wonder if he knows just how "crazy" we really get when he skates to Let's Go Crazy with this hair? If he does, this troll god would've bring it back by now. Then again, judging by how he casually flips his hair over his forehead, maybe he's just extra - torturing us
  17. Oh yeah, I completely understand. That feeling can't be helped when we have a bias. But hey, our bias is one hell of an alien. Let's not surrender to the dark thoughts, and let him rock the world for us. He's proven why he's over-worthy to be our bias, as well as his GOAT-ness damn well by now and I don't think that name can easily be taken even if he's beaten *cough* by his health *cough*
  18. I see where you're coming from, but I still don't get how this will affect Yuzu more than it already does now?? Yuzu is determined to attempt 4A and 4Lz anyway, he never stands still, isn't that why he's still continuing to skate and to be on top. Yuzu is not that easily changed or affected by the odds around him. It's kind of impossible to keep him completely safe from new risks while still wanting him to stay no.1. I suggest we have a thoughtful balance between the 2. Let's trust him that he'll put up a fight even with the tougher competitors than there is now, for all we know that's what's keeping him around.
  19. Re: Italian uncles. Just a couple of days ago I saw a video on Youtube about them roasting the ISU for ignoring or giving high GOE for heavily pre-roatated and wrong edge Lutz. They were pretty awsome for sure, to point it out loud on TV broadcast. These lovely uncles really appreciate our bb's talent and dedication to perfection And of course there's Max
  20. I think among all the skaters now, if we talk about 'good rivalty' then Boyang is most suited to train close to Yuzu. There's not much all-package skaters out there (partly because they're young) so technically all of them pose some equal threat to Yuzu (that is, all are well under his level). What's left to consider is how they get along in their way of skating. And I do think in this area, Yuzu see eye to eye with Boyang more than Shoma. I'm terrible at explaining myself in English but yeah, I just feel like Yuzu approves of how Boyang is developing more than Shoma.
  21. Jeff is so loveable and always smiling Ci No I'm pretty sure every one of us have a fair share of that I usually just melt whenever I see him, like "Awwww~ Bb is sooo cute!~", "OMG 3A/loop!!" or more simply "EEEEEEKK!!!" I try to maintain my cool face in case parents appear, but I've been caught smiling like an idiot a couple of times
  22. I have the retest in 1 week time and this is what I spent my whole evening doing Someone give me a wake up call pls. I took the picture in this angle cuz at least then it looks a bit more like him
  23. I can't decide if I like the opening more or the finale more I'll certainly be that pet that will spend the whole day sitting in front of the door waiting for him
  24. This is probably me watching all of his interviews and videos with no english subtitiles. Minus the beauty.
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