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Everything posted by wildstrawberry

  1. Yuzuru ranking 3rd in this handsome athletes survey
  2. only in Makuhari and Sendai shows.sbs IB is coming.
  3. I'm thinking (read 'hoping') he'll do at least Sendai and maybe Makuhari too. Kobe and Toyama seem pretty packed already with 20 performers each according to my counting,while Sendai and Makuhari have only 18 and 17 respectively so far.6 shows over 2 weeks seem doable and it would be a decent compromise between his health's needs,his sponsors' desires and his own desire of being around the ppl who love him,especially in Sendai.
  4. MAX SNAPPED,LMAO! I mean it's understandable that someone with a brain and love&knowledge of the sport would snap at this point seeing not only the obscene scoring,but also all the alternative facts and the bullshit narratives and the aggressive rewriting of the history coming from NA rn plus the raging ignorance of some ~fans~ of the sport who don't even know basic rules or what PCS is and spoke of aRtiStry like we're still in 1993,yet still have the nerve and the mind-blowing confidence to continuously spout their terrible,embarrassing,offensive takes that fully expose said ignorance.Keep putting them in their place tbh!
  5. he was first with elementary school kids too,right?
  6. to satisfy ISU judges' uncultured western-centric tacky tastes.They truly seem to favor the programs with music that appeals to the lowest common denominator.
  7. North American privilege and entitlement are hell of a drug you hit the nail on the head
  8. they won't care.especially if they get their money
  9. too bad that the evisceration of isu going on in those comments won't have any effect,they'll ignore it and think it will blow over anyway in a couple of weeks like most news do these days.i hope fanyus will never forget and never stop fighting them for what they did to yuzu and this sport in saitama
  10. your eyes will have to deal with it.the important thing here is what's happening with isu judges eyes when they see those flags
  11. Top 5 Yuzuru, Kolyada Aymoz Aliev Rizzo
  12. a guarantee of the scores that he deserves but can't get otherwise...
  13. one of yuzu's costumes for next season has leaked.the only improvement imo would be a high collar in the shape of a maple leaf
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