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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. oh thank you just posted asking about the music at same time as you!!
  2. I wonder what the new programme is called?? What is the music? Someone out of 10000 plus 111 cinema attendees must know it!!
  3. It is - Max posted about it (actually Oly rink a bit bigger 200ft x 98 ft)
  4. News from Japan/Tohoku under spoiler (a worrying event)
  5. He did indeed - and already there is the "tension" that he described. But as well as the nervousness, I am also so full of excitement to see what he does with the 90 precious minutes, and what he will skate to, and already I know his stamina will last because he has shown in Sharepractice what amazing stamina he has managed to achieve since training alone in Japan!! It's soooooooo exciting OMGeeeeeeeeeee
  6. I'm nervous too - remind me why we thought this would be different to how we felt in the competition era??......
  7. I think Max is delighted at Yuzuru's popularity, but I also think he is really enjoying rubbing (some people's) noses in it lol!!
  8. I got an e mail reponse too They are just sooooooooooo busy!!
  9. Thoughtful and considerate, esp in a pandemic
  10. Hi, I went to Goods on the Prologue website (on my laptop) and hovered the cursor over Goods, and a drop down menu gives you 3 options - pick Mail Order and click on it and it takes you to 3 pages of goods and the Global shopper automatically pops up if you are an international fan. Hope that helps
  11. Like you I paid by PayPal and got this message: The amount due will be collected by Direct Debit within 3 working days after 4 Nov 2022 So I wonder if we will only get a confirmation e mail after the money is collected? I am not expecting a quick e mail response to our problem as they highlighted how big a response they had got to the store opening and hence there are delays...
  12. Same as you - I contacted them to let them know: https://worldshopping.force.com/help/s/?language=en_US I
  13. Wow the excellent sense of music and timing needed to do that! Hope Yuzu sees this, it's such a lovely "tribute" (thanks for posting)
  14. .....but what we are NOT missing is his face in the K&C when the (rigged) scores come up, he did the right thing, but of course we are gonna miss him at competitions, for always probably.
  15. Me too....something is definitely missing with no Yuzuru, he brought such a wow factor to comps in so many different ways
  16. Matteo deserves the bronze but I wish Keegs had medalled at his last SC! - couldn't the judges have made it a draw??!
  17. Kao is so fast it's a bit scary!! Great job!
  18. GREAT from Matteo thank you Matteo!! Beautiful.
  19. Yay Keegs saves the day!! I laughed at one of the comments in the chat "how many times has he worn that shirt?"
  20. No not today for sure! Though nice performances from a few of the women. I just am not enjoying music, costumes, skating of the men yet at all
  21. Maybe women should be the last event at all competitions...more likely to end on a high then
  22. Well the jumps spoilt that... Not that keen on the music - I like his short better, musically and choreographically
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