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Everything posted by Yolo3a

  1. I also realised something. The year before sochi 2014, the competition that was held at Sochi was the gpf, and Yuzu had silver. And the next year he came and won it. The event in PC before Olympics 2018 was 4CC and Yuzu again won silver. (Touchwood for Gold next year) So it could be that Zuzu got silver in 4cc was all according to plan?? (Edit: I am moving to dangerous areas of superstition/off season craziness)
  2. I was watching Yuzuru's entire Olympics season and I stumbled upon Chasing Olympics Gold of Patrick Chan. Brian is in it, and some glimpse of Yuzu. It's simultaneously so funny and sarcastic and sad in retrospect. the pressure is so real though. Good luck Yuzu!!
  3. POTO was the program I like the least too. The music is too fast, he doesn't have many steps in between jumps, the program is not as full as seimei or h&l or rj1. I am almost 90% sure that he won't do seimei. It's bad form to repeat an entire season.
  4. I feel like Brian is gonna win with the Carmina burana
  5. thank you, this was very helpful. although, i didnt see the date of each gp in the list. that would have been nice. thanks again !!!
  6. I have this huge fantasy that he would bring back LGC as the ex. And he would wear the white dress as it would suit the lighting of galas.
  7. May be he is growing his hair out in the free time
  8. Aww yes. He dressed for the part first of all, then displayed all the turbulent teenage struggle with his tiny body and fierce artistry. Truly a Romeo to figure skating of our times.
  9. Honestly I thought his programme was empty a lot of times and he sets up for the jumps for long time, like Nathan. I think the last stsq music is so familiar that it would invite comparison. May be because I have seen that video 200 times. But I really feel like Vincent's approach is more like an admirer rather than a competitor to yuzuru.
  10. Why is everyone acting like it's the last Olympics ever??? Even Yuzu, with all his over achiever mushroomness thought that PC was his peaking Olympics. And all these tiny kids think that they want a piece of that at 16-17???? And the way to reach it!! Soon the sport would be called figure jumping.
  11. until

    did this happen? i couldt find it. i am so sorry if i messed up dates
  12. Aww the only current figure skater there is Yuzu. And they said beautiful and physically demanding.
  13. Brian knew what he was getting into when he watched from the sidelines in the 2014 CoC FS. Brian values the hairs of other coaches than his own. That's why he decided to stick with this part-time puppy part-time bulldog.
  14. This is so amazing!! So much extra footage (for me, definitely). The beginning was so dramatic, I almost thought this was not a dramatised version of wc17 and is something else entirely. Few questions, was Tracy pointing to yuzu's mom in the stands? And what is he and Shoma talking about? But Brian's smile just before Yuzu left to skate, and Tracy's when he was hugging Brian.. they all love him so much. This video is emotional af.
  15. This feels like all my birthday presents and Christmas presents and a lottery
  16. How does weibo had this before anyone else?? Chinese fans' dedication to Yuzu is on another level!!
  17. Omg me too!! Same height as Shoma! And you!! I always thought he looked shorter than me.
  18. Why we dont have more photo shoots where he dress like pop idols is a question i ask myself everyday? Or like normal young guys?
  19. This was what I was thinking. Because the judges (and frankly, crowd would be too) are international, and the crowd generally loves Yuzu and loves the energy of seimei, would this matter a lot?
  20. I'll be happy that you also predicted a good run for him in pyeongchang.
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