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Everything posted by lilsailor

  1. 'Best of Yuzuru Hanyu' inc. RJ1, Parisianne Walkways, Hana ni nare, Requeim, Believe, LGC and H&L [idek if he's doing 7 comps]
  2. fair.. i just want requeim to be the ex for his last comp for extra heart-breaking and emotional effect
  3. can we do a full 2015/2015 recycle and recycle requeim?
  4. I can't tell whether he likes or doesn't like yuzuru?😂😂
  5. hope if anyone lives in Ireland they're safe
  6. olympic free skate for maximum drama
  7. I fully support Requiem 2.0
  8. nothing against the program, i just hate POTO as a whole...
  9. what about a spin variation? hanyu spin? im sure it would be beautiful
  10. bring this back with the beginning of the hype for GP https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S6-srZPTeq9_HZDl09nWaEz73iwgfylbp2Ki4i5l35A/edit?usp=sharing
  11. has anyone ever figured what he's doing in this? looks like hes contacting aliens
  12. just realized BBC gymnastics use RJ1 for intro etc
  13. im laughing a bit hard than im supposed to.. im just imaging poor yuzu unwrapping a beautifully wrapped present expecting a pooh bear or something and it being a fish
  14. both javi and patrick did, so it could be a plan?
  15. sorry if this has already been sent it: chopin w protocol from aci, [youtube wont let me embed it] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO1o1JrFIhw
  16. thank you thank you thank you for trying to translate it
  17. devasted, cooked some popcorn, burnt it, cooked some more, burnt it
  18. he then explained himself that he meant second highest person, that yuzu still holds the top 3
  19. What time is his practise? I'll be away for the next 3 hours and I don't want to miss anything
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