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Everything posted by lilsailor

  1. ice hockey team are all older than yuzu afaik
  2. maybe if he wins 2nd ogm [no jinx] he might bear it for the closing ceremony
  3. yeah, Chris Reed and Kana Muramoto qualified for ice dance did they not? he's 28 and the ladies ice hockey team qualified, most members of it are late 20s/30s
  4. i made sure to get some before it discontinued and im so angry it discontinued bc i love it
  5. my friends are trying to put me on a yuzuru intervention - they think im obsessed just because i spent £3 on a drink bc it was yuzu flavoured
  6. that works so well w that photo though
  7. Unless JSF wants riots, Yuzu will be picked for the olympics...
  8. since we’re all posting relevant MADS :
  9. has brian/tracey/rest of tcc said anything yet or has it just been briand? also - remember guys, postitive thoughts bring positive things also in regards to songs that are relevent rn/remind of yuzu... katy perry's rise is pretty relevent - it was the offical song of NBC Olympic Coverage from Rio http://www.nbcsports.com/video/katy-perrys-rise-full-song
  10. okay, at least he’s receiving treatment.. surely if it was serious he would be took to a outside facilities like a hospital etc? good sign maybe?
  11. I’m sorry what.... I’m in an airport about to board a flight, I go on Twitter to people panicking over him withdrawing??? is he ok?
  12. that outfit is awful and the day i never see it again is too soon
  14. i dont drink hot chocolate, and yet here i am,,, craving hot chocolate
  15. yeah main page isn't working for me either, on my laptop [chrome] or phone [safari] eta : I tried to log out on my laptop & log back in, and now it’s saying my accounts locked
  16. So low he didn’t even get top 10 - what a disgrace, career over...
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