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  2. Rice field news Planting is complete, the outline can just be made out
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  4. While ARMY is always good with buying and streaming, I really think that the military hiatus has made anything that comes out do even better because we are so thirsty. But I also think when they OT7 comeback, they are going to blow all records out of the water. No direct flight from Osaka to Jeju so I'd have to go through Gimpo. So, for sure, if I can get to Seoul on the 12th (fingers crossed, everyone), I will poop for a hotel and go over to see giant RJ, though I probably won't be able to get to it until 6ish or 7. It opens at 4 so should be plenty of time. Now I have to see where that new Line Friends store is and try to get to it before, exhaustingly, head back to the hotel so I can get to Jeju the next morning, (or not - I need to look at times.... I hate that Seoul is mostly an impossibility this trip but will have four or five days there in September. I won't feel like quite such a "loser" if I get on one of the flights I want and get to see giant RJ.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Well, i'm feeling pretty damn sorry for myself, having missed all Red Bullet and most of Wings and then was too hot and exhausted to watch naything else. I'm glad tthaat some of the special moments are available on YouTube and I'll watch later after I'm a little caught up with all I couldn;t do yesterday. Electric was restored about 6 hours after it went off. 2 of those hours had some daylight. Damn, it was hot. I am sorry that I 'missed' and why do they say it like that? my hug. Now Ill have to find him on Jeju, but do not want to do anything that feels like stalking, and pretty much all my ideas do sound like stalking. Less stress for getting on a flight but still enormous amounts of stress. I may fly to Osaka and get a flight directly to Jeju from there, though then I'd miss giant RJ and the food fest (and maybe a chance too spot Jin?). United is, as usual, making me crazy. I need some BTS. And also aa ton of energy to do everything I've left to do for today and tomorrow.
  7. 2024.05.15 Source: https://weibo.com/1746783312/OgJ0XkzPN Info: https://www.kazi.co.jp/icejewels/backnumber/vol19/vo19.html Ice Jewels Vol. 19 : MIKIKO - Hanyu-kun seems like a boy, a sage, and a prayerful man all at once. MIKIKO, the choreographer who teamed up with Hanyu again after "GIFT", spoke in detail about the difference in concepts between "RE_PRAY" and "GIFT", how amazing Hanyu Yuzuru is after participating in the long tour, and what she expects from Hanyu in the future.
  8. Day 3 was broadcast today. Marika translated Yuzu's interview. 🙏 Edit From Sarah with Eng subtitles [NEWS] Many thanks to the translators.
  9. Probably means "Jimmy Fallon Jam" , as in the saying "That's my jam" , when someone loves a song
  10. It's right at breakfast time for me. Perfect timing!
  11. I was watching Red Bullet on BangBangCon before I fell asleep and I was thinking the same thing... from the very first moments of their career, they were amazing.
  12. Oh no. What a night. Power going out in that kind of weather can be deadly. On the plus side, now it's less of a panic for you in regsrds to flights and timing
  13. What does JFJAM mean? Like, a song recommendation by jimmi fallon? I just love how he supports our guys😊. Oh no, that's horrible timing. Sorry that you missed the hug event.... Regarding Jin's event: I need to check when it was, didn't note it down. Need to see if I can watch it live. If so, I would need to get my army membership back to watch it😅 Edit: so, the live streamed session is right in my lunch break and i could extend the break to an hour.....guess I will get my membership renewed😉
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