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  3. This Yuzu fanartist made this beautiful banner for Notte Stellata.
  4. la France : SCOOP G Cizeron reprend la compétition avec une autre partenaire et espère se qualifier pour les JO 2026 https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/sport/other/patinage-artistique-cizeron-reprend-sa-carrière-et-vise-les-jeux-d-hiver-2026/ar-AA1A5p5R?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=87bff329ae5c43aa9f85dc7856d5c4b3&ei=10
  5. II think he's been losing weight for some time. One rarely sees a plump Korean so I always though it a bit odd that he was a plump as he was. And Jin seems to be inches taller than Hobi. Maybe it's whatever they have on their feet, but Jin is not one who wears "tall" shoes. I SO hope i get to be close enough to Hobi to gauge how tall he really is. I did notice lots of ARMY bombs at all the Seoul concerts. I'm not planning on traveling with one but I have a tiny one (maybe 4" tall?) that's a pen/flashlight. I think I'll take that,
  6. The Programme chans celebrate March and the forthcoming Notte Stellata shows
  7. Omg! Is that Bang PD???? wow he lost so much weight
  8. Cute Yuzu enjoying some very well deserved sweets and treats.
  9. The Poohs are training hard for the show alongside Yuzu.
  10. Gorgeous Swanyu! Looking forward to Notte Stellata!
  11. Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/5139096332406115 https://m.weibo.cn/status/5139105461838415 https://m.weibo.cn/status/5139113288927896 ◆Their Style Patine Leisure Co., Ltd. / Iihashi Yasutaka, Takahashi Futao Two ice makers, Iihashi Yasutaka and Takahashi Futao, who were responsible for laying ice at the Tokyo Dome, were interviewed. They talked about how the ice rink was built, including the ice making process at the Tokyo Dome and shared a little story with Hanyu.
  12. The Poohs are working hard to help Yuzu heal and rest.
  13. Source: https://m.weibo.cn/status/4938405832296504 https://m.weibo.cn/status/4938416761870294 Special Interview Tanaka Nobuaki x Noto Sunao Talking in detail about professional skater Hanyu Yuzuru!! Excerpts
  14. *machine translation, inaccuracies exist* Part 6: https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASQD84RWYQCKUTQP00C.html Video: https://planethanyu.com/video/view/2721-asahi-shimbun-gift-exclusive-interview-part-5-final/ Yuzuru Hanyu: "A gift that lets me say that my program exists" Talking about the new show "GIFT" - The final chapter JP text:
  15. 100 days!!!! Soon they will be free!!!
  16. HYBE must be looking into it. They have to keep it under their hat, though. Seriously, who else would be trying to drag Illit and LeSserafim down? Surely, the whole nj melodrama will be nearing its end soon. And mhj, we know, wanted to usurp BTS popularity (as if that could ever possibly happen) so probably has plenty to do with blowing the Yoongi stuff way out of proportion. There is no punishment too harsh for the kind of corporate sabotage she's been playing at.
  17. Last week
  18. I thought I saw a bit about that. I suspect that the trail will eventually lead back to SM & Ms. 🐍
  19. And he looked amazingly fresh for having done a 2.10h concert🥰. It really was amazing. Soooo, just in case you haven't seen it. Like many suspected, the false information and hate videos against illit and LeSserafim, it was (in parts) a coordinated attack by a media company. I kind of hope that behind the scenes hybe is also looking into the hate against yoongi, the possibility that there was also a media company involved is pretty high. And of course, that they have to reveal who paid them for doing all these videos and hate comments.
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