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1 minute ago, Sombreuil said:

@Lyyli- that must have taken ages to sort out of the GS thread- thank you.  Maybe I'll get my Edward Scissorhands/ Danny Elfmann programme if there's any truth in the twitter rumour.



Could someone please remind me what the rumor was about? That someone from GS had guessed the music? Were there more details? 


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İ don't think this user really mean it. It could be any music and no one could prove it hadn't be mentioned in endless GS archives eventually :biggrin:


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had mentioned Rhapsody in Blue over there which is classic and rhythmic/interesting at the mean time. I like this idea more and more, even though it's warhorse, and there was bronze medalist Gaby last season skating to it.


Also I'm still have some dreams about Dance Macabre...but let's see. 



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1 hour ago, Smultron said:



Could someone please remind me what the rumor was about? That someone from GS had guessed the music? Were there more details? 


P 470 of the general thread Meoima linked a message from someone at TCC to the effect that someone on GS had guessed correctly.  Sorry it's taken me so long but I couldn't find it (and got sidetracked by people wanting to be fed- anyone would think that ovaries were necessary before you could attempt a stir fry. )

No idea whether it's correct or not.

also apologies for not being able to copy it across.

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On 09/06/2017 at 5:32 AM, meoima said:

There is this girl who trains at CC: https://child-of-irony.tumblr.com/post/161593508817/somebody-just-tweeted-about-it-so-i-dont-have-to

She said this: "somebody on goldenskate already guessed Yuzu’s freeskate correctly. It’s eating me up not being able to tell them they are right, haha."


Anyone is still on Golden Skate to check all the guesses there? 

Here it is !

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3 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

P 470 of the general thread Meoima linked a message from someone at TCC to the effect that someone on GS had guessed correctly. 


As long as it's not the person who guessed POTO...

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After looking through the music and general threads had a thought about Firebird - Machida used it in Sochi and I don't feel that he would reuse it.  Now watch me be wrong!

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@Lyyli thank you so much for putting so much effort into your work! :clap:


I love The Man in the Iron Mask OST, it's powerful, dramatic, and iconic, something which perfectly fits to the Olympic Games. But because Alexei Yagudin skated to this piece of music and his FS in Salt Lake City became one of the most memorable Olympic free skates ever, the comparison between Yuzuru and Alexei would be just too much.


I know that whatever music Yuzuru has decided to skate for his FS, I'll like it -simply because I liked all the music he chose for his competitive programs so far, and it won't change in the next season. I think it would be very good for the Olympics if he skated to something which is epic, dramatic and grand, though. This could be either an OST (like the already mentioned Gladiator OST) or a classical piece which is dramatic (even Firebird or Carmen). I think apart from the choreography of the program, the cut is equally important. An average music choice with excellent cut could result in a good program, and also vice versa, a program with brilliant music has the possibility to become average when the cut of the music is not good.  But again, I have no doubts that Yuzuru's FS will be something which has great music, choreography and music cut. :7938863:

I just can't wait to know what it'll be :smile:

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9 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

Thank you! The tweet is from June 8th if I understood correctly. I didn´t remember the date exactly, just thought it was here about two weeks ago. Anyway, only the last suggestion of the list, Outlander, is from June 9th, Ice Castle ST and Taiga drama music from June 8th.      

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11 hours ago, Mitya said:

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had mentioned Rhapsody in Blue over there which is classic and rhythmic/interesting at the mean time. I like this idea more and more, even though it's warhorse, and there was bronze medalist Gaby last season skating to it.


Yes someone suggested Gerswin music, there was a link to Youtube 2015 NHK Gala/Exhibition Finale with Rhapsody in Blue. Also Dance Macabre was there.

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3 hours ago, Lyyli said:

Thank you! The tweet is from June 8th if I understood correctly. I didn´t remember the date exactly, just thought it was here about two weeks ago. Anyway, only the last suggestion of the list, Outlander, is from June 9th, Ice Castle ST and Taiga drama music from June 8th.      

I think her reference to the tweet was that someone tweeted about Jun Hwa's music for the season (The Planets), not that someone tweeted Yuzu's FS correctly or that she only just saw Yuzu's correct FS program being mentioned on GS. Granted, it is a possibility it may have been guessed roughly around the 8th but I sort of read her post as like 'by the way, someone guessed Yuzu's program correctly at some point on GS'.


I just hope he will go with something bold and attack/warrior-themed or something ~dramatic~ to get the crowd fired up (at least...that's what I'd recommend!). My ideal would be Japanese music. No one can do it like Yuzu. Can't see him going with another soft/elegant FS now that he has Chopin and I think if he does playful/jazzy music (I consider Rhapsody in Blue fun/fast-paced), he tends to do it in the SP and not FS. Seimei 2.0 gut feeling still strong AF though. Praying for a brand new arrangement if he does go with it 

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11 hours ago, Sombreuil said:

I'm afraid we disagree on that one- I want a fierce programme with some attack as a contrast to the elegance of Chopin.


Oh, I don't know, Firebird sounds nicely fierce to me in places. A thousand people... ;) But something even fiercer would also be a treat. I'm not sure he'd go for soundtracks like 'Gladiator' though - I think I vaguely recall he said at one point he knew he can't pretend to be a samurai-like warrior? Or something along those lines?

Anyway, I've changed my theme to Seimei to minimize any disappointment I might feel if he brings it back. But as the program was gorgeous, I think my only negative feeling would be worry about its reception by the judges.

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1 hour ago, kaerb said:

Granted, it is a possibility it may have been guessed roughly around the 8th but I sort of read her post as like 'by the way, someone guessed Yuzu's program correctly at some point on GS'.


Sorry for being unclear. This is exactly what I meant. I was saying the suggestions from June 8th and 9th are posted later than the tweet so probably they would not be the correct ones. I also prefer Japanese music for him.

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