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27 minutes ago, Smultron said:


Haha, you are not alone :10814716:

I've been listening to R&J music lately and it's so fierce and fascinating that somehow the idea of R&J 3.0 doesn't seem too bad? As long as it is a different cut - yes, please! :) 

The only piece of music I don't ever want to hear again is POTO (ugh, that cruel joke from twitter during the first day of Kobe >:( ) 



I actually always loved The Phantom of the Opera, and a summer ago I even went to the broadway musical... made me cry multiple times...

So I actually would forgive him even that!

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Sorry but I just had to add another suggestion to the list here. I took a nap and dreamt that he was skating to "O Fly on" by Coldplay. I can't remember the exact routine now but it was so tender I almost cried in the dream. Beautiful expression, arm movements, spins, deep edges, and the jumps were kind of at the end like in notte stellata. Listening to it now after I woke up I think Yuzu would do a good job skating to the song. I hope that 1 day he'd use it as his EX or something...


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In GS someone suggested RJ3 with Prokovjev´s RJ ballet piece Dance of the Knights. What do you think, could Yuzu choose it? Would the piece suit for his skating style?


I find the beat a bit too heavy but I think it could be possible. Maybe better together with some other piece from the same ballet, because in Dance of the Knights the main phrase is repeated many times. 




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On 13/6/2017 at 13:26, Lyyli said:

In GS someone suggested RJ3 with Prokovjev´s RJ ballet piece Dance of the Knights. What do you think, could Yuzu choose it? Would the piece suit for his skating style?


I find the beat a bit too heavy but I think it could be possible. Maybe better together with some other piece from the same ballet, because in Dance of the Knights the main phrase is repeated many times. 





The Epicness level is right for Yuzuru, but it's true that the beat is a little too heavy for his feather skating. I love this piece of music, but I wouldn't couple it with Chopin as a Short Program. He needs something powerful and light like a blade that cuts through air in a swift motion. At least that's how I see his strenght! 

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22 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


The Epicness level is right for Yuzuru, but it's true that the beat is a little too heavy for his feather skating. I love this piece of music, but I wouldn't couple it with Chopin as a Short Program. He needs something powerful and light like a blade that cuts through air in a swift motion. At least that's how I see his strenght! 

It's a full length ballet and there's 2 hours or so of music to choose from.  Mercutio/Tybalt fight sequence references 'Dance of the Knights' in a less ponderous way (Tybalts aggression) and there are more lyrical bits where Romeo refuses to fight, and lighter bits reflecting Ms personality.

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39 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

It's a full length ballet and there's 2 hours or so of music to choose from.  Mercutio/Tybalt fight sequence references 'Dance of the Knights' in a less ponderous way (Tybalts aggression) and there are more lyrical bits where Romeo refuses to fight, and lighter bits reflecting Ms personality.


Yes, of course, I wouldn't rule out the whole ballet! :winky: Especially because I'm not familiar with it, I'm just familiar with the Dance of the Knights! 

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I'd link it for you but I'm technologically challenged- YouTube has several versions including the Macmillan choreography for the RB and Nureyevs at Paris Opera.

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11 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

I'd link it for you but I'm technologically challenged- YouTube has several versions including the Macmillan choreography for the RB and Nureyevs at Paris Opera.


Yes, I will definitely listen/watch the whole thing, once I will set my mind to it. I am a very bad music student, because there are so many operas and ballets I still haven't seen. :notamused:

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On 2017. 06. 13. at 13:26, Lyyli said:

In GS someone suggested RJ3 with Prokovjev´s RJ ballet piece Dance of the Knights. What do you think, could Yuzu choose it? Would the piece suit for his skating style?


I find the beat a bit too heavy but I think it could be possible. Maybe better together with some other piece from the same ballet, because in Dance of the Knights the main phrase is repeated many times.


3 hours ago, Murieleirum said:

The Epicness level is right for Yuzuru, but it's true that the beat is a little too heavy for his feather skating. I love this piece of music, but I wouldn't couple it with Chopin as a Short Program. He needs something powerful and light like a blade that cuts through air in a swift motion. At least that's how I see his strenght! 


I like Dance of the Knights, but I don't think it suits Yuzu's skating style that much either. As you both said the music is heavy and its rhythm is inequable which is the opposite of Yuzu's smooth style. I agree that something which is the combination of powerful and light might suit him better.

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Listen to the Tybalt / Mercutio dance duel - it has a less heavy version of 'Dance of the Knights' for Tybalt trying to wind everyone up, a gentle melody for Romeo trying to smooth things down in his newfound love for J and quirky music for Mercutio who is outside the feud but being drawn in by his own fierce and acidly witty nature.

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If you want to look there is a vid of Anissina/Peizerat FD to Dance of the Knights (DotK) in YT. Also  Ashley has skated to Prokovjev´s RJ but not to DotK. It is in YT too.


I listened to Tybalt/Mercurio piece and liked the variations of the main phrase a lot. I I listened also to a few other pieces of the ballet. It seems that the phrase with it´s different variations is a kind of clue of the whole ballet.


I believe Yuzu has not skated to Prokovjev type of music before.  In most pieces there are lots of unpredictable turns in melodies and also the harmonies are often complicated but DotK is different in that sense. Yuzu has always preferred very clear and fluent melodies with familiar harmonies.


I do hope he reveals his FS music in Niigata. I believe that if it is Seimei2, he might let us know it. If he says nothing, maybe we will see a new program or maybe still Seimei2. People were talking earlier about both SLB and DW making choreos for Yuzu. I wonder is SL making Seimei2 and DW a new program and Yuzu decides between them when he gets back to Toronto.

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5 minutes ago, Lyyli said:

I do hope he reveals his FS music in Niigata. I believe that if it is Seimei2, he might let us know it. If he says nothing, maybe we will see a new program or maybe still Seimei2. People were talking earlier about both SLB and DW making choreos for Yuzu. I wonder is SL making Seimei2 and DW a new program and Yuzu decides between them when he gets back to Toronto.


Nope. That's not how it works, choreography is expensive, they're all busy people, and he's probably already done quite a bit of work on his FS in Toronto with whatever he's decided to do. 

If it is S2 keep in mind that the music will be at least partially different, per Max, so there is that. Revealing it in Niigata is also unlikely IMO in any case as quad number has gone up, and might go up even further from the past season, so the choreography would be greatly changed anyway.

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14 minutes ago, Lyyli said:

I believe Yuzu has not skated to Prokovjev type of music before.  In most pieces there are lots of unpredictable turns in melodies and also the harmonies are often complicated but DotK is different in that sense. Yuzu has always preferred very clear and fluent melodies with familiar harmonies.


I believe his most 'out of the ordinary' music pieces he used is Stravinsky's Firebird (that is, anyways, pretty chill if you consider Stravinsky's dodecaphonic compositions, or even if you compare it to Prokofiev) and... what else? Well, POTO's harmony is peculiar in the first part, but since that's a warhorse I wouldn't quite consider it out of the ordinary. Seimei's soundtrack is peculiar (in terms of accents and arrangement), but easily understandable because of its very "cinematographic" interpretation. 

I wouldn't consider Moulin Rouge's Bolero as out of the ordinary, but I do appreciate it more than most people here (I think, since it's never mentioned). I would say it's an unusual choice of music. 

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It may be that Prokofiev is unsuitable for YH - as you say  P favours complex harmonies and they might well not be the easiest to cut into a piece for skating.  I just prefer them to Tchaikovskys R&J if he were to go for R&J 3.


I hope he will stick with SL for the long piece, and perhaps have DW do his ex again?  It seems odd to mess with what has been a winning combination for the past 3 years- I firmly believe that the combination of the CoC collision, surgery and the ensuing infection (and allergies to meds) prevented PotO from being as much of a tour de force in the 2014/15 season as Seimei was in 2015/16 and H&L has eventually been this season.  

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4 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:


It may be that Prokofiev is unsuitable for YH - as you say  P favours complex harmonies and they might well not be the easiest to cut into a piece for skating.  I just prefer them to Tchaikovskys R&J if he were to go for R&J 3.



Although I would say that if anyone should skate to Prokofiev, Yuzuru should be the first on the list. Especially because for years, his team has proved to have great skills at putting together long programs, touching up the music, cutting here and there, but always leaving the meaning of the piece intact, which is something very rare in figure skating (honestly, Worlds 2017 was the party of badly cut musical pieces). When I listened to the original Seimei OST, I was so surprised at how well the pieces were mixed together. Truly a great job. Whoever's doing this work for Yuzuru, they are to thank for his success as well. 

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