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2024 Figure Skating World Championship (Montreal, Canada)


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Can we not argue about this? The sport was bound to go on, and it's now, for however long it lasts, Malinin's time in competition. Yuzu is never going to compete against him, their places in the sport are now very different and it's likely that, just as Nathan has, Ilia will shine and then fade. It happens.


Let people like what they like, as long as one of the things they love is our Yuzuru.

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10 hours ago, TokyoDream said:

Haven't posted here for a while but watching the comp and was rooting for a redemption skate for Adam and man, I got what I asked for.


I know some people will see the backflip as arrogant and I can understand. But if he felt like he needed to do it and cared about leaving his mark more than his scoring I fully support him! It was a great moment to witness.


My thoughts to that yesterday:

He probably calculated it pefore and came to the conclusion that he can risk it if he otherwise skated clean. Chances of a medyl wear near none, cause how high are the chances that four of the top man will have not such a great day.....


After seeing the results this morning:

Adam, are you crazy😱!!! Get rid off this backflip. Imagin if you missed the podium by these two stupid points!😂🙈

Man is this was such a pleasant surprise.


And then I looked at the overall placement and was like......do I really want to watch the official replay today😅. Jun, Roman, Shoma.....🙈



10 hours ago, TokyoDream said:

Also can't help to wonder what Yuzuru would think haha


Of course only he knows, but my guess: he would approve and find it cool😎

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4 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

So, for me, Adam's skate ( and Adam) was the star of the night. It was supremely funny to see him sit in the first place chair in the green room all the way through 2 and 3/5s groups of men. And in fact, in the end, only Ilia was better than Adam today.


As for the rest, I had a bit of drama going on with me personally (not serious, more like an anxiety-inducing inconvenience) throughout the entire men's event, plus the afore-mentioned issues with my phone, so I might not remember everything of import, but here goes:


-the young Korean kid - Hyungyeom? looks verrry promising! A nice clean skate. 


- Adam's backflip brought the house down, and got cheers every time it was replayed on the Jumbotron. Everyone loves a cheeky Frenchman! And even with him giving up 2 points for it, no one else came close to his score except Ilia. If Adam hadn't had problems in the SP, he would have given Ilia a run for the money for sure. Also, I adore Adam live. He's well worth making the effort to see him skate in person.


-Donovan landed two clean programs! Hooray! Also a massive crowd favorite. Why he wasn't invited to the Gala, I can't fathom. Oh so sparkly with the costume.


-Aleksander Selevko is truly spectacular in person. Not a foot wrong, and that heel turn he does in the change foot camel spin is a wow moment.  You can't see through the screen just how much of a balancing act it is. And his hydroblade... *chef's kiss* 


- Roman got through it. Very shaky with the jumps, but as it was literally his 3rd comp of the year, he gets a pass. Lots of relieved cheering for him staying on his feet.


- Jason was perfect. Of course. Crowd loved him, too.


- Camden landed all his jumps in practice this morning, once again conveying a promise not to break our hearts. And he broke them again, anyway, with two falls. Pretty typical Camden.


- Nikola Memola was making me nervous with how much jumps he did in practice - I thought he might be wearing himself out - but he delivered a great skate. Costume does *not* suit him


- Jun. Oh Jun. *sigh* . The jump he popped - the one with the long diagonal approach down the rink - was giving him trouble in practice, too. He drilled it over and over and over again. Was it a new layout? I haven't watched enough skating this year to be sure. Anyway, hopefully he can hang in for another season!


- Shoma both surprised, and didn't surprise, me. I feel like he reverted a bit to old habits with those falls, but I thought he'd left that behind. Anyway, a surprisingly expressive skate from him, otherwise.


- Kao. It's hard to rememder how young he is. For his first senior Worlds, he did ok, but after tonight, no doubt he'll put "Skating is hard" up on his social media again. Hang in there, Kao.


- Yuma, once again, except for that weird fall after the 3A was landed, put on a clinic. His technique is textbook. I kind of like him, JSF politics notwithstanding.


- was it Gabriel who hit the boards just skating backwards? I've forgotten already. And Sihyeong nearly jumped into one of the sports photogs telephoto lenses. Quite a few of the skaters appeared to struggle with the size of the rink (NHL regulation as opposed to Olympic).


- Wesley ... sorry but all I can recall right now about Wesley is the crowd cheering for him


- Semen Danilliants - unexpectedly brilliant.  Keep an eye on him.


- Lukas Britschi - that costume and music are a *choice*. Great skate though.


- Deniss. New program? Different from the rest of the season, anyway. He skated and it made everyone happy, tbh.


- I don't want to leave Egadze, Shaidorov, Nordeback, and Gorodinsky out, but right now their programs are all a blur in my head, sorry


And, finally, Ilia. Let me just say that I didn't know a TES of 137 could be a thing. But apparently so. I was sitting right on the 4A corner and he jumped directly in front of me. His feet literally cleared the boards. Not only is that jump massive, but he's improved it since I first saw it at SkAm 2022. And the rest of his skate... well. From where I sat in the audience, I could not see any flaw from a technical perspective, and I would hope that this is what drove the PCS so high as well. I think that perhaps being in 4th after the short lit a fire under young Mr. Malinin and pushed him to do his best. 


Now, should the PCS be that high? Debatable, but what I witnessed today didn't have anything that I could nitpick from the vantage point of a seat in the audience. If I have one quibble it's that I think Ilia always picks music much too heavy and serious for himself. That, and he still kind of skates straight from jump to jump, but apparently the judges like that, so 🤷‍♀️


Maybe people watching from home can see more or different things, but from row H seat 18 on a corner section, I thought it was a reasonable score for him. Argue if you want, but I saw what I saw. 



Thanks for sharing the impressions you had and the information💜.


So, just want to add something to the PCS.

Not sure during which event it was (could have been ladies free skate), but our commentator explained quite frankly the two mostly known and a not so known facts about pcs.


if one is not an established top skater, skating in the first groups will give automaticly a lesser pc score. It's sadly a fact and everyone knows it.


The judges seem not be able to seperate tec score from component score/skating skills. A fall or mistake should only be reflected in the tec score and not influence the pcs. Sadly, most of the time they can't seperate it. Most who follow figure skating know about this.


And a maybe not so known point, he said it's an open secret in the scene, that pc scores are the ones backstage deals are made over. Cause it's the easiest score to "influence".....



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Unfair PCS scoring aside (because it's beating a dead horse at this point), I must say that I'm really happy for Donovan, Adam, and Jason. 

I think this is the best Donovan has ever done in competition, and his skating skills have improved tremendously. He has such great stage presence and natural charisma. If only he'd had the resources other countries offer when he was younger. Still, though, from not qualifying to the free at junior worlds to #15 at senior worlds. Pretty impressive.


Adam, what a comeback. I really don't have much to say other than "wow." Skate of the night for sure. 


And Jason, lovely as always. It's so satisfying to see him in the top 5 at worlds with no quads. Who else could pull that off?

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53 minutes ago, guitarist said:

Unfair PCS scoring aside (because it's beating a dead horse at this point), I must say that I'm really happy for Donovan, Adam, and Jason. 

I think this is the best Donovan has ever done in competition, and his skating skills have improved tremendously. He has such great stage presence and natural charisma. If only he'd had the resources other countries offer when he was younger. Still, though, from not qualifying to the free at junior worlds to #15 at senior worlds. Pretty impressive.


Adam, what a comeback. I really don't have much to say other than "wow." Skate of the night for sure. 


And Jason, lovely as always. It's so satisfying to see him in the top 5 at worlds with no quads. Who else could pull that off?


Absolutely agree with all of your statements😁👍.



Just finished watching the "official" stream of the mens event we get in germany.....

Aleksandr - his heel thing during the spin should be metioned more.

Kao - he did well for his first worlds. No idea why I think he is older then he really is, he just seems kind of mature on the ice?

Jun,.....sigh....so sad. It was like a rollercoaster ride.

Deniss - also think he changed his long? Can't remember seeing it. It was great. A bit sad about the first jump....

Jason.....so beautiful😍🤩.
5th place without a single quad! So pleasing to see.

Shoma.....sigh, sad with the mistakes😔

Yuma -  love this program🤩. So much respect how he can keep up with the music thats getting faster and faster near the end.
And the audience was great after his fall👍.

Ilia - his jumps really look like it doesn't take any effort at all, have to aknowledge that. Watched with my mother and she made a fitting comment "he did a lot of jumps" and I said to her "he didn't do more then the others, it just felt like it". Think that says it all. Component scores are too high, but it was kind of expected to happen🤷🏼‍♀️.

And at last, Roman.....they didn't show him😡!!! Will have to search for him in the yt stream.



saw the purple heart💜😊


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Gala notes, just in case anyone cares:


- the ensemble from the Montreal Symphony Orchestra is a nice start.

- Nam & Joanie Rochette as MCs.


- first skater is Elvis. Doing what Elvis always does

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- Nam reminded Elvis that he's old. Three times. 


-Loena 2nd. Looking gorgeous in pink.


- On Ice Perspectives is here?  ( turned out not to be them, just a cameraman)


Loena just came right up to my section. So pretty! 

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So if you want a perfect example of a PCS- forward skate, check out Yuma's exhibition piece. Nice big Yuma Bauer, gorgeous everything. Simply fab.


The Hungarians doing... Austin Powers.


Kinda slow paced.

Nam also threatened to skate. I wish he would, I miss his exhibition skates.

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27 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

- On Ice Perspectives is here? 

Loena just came right up to my section. So pretty! 


Ha, I knew I saw someone looking suspicious like OnIcePerspective Jordan. So we can hope for some great new videos.



1 minute ago, rockstaryuzu said:

...what are Charlene and Marco wearing?


A robit program? Interesting


Saw the program at euros gala, they do this robotic theme so well 

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