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Yuzuru Hanyu's ice show "Notte Stellata" 2024


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(my imagination after watching Carmina Burana)

D = director


Y:    I think I should not limit myself to figure skating elements, but emphasize the collaboration with Daichi-san.

D:    She's an actress, you're a skater.  

Y:    I think it would be fun to ask for the impossible and do it.

D:    Oh... okay. Would you rather change costumes, do a synchronized turn for the final pose or step on stage for the bow? 

Y:    Yes.

D:    Ah... Then you'll come up the stairs at the end, even if it's a bit risky?

Y:    Yes, of course.

D:    We'll mark the steps and give you some extra light.

Y:    No need, I'm used to stairs to get off the ice.

D:    Fine, but take your time. Daichi-san will act the dramatic ending and you can go on stage for the bow.

Y:    Let's do it.


D:    What's he doing? It's time to go to the stairs now! That's not funny! - Ah, here he comes. Slow down, Hanyu, the stairs! What the -... they even rotate together at full speed!

Y:    That was fun!

D:    No, I almost had a nervous breakdown! I thought you weren't going to make it to the stairs in time, and instead of just walking on stage... 

Y:    I didn't need any extra light, did I?

D:    That wasn't the problem!

Y:    You said something about a dramatic ending.

D:    ...

Daichi-san: Oh, Hanyu-san, I had so much fun with you on stage!

Y to D: I'm sorry for worrying you. If it makes you feel better, you can point additional spotlights at the steps tomorrow.


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