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Yuzuru Hanyu's ice show "Notte Stellata" 2024


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My stream came back but audio and vid brutally un-synced😅 and some more total freezing...but Yuzuru's way of moving is mesmerising no matter what...love so much that sound of blade is so present in this performance, that twizzling so lovely, the spins...whoa that was one very good camera choice at the end! From above💕💕💕:tumblr_m9gcvqToXY1qzckow:

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OMG I LOVE ENDING SONG SO MUCH!!!!!!!! from closing chorus with percussion to soft and then singing and choreo start and the refrain and then Yuzu!!!

ETA: Shae-Lynn always has the most beautiful expression when they do that part where they join hands in 4

Yuzu is just a wave of unrestrained emotion sweeping you away, he doesn't perform to music, he lives it

and I think I died on the IB🥺

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Happy seeing he and everyone so happy but I'm sad NotteStellata2024 ended😭

Tomorrow is the earthquake anniversary, I wish for him to hold tightly onto all these happy feelings of these past few days too:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

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