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Yuzuru Jumps Very High


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  On 2/18/2020 at 10:56 AM, HRvF said:

I actually also believe he has the ability to land a quint.


Not sure if you missed it but during the morass of interviews and press stuff surrounding ACI this year, Yuzuru did casually mention he'd been trying quints in harness in order to work on the rotation speed for 4A. Ghislain confirmed, literally said "i never thought I'd see someone do a 5S in my lifetime". So Yuzu has done quints already, in training with the harness. 

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  On 2/19/2020 at 12:57 AM, rockstaryuzu said:
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I hadn't read about Ghislain Briand's confirmation, that's great! When was it? So it were salchows?

I cannot imagine Nathan Chen managing a quad axel (or he would have to switch coaches), do you think he may some day land a quint? He already worries me because of the stiffness of his landings, I am under the impression that, for all pre-med he takes, he is doing himself serious harm. Plus the axis instability?


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  On 2/19/2020 at 12:24 PM, SitTwizzle said:
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I hadn't read about Ghislain Briand's confirmation, that's great! When was it? So it were salchows?




Now I can't find the quote back, but I'm sure I read it somewhere. However, if you go read over the Olympic Channel's blog about GPF Turin, at one point they interview Ghislain and he talks about 5T bring easier than 4A. 

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Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this fascinating discussion, especially @HRvF!


I would give anything to lurk when Yuzu, Ghislain and the other coaches try to work out the mechanics of the 4A -- or any new skill. So many factors come in to play -- not only on the side of physics but on the side of how Yuzu processes information and learns.


I'm sure they have very technical conversations like the one in this thread. And, given what we know about the importance to Yuzu of image training, I'm sure that visualizing the experience of a successful 4A is central to his process. That was echoed in his comment at 4CC about getting to the point where he's able to "see the shape" of the jump (I'm paraphrasing).


I also expect that to a large extent, he's just feeling his way into it -- thinking with his body rather than his brain. Not that the two are really separate, but I suspect that in the end, the kinesthetic wisdom gained over the whole span of his career will lead him to Nessie. 


And finally, there's the really unquantifiable element: his will to excel. How many others may have dreamed of mastering the 4A but given up? And then there are those who would never even attempt it. Nathan -- whom I admire -- has more or less indicated that he has no intention of venturing into such dangerous territory (despite anything Raf or Johnny might suggest). Only Yuzu has the courage and the determination to pursue this beast. And that makes him a GOAT among GOATs!


:goat: :nod2:

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Oh, I didn't need the quote at all, I just wondered when it was, approximately.

For instance, it was announced that Yuzuru Hanyu could land some 4A, as soon as early 2018 (hence I suppose the abnormal base value for it in the new system), but he doesn't skate it in his programs yet. Though I guess that as with any of his jumps, he will not show it until he can skate it perfectly AND with superb entry and transition.

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  On 2/18/2020 at 10:40 PM, rockstaryuzu said:
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  On 2/19/2020 at 3:50 AM, Umebachi said:

Thank you for your fantastic obsession!  This is very-stimulating and enriching.   I love detailed technical discussions and happy to learn by reading up on science.   


If only he could find a way to speed up his spin a smidgen without losing height!  The pull-in motion of the arms will be critical but even a very subtle and slight change can throw the body off axis and with so much angular momentum the tiniest deviation will amplify rapidly.    Also, his slightly slower entry speed with wider elbow angle and relaxed shoulders result in an aesthetically pleasing motion.  Perhaps this is one of the reasons why his entry into jumps look so much more dynamic and organic than Nathan's entry - which is smaller and more efficient but mechanical (we are not even talking about the landing!). 


To jump the 4A  Yuzu may need to go all out for that efficient spinning motion from the start of the jump.  He will probably need greater ab strength to keep the body in that tight but resilient coil!


Thank you and wow, you explained that so succinctly and perfectly!

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  On 2/19/2020 at 4:57 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

Yuzuru did casually mention he'd been trying quints in harness in order to work on the rotation speed for 4A. Ghislain confirmed, literally said "i never thought I'd see someone do a 5S in my lifetime". So Yuzu has done quints already, in training with the harness. 


(I did miss that!)


O M Gosh!!!


me <= "faints" :10636614:

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  On 2/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, ZuCritter said:

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this fascinating discussion, especially @HRvF!


Thank you for reading!


  On 2/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, ZuCritter said:

I would give anything to lurk when Yuzu, Ghislain and the other coaches try to work out the mechanics of the 4A -- or any new skill. So many factors come in to play -- not only on the side of physics but on the side of how Yuzu processes information and learns.


IKR !!


  On 2/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, ZuCritter said:

I'm sure they have very technical conversations like the one in this thread. And, given what we know about the importance to Yuzu of image training, I'm sure that visualizing the experience of a successful 4A is central to his process. That was echoed in his comment at 4CC about getting to the point where he's able to "see the shape" of the jump (I'm paraphrasing).


I also expect that to a large extent, he's just feeling his way into it -- thinking with his body rather than his brain. Not that the two are really separate, but I suspect that in the end, the kinesthetic wisdom gained over the whole span of his career will lead him to Nessie. 


I agree! Also, I think it's a bit like throwing a ball. You don't really actually calculate trajectories and stuff - you "feel" it.

But I believe if anyone can do it, it's Yuzu! (Although I'd be 100% fine with whatever direction his skating path takes.)


  On 2/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, ZuCritter said:

Only Yuzu has the courage and the determination to pursue this beast. And that makes him a GOAT among GOATs!


Absolutely! :nod2:

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  On 2/19/2020 at 3:56 PM, SitTwizzle said:

For instance, it was announced that Yuzuru Hanyu could land some 4A, as soon as early 2018


I also heard those "rumors" (well actually saw it in comments, but never knew the primary source). But wow, this season has been packed and crazy as it is! I can't imagine if 4A in competition happened this season as well, my heart! 

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  On 2/19/2020 at 3:51 PM, ZuCritter said:

Only Yuzu has the courage and the determination to pursue this beast. And that makes him a GOAT among GOATs!


I wholeheartedly admire and am in awe of his determination to make nine-year-old Yuzu's dreams come true, one by one. He was one determined mushroom and now look how far he's gotten! 

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Yuzu is the only one to ever put down a 4A<. I feel we can see it fully rotated next season. The attempt in GPF was cool. But you can see how dangerous the fall is and the risk of injury is high that it's necessary to be careful all the times. If it's only for points its just not worth it as its only 1pt higher than 4lz ( muchhhhh easier to cheat and land), so i dont see motivation from other skaters to do it. They have to take care of their scoring first. Only Yuzu has spare time and mind to work on it.


Btw here is the only 4A attempt in comp so far:

Correction: It's DOWNGRADED, not UR. The fall looks scaryyy. I cant imagine how many falls Yuzu must have before landing 4A. Hope his ankle can survive.

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