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General Yuzuru Chat

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6 hours ago, Yuzurella said:

Yuzu Blanche Neige !:love:


YES it is indeed the legend of Snow White with the apple poisoned by an evil witch  :witch: who is jealous of her beauty : but here with Yuzu as an apple is good to be bitten into and as they say : "an apple a day keeps the DM away" 


I am really happy  :665e343793b9:for him that he is an ambassador for HAIER and :2thumbsup:AQUA  

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I would actually say that the world is crazier about him than ever after he turned pro. During his competitive career, he showed us what he can do on the ice within the tight confines of competitions. Now that Yuzu is free, he has started to unleash his full potential. And it is more magnificent than anyone could have ever imagined except for him. :multibow:



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Translated via Google Translate:


"I asked my mother to process the flowers that Yuzu-kun gave me in various ways so that they wouldn't wither.

My mother is such an artist that it's confusing."


Miya-kun is so precious! He asked his mother to preserve the flowers that Yuzu gave him. And she turned them into pieces of art! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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Hi everyone ! 
Just a little message because Yuzu wanted everyone to know (and I don't know if someone post about it before, I am sorry if it is the case).

In the last menship radio he gaves us some informations (no spoiler) about the show, he will be very focus and tense, even more than in competition (this is his words:angel3-smiley:) so it's really important for him that everyone can focus on the show and be able to immerse in it. 

So please don't shoot or wish him a happy birthday during the show, there will be a time for this, with all the banners and all amazing things that Fanyu can brings :cheer:

And please take care of your health too, don't catch a cold :smiley-sick010:


And.... that's it !
Thank you everyone :loveshower::space:


(and I am sorry for my English...)

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