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I can't believe FaOI is on Friday and still no Yuzu sighting... I mean, yes, last year the first Yuzu crumb dropped two days before the first show, but with Yuzu having now SNS, I would've expected at least a 'hehe, guess where I'm at' (clown me)

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41jWLRf+DjL._SX351_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgNo description available.


Saw these two images in the last couple of days - one is a current book on Amazon.co.jp (that came up on my recommended when I was looking for  Yuzu mag...) and then noticed Miya's YT page when I watched his new song release/video....artists very obviously get inspiration from each other!!

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9 hours ago, LiaRy said:

I can't believe FaOI is on Friday and still no Yuzu sighting... I mean, yes, last year the first Yuzu crumb dropped two days before the first show, but with Yuzu having now SNS, I would've expected at least a 'hehe, guess where I'm at' (clown me)


I saw a tweet that was like, "This is the first FaOI where he has SNS but I don't think he'll post anything :laughing:" (based on no posts/retweets for SOI). I'm open to being pleasantly surprised but yeah...I'm expecting other skaters to drop the crumbs :20111123175531c17:

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4 hours ago, SomewhereYuzu said:


I saw a tweet that said "This is the first FaOI where it has an SNS but I don't think it will post anything  :laughing:" (based on no posts/retweets for SOI). I'm open to being pleasantly surprised but yes...I expect other skaters to drop the crumbs :20111123175531c17 :


:nod2:   :lol: ........


While reading SOI, I made a discovery about the music at the end of this show and it comes from the Paris Opera by Crystal Pite "Body and Soul"


https://www.facebook.com/francetvarts/videos/body-and-soul-de-crystal-pite/183774949309729/  all comments are in French: "hypnotizing / grandiose / magnificent / impressive and unusual in classical ballet  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Pite 





Here is the version with Yuzu 



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