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56 minutes ago, nekodearu said:

Hi, everyone, newbie here! I've been lurking for over a year and finally decided to sign up. I just needed that sense of belonging. You know, to feel so hyped up about something (someone?) precious to me and not even glimpse a tiny spark of interest in eyes of the people around me while talking about it, it was sooo frustrating! :gaah:That's why I would like to thank you all for being here. Thank you for sharing news and links and most of all your emotions and thoughts. This whole FaOI experience has been so rewarding thanks to the Planet! :heart:

Welcome to the planet! Heh that wish to yell at the world how fantastic Yuzu is but no one around you understand... I know the feeling (even though when I show Yuzu's videos everyone actually understands his beauty and abilities on ice - only they don't obsess over jet lag, streaming that lags, why Fuji Tv is silent and etc...)

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16 minutes ago, LaCarmi said:

Welcome to the planet! Heh that wish to yell at the world how fantastic Yuzu is but no one around you understand... I know the feeling (even though when I show Yuzu's videos everyone actually understands his beauty and abilities on ice - only they don't obsess over jet lag, streaming that lags, why Fuji Tv is silent and etc...)

Exactly! :laughing:

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11 hours ago, LiaRy said:

Somehow, I really feel bad for Yuzu. I mean, he's super popular in this niche sport, if he were casually walking on the street in the West, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be recognized by a lot of people. In Japan, though, I hardly think it's possible to walk a few streets without at least a dozen people recognizing him.

He did had a stalker, I think when he was training in Toronto. He also had to keep changing the schedule of his training so that people won't be waiting for him outside his house, on the bus stop, and outside the TCC. He even had to call Brian a couple of times to pick him up because there were too many people waiting for him to go from his home to TCC 😥

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I watched Fantasy on Ice Shizuoka.

I was so moved by the encore "Notre Dame de Paris" that I cried. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I wanted to watch the ice show live at the movie theater, but I couldn't go because of work.  :14066882:


Raison is great. Yuzuru carefully expressed the lyrics of the Raison.

So I interpreted the lyrics in my way.  :68271262:


One night, a man was spending time with his girlfriend, but he foresaw a breakdown in their relationship.

He asked her about their cherished memories.

'Do you remember the sunrise we once saw together? But her answer was curt.

What he thought was true love was an illusion. His plan had fallen apart. He despaired.

Because his lover was his "raison d'etre". He thought about his "raison d'etre" but did not know.

He was trapped in his public image and did not know his true self. It seemed to him that everyone was ridiculing him.

Everyone seemed to be saying, "You are boring" and "Your problems are insignificant.

And he ridiculed himself. He thought the public image was also illusory and trivial.

Even his girlfriend just loved his public image. When he showed her his true self, she was frightened.

At that moment, a destructive impulse welled up inside him. He wanted to destroy everything.

He hoped to defile himself and her. Finally, dawn broke.



White → sanity / pure / love /decency / Public face

Purple → madness /impurity / loneliness /destructive impulse / real intention


I'm sorry I couldn't explain it well in English.

Even native Japanese speakers have difficulty understanding the meaning of the lyrics. :13877886:

The song is open to various interpretations.

Yuzuru always leaves the interpretation of his performances to the viewer.

I enjoy interpreting them freely.  :dancingpooh:


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17 hours ago, nekodearu said:

Hi, everyone, newbie here! I've been lurking for over a year and finally decided to sign up. I just needed that sense of belonging. You know, to feel so hyped up about something (someone?) precious to me and not even glimpse a tiny spark of interest in eyes of the people around me while talking about it, it was sooo frustrating! :gaah:That's why I would like to thank you all for being here. Thank you for sharing news and links and most of all your emotions and thoughts. This whole FaOI experience has been so rewarding thanks to the Planet! :heart:


Hello and welcome @nekodearu:wave: Have a lot of fun here.




17 hours ago, LiaRy said:

4K Raison in the Video archives now




Many thanks to @Wyellfor this video :smiley-love017: and thank you also @LiaRy for the uploading here.







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Yuzu's exemplary character shines through to impress many people. Hoping that his helps to pave the way towards a bright future.

Good to know that satellites admire a well thought of sports person and lovely for Yuzu to know that the respect that he shows towards other people is recognised and he is seen as someone of note.


( Satellites have always known this, hence the People's Honour Award. )

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