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1 minute ago, yuzuangel said:

lol IOC taking credit for the postcards that fans sent to Yuzuru, this is the FUNNIEST THING i've heard this week


the funnier thing is that they think fans still sending postcards to Yuzuru means Olys is not f*** up when those two things are not even related 

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7 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

Is this shared? because omg Yuzu :crybaby::crybaby:


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

Thank you for sharing. I was so hopeful yesterday that he was going to continue his career but seeing this... :unsure: it looks like he doesn't care whether or not he hurts his ankle even more,  pain and damage to his ankle means nothing to him now, he only wants to give us the perfect Yuzuru Hanyu skate. Please, please take good care of your precious ankles ❣️


But Yuzuru, you have become to me and millions of other people so much more than a great skater who brings medals after medals. You don't have to bring physical objects because your skating is in another level. You are like the air we breathe, you give us hope and joy, your skating goes directly to the heart and stays there.


I hope and pray that you will be OK after these Olympics and recover fully. I hope and pray that when the time comes for you to skate the "farewell skate" it would happen in front of full house of Fanyus, but most of all follow your heart, do what is best for you, you owe us nothing, we owe you everything❣️



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Guest Mary_kyo
14 minutes ago, Suzu said:

Thank you for sharing. I was so hopeful yesterday that he was going to continue his career but seeing this... :unsure: it looks like he doesn't care whether or not he hurts his ankle even more,  pain and damage to his ankle means nothing to him now, he only wants to give us the perfect Yuzuru Hanyu skate. Please, please take good care of your precious ankles ❣️

I think he rightfully deserves time to gather his feeling. He hasn’t decided for anything and this Olympics was so cruel so he needs time to fully understand what happened and why. He is now focused on gala and my guess is that his goal for now is to leave a very memorable performance in gala (baby fanyus prepare your hearts) and probably to thank for the supports too. Btw, I watched the footage of his practice before FS again and he was in huge pain after each jump and had a little trouble of breathing from time to time. Now, I watch his practices for gala and they look controlled to me. I think he is actually careful to not put more damage on his foot. <3 

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On 2/15/2022 at 2:41 AM, Kat said:

Even if I wanted to play Devil's advocate-and I dont-an attempt could have been made. Even just a glance. Yuzuru isnt shy about rejecting unwanted attention if he really doesnt want it. Yuzuru really did seem so inwardly focused and how could he not be? So it was a bit tone deaf of Shoma and Yuma...ok it was a lot tone deaf. I was uncomfortable watching it, like i get you want to be lost in excitement, but there is a literal storm cloud next to you, dial it back...but no...blatant disregard. Not shocked by Yuma at all.

Maybe we expect too much of them and it’s just not like them. In all interactions which at least I have seen so far, Yuzu was the active part, such as Yuzu joking and Shoma laughing or Yuma casting side glances at Yuzu when they shared the podium, in order to do the right thing  at the right time. They were accustomed to Yuzu always knowing what to do and take the lead, taking care that everyone is comfortable. This (the venue ceremony) - even more than the charismatic Seimei  FS - was what impressed me most  4 years ago: That Yuzu treated Shoma and Javi like family on the podium, like a caring mother. I hadn’t seen any of them before, didn’t know who they were, but I felt immediately that this (Yuzu’s) behaviour was unusual and reassuring and it made me feel comfortable. I somehow cannot imagine Shoma or Yuma hugging Yuzu first. Further, they are not accustomed to seeing him in such a situation and maybe they were hesitant and insecure? Maybe they were afraid that hugging or patting Yuzu might seem arrogant or inappropriate? Not sure, just my personal thoughts ...

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9 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

Is this shared? because omg Yuzu :crybaby::crybaby:


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

I understand his desires to express his gratitude towards fans and supporters at the gala but this seems to me Yuzu is trying to make up for the absence of OGM with his gala performance (despite ankle injury). I sincerely hope he's aware that his SP and FS performances have already surpass all the scorings, worthy of gold medal (and could have gotten more WRs and champ titles for the past few years) and his 4Aq attempt is recognised in an ideal, clean sport. Many of us are just thankful that he has decided out of his own free will to continue skating competitively. All we want is happiness for him.

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Guest Mary_kyo
6 minutes ago, YuzuSkating_IsTheTruth said:

this seems to me Yuzu is trying to make up for the absence of OGM with his gala performance (despite ankle injury).

Yes most probably. I think he had actually prepared a lot for Beijing and luck wasn’t on his side to show it to the world. So if his way of taking a revenge (and making peace with himself) is skating one super beautiful program in gala, then that is actually a very healthy mindset :)

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Guest Mary_kyo

I see his haters are at peak workload to erase his achievements. Calling him “phenomenally lucky” to be able to get 2 OGM and assigning his wins due to the mistakes of others.  Imagine, calling Yuzu lucky, out of any skaters. When was the last time that luck was actually on his side? The skater hated by his federation, battling chronic asthma, with injury riddled body, under the pressure of a whole nation, is called “lucky”. Yuzu has the most supporters but has some ugliest haters too.

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12 часов назад, Sombreuil сказал:

Я думаю, что Сёма — незрелый, несколько сонливый человек, который принимает то, что приходит к нему, был вполне счастлив в слипстриме Юзуру и, возможно, был бы так же счастлив в Юмасе. О нем сообщалось кое-что, что заставило меня подумать, что он, вероятно, был довольно избалованным и защищенным - я думаю (надеюсь), что жизнь на катке Стефана Ламбьеля хороша для него и помогает ему немного повзрослеть. Интересно, думал ли его предыдущий тренер, что ему нужно выйти из зоны комфорта? У него не очень хорошие манеры - немного избалованный ребенок.


Юма молод, его тренирует отец из японского фигурного катания, с которым он предположительно живет. Я полагаю, что он также довольно избалован и, вероятно, имеет голову, полную идей, которые он не придумал для себя, и ему также не хватает обычной изысканной японской вежливости, к которой мы привыкли. Не знаю, честолюбив ли он, или его тренер/отец так от его имени, но в этом возрасте это, вероятно, дает тот же результат. Я сильно ожидаю, что он превратится в японскую версию Натана Чена, японской частью которого будет способность сгибать колени. Я буду рад, если он докажет, что я ошибаюсь, но еще больше я буду рад, если Шун Сато или Као Миура станут лучше, чтобы бросить ему вызов — кажется, у них немного больше индивидуальности.  

Maybe I'm very biased, but intuitively I have a dislike for Yuma from the first performance I watched. Probably this is bad, but I don't like him very much. There is no such relation to Shoma.

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