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1 hour ago, cinemacoconut said:

Why keep our hopes up???? Man this post olympics seems hard on the fans... At least after sochi he was healthy and fully geared for 2018 so fans could rest assured there was another 4 years of fangirling

Umm i think it's harder on Yuzu. Though if us fans can take that burden off of him then by all means. It's fine to keep hoping because that'll mean he's fully recovered. If he doesn't manage to compete in World's then let's hope for the next one. Let's send our hopes and well-wishes to Yuzu so he can turn it into his power. (Oh no, now i even talk like him. Next thing i'll realize, i'm also referring to his jumps as if they're humans... Uhhh, never mind.) 

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hace 1 minuto , cinemacoconut said:



Yeah I dont want screws in yuzus spine like Plushenko. Plus i think the reason plu stayed was he wnted the 2nd OGM which Yuzu has already. 

I know its one or two seasons away but im starting to get retirement depression already. When he leaves there is going to be no male skater who i will anticipate with passion as I have done with yuzu. 


Let's stay positive and enjoy the present. It won't do us any good to worry about the future yet.

Do you remember how Yuzu said that he didn't understand how he could stay on his feet landing that 3Lz in FS? Was it mental support from thousands of his fans? I am quite cynical sometimes but Yuzu made me believe in miracles once again.

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11 hours ago, beki said:

I definitely want new programs. But I’m open to absolutely anything. I want to see the IDGAF mentality in action. Wear a tutu or a spacesuit, pretend to be a caterpillar, be a human calligraphy brush.

Please no... Okay, maybe the calligraphy brush, he'd probably make that work xD


Spoiler, because it's from across almost ten pages:

7 hours ago, WinForPooh said:
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But unfortunately I don't think we'll see H&L without his 4Lz stabilising completely. And I do mean unfortunately, because that is my favourite programme ever, I could watch him skate it forever and ever and ever. Keep the flaming torches down, folks, he skated it perfectly, there's no kuyashii there anymore.


I still haven't the slightest clue what these triple under and double jump are. Clearly this is very high level jump rope.

What I understood it's a trick where you're spinning around your own axis and try to get airborne time long enough for the rope to go under your feet twice? I cannot do cross without the rope tangling in my feet so it's nigh-possible for me to think it's even possible...


7 hours ago, yuzuangel said:

Haha but does he want to do LGC again? Seems like he didn't like it much at the end...

He hesitated between chosing LGC and Chopin at the beginning of this year, I think Jeff has said something like that? And he went with Chopin only because he would need a comfort boost from the record-breaking SP at the Olys, the way PW did for him in Sochi.

I wouldn't say he disliked it, but I think he did mention making peace with it during one of the encores. I also remember us dissing it as troll comment, the way we did five-quads-one-3A layout talk.


4 hours ago, Syless Jinx said:

I remember awhil back, Yuzu used to be shipped with Princess Kako because she used to be a skater :laughing:

I know we have cut this topic (rightly so) but I just want to say, that this was probably born out of our disbelief at Yuzu actually not being a secret Prince of Japan nd the need to justify it, lol :biggrin:


2 hours ago, monchan said:
God damn I hope he declares withdrawal soon... this is only tentative list right..

He can-actually, JSF can announce it as soon as in a few hours, or as late as on the day of first official practices. All in all, I think we should enjoy quality media management, and calmly await what we all know is coming, while leaving thia 0,05% on Yuzuru going 'Trololololo'-AFTER getting his ankle checked and actually discovering it's not that bad, obviously^^'.


2 hours ago, sweetwater said:


What is this duck sound at the end...


2 hours ago, ainjxx said:

hi guys. just wanna ask if you have links for the besp & bbc ver of yuzu's sp & fs or maybe even the EX that can be downloaded? TIA 😁😁😁

I think if the compilation posts others have linked to you do not have it (doubtful) I saw B.ESP on niconico.


2 hours ago, monchan said:


Now I just notice, reprenting ESP in Worlds is also another "Javier", under coaching of Brian Orser, born after Javi 5 days, same place of birth in Madrid :xD: Javi made a clone before he retired? :darklordyuzu: Just kidding:POOH: 

Jpn might send Yuzu's clone there, be cautious :hachimaki:

Yazura, Yuzuro and Yazunori are on the stand-by! Hanya, Hanro as well!


1 hour ago, cinemacoconut said:

I have a tendency to draw towards skaters who dominate the field and come out as legendary. Yuzu satisfied that thirst for me and when he retires in a year or two.. I think I will jst gravitate towards Zagitova who says she wants to skate as long as possible. Im sure yuzus retirement will leave a long hunger for skating fans and to fill the void they will gravitate towards either Nathan Chen or Zagitova who are the most likely dominant skaters of the next generation


Sorry if I came across like condescending, but I think what we like in Yuzu's dominance is that it is RIGHTLY so. Nathan, once he gains PCS skills actually worth his scores, might still not be on Yuzu's Level, especially with his med school aspiration (less time to train). Alina I can see if she develops properly in those three to four years, but as it is, I see more people orbiting towards Janny who actually goes out of her comfort bubble a bit, and works on her weak points despite not having the initiative from her scores (her flutz did become flat I think?). I think in the men the most Yuzu fans will also stan either JunHwan or Boyang as the two doesn't receive candies and you are actually able to agree with the score they get without feeling insecurity of 'overscored' Shoma and Nathan's fans feel (that's why some of them are so defensive, just saying). More, you can scream underscored sometimes and actually give a logical reasons for that assumption and for people like me it's quite a lot.

Then, there is simply matter of taste. I don't think there is this kind of nimble, quick, LIGHT skater in Men aside of Yuzu, JunHwan is more of energical, and Boyang is a happy-pill type. Shoma is seriousface type so he instantly goes out of the equation.


50 minutes ago, Floria said:

It maybe true for Patrick, but not for Javi. Actually the fact that Javi won his World's Golds being not so young might have encouraged Yuzu to stay for a few more years. And don't forget that Javi is Olympic Bronze Medalist above Nathan and Boyang with only 3 quads FS and only two types of quads. 

Gold medal also got won with just two types of quads, but superior quality. Had Javi not popped his quad, the 1-2 would be using only Sal-Toe and be fending off all the people with Flips, Loops, Lutzes...

As it is, still two out of three in the podium had "only" two types of quads and quality...hmmm...could it be...that quality actually counts?? :DDHow come I'm already spilling salt about this...


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I think what Yuzu meant was that his goal was Pyeongchang and he achieved it. From now on, he'll just go with whatever he feels like doing, without committing to any long term goal. If he still feels like competing in 2022 and he feels ready for the challenge and competitive, he'll probably go. If not, not. His goals are now in different directions.


I don't think comparing him to Patrick or Javi is very meaningful. Patrick was never committed to quads and technical development like Yuzu and that always influenced how far he was willing to go in terms of sacrificing his body, I think. On the other hand, Javi was, at one point, leading the field in number of quads in the FS and that, combined with all those Javi saves have probably affected his knees. I'm also not sure about their history of injuries.


Yuzu, as we know, has an extensive history of injuries and, as this one proved, previous injuries can influence how new ones go. That's my main concern when it comes to how long he will continue. However, aiming for 4A, he will also aim to be as healthy as possible, because I don't think even he can do 4A on painkillers. So he might start being more careful - while in his aim for Pyeongchang, he was often reckless, because the sacrifices were worth it - and that might, in fact, extend his longevity. However, if he doesn't feel competitive and like he can keep up with the top skaters, he won't stick around. So it's really one day, one months, one competition, one season at a time, from now on, IMO.


As for who will take over as most popular once he retires, honestly, I believe no one. No one has the star power that he has or the combination of qualities. Some have some, others have others, but nobody has the whole package that makes Yuzu as popular as he is. He's an anomaly for figure skating, IMO, and ISU & co. better not get used to it...


But I think even when he retires, we'll still see A LOT of him, because he is more invested in FS than ever. It's obvious he wants to do more for FS than just compete and win medals. I don't think he'd be interested in joining the ISU, though, or take on political roles. I believe he's more likely to get involved in promoting skating, promoting research in skating, helping young skaters and so on. Commentating, maybe doing his own research, if he goes for a PhD, coaching or just mentoring/guiding, ice shows, charity ice shows, promo activities, skating classes etc. Maybe at some point ISU, but in the near future, I think. He's not the type to care about rules, I think, he just cares about skating.

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10 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I think what Yuzu meant was that his goal was Pyeongchang and he achieved it. From now on, he'll just go with whatever he feels like doing, without committing to any long term goal. If he still feels like competing in 2022 and he feels ready for the challenge and competitive, he'll probably go. If not, not. His goals are now in different directions.


I don't think comparing him to Patrick or Javi is very meaningful. Patrick was never committed to quads and technical development like Yuzu and that always influenced how far he was willing to go in terms of sacrificing his body, I think. On the other hand, Javi was, at one point, leading the field in number of quads in the FS and that, combined with all those Javi saves have probably affected his knees. I'm also not sure about their history of injuries.


Yuzu, as we know, has an extensive history of injuries and, as this one proved, previous injuries can influence how new ones go. That's my main concern when it comes to how long he will continue. However, aiming for 4A, he will also aim to be as healthy as possible, because I don't think even he can do 4A on painkillers. So he might start being more careful - while in his aim for Pyeongchang, he was often reckless, because the sacrifices were worth it - and that might, in fact, extend his longevity. However, if he doesn't feel competitive and like he can keep up with the top skaters, he won't stick around. So it's really one day, one months, one competition, one season at a time, from now on, IMO.


As for who will take over as most popular once he retires, honestly, I believe no one. No one has the star power that he has or the combination of qualities. Some have some, others have others, but nobody has the whole package that makes Yuzu as popular as he is. He's an anomaly for figure skating, IMO, and ISU & co. better not get used to it...


But I think even when he retires, we'll still see A LOT of him, because he is more invested in FS than ever. It's obvious he wants to do more for FS than just compete and win medals. I don't think he'd be interested in joining the ISU, though, or take on political roles. I believe he's more likely to get involved in promoting skating, promoting research in skating, helping young skaters and so on. Commentating, maybe doing his own research, if he goes for a PhD, coaching or just mentoring/guiding, ice shows, charity ice shows, promo activities, skating classes etc. Maybe at some point ISU, but in the near future, I think. He's not the type to care about rules, I think, he just cares about skating.



I think he will be around Japanese Media after retirement so thats a relief.


I will go long to follow yuzus work even after retirement and wait until yuzu teaches his children figure skating. Hopefully the talent genes are passed through  :darklordyuzu:

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18 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Please no... Okay, maybe the calligraphy brush, he'd probably make that work xD


Spoiler, because it's from across almost ten pages:

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What I understood it's a trick where you're spinning around your own axis and try to get airborne time long enough for the rope to go under your feet twice? I cannot do cross without the rope tangling in my feet so it's nigh-possible for me to think it's even possible...


He hesitated between chosing LGC and Chopin at the beginning of this year, I think Jeff has said something like that? And he went with Chopin only because he would need a comfort boost from the record-breaking SP at the Olys, the way PW did for him in Sochi.

I wouldn't say he disliked it, but I think he did mention making peace with it during one of the encores. I also remember us dissing it as troll comment, the way we did five-quads-one-3A layout talk.


I know we have cut this topic (rightly so) but I just want to say, that this was probably born out of our disbelief at Yuzu actually not being a secret Prince of Japan nd the need to justify it, lol :biggrin:


He can-actually, JSF can announce it as soon as in a few hours, or as late as on the day of first official practices. All in all, I think we should enjoy quality media management, and calmly await what we all know is coming, while leaving thia 0,05% on Yuzuru going 'Trololololo'-AFTER getting his ankle checked and actually discovering it's not that bad, obviously^^'.


What is this duck sound at the end...


I think if the compilation posts others have linked to you do not have it (doubtful) I saw B.ESP on niconico.


Yazura, Yuzuro and Yazunori are on the stand-by! Hanya, Hanro as well!



Sorry if I came across like condescending, but I think what we like in Yuzu's dominance is that it is RIGHTLY so. Nathan, once he gains PCS skills actually worth his scores, might still not be on Yuzu's Level, especially with his med school aspiration (less time to train). Alina I can see if she develops properly in those three to four years, but as it is, I see more people orbiting towards Janny who actually goes out of her comfort bubble a bit, and works on her weak points despite not having the initiative from her scores (her flutz did become flat I think?). I think in the men the most Yuzu fans will also stan either JunHwan or Boyang as the two doesn't receive candies and you are actually able to agree with the score they get without feeling insecurity of 'overscored' Shoma and Nathan's fans feel (that's why some of them are so defensive, just saying). More, you can scream underscored sometimes and actually give a logical reasons for that assumption and for people like me it's quite a lot.

Then, there is simply matter of taste. I don't think there is this kind of nimble, quick, LIGHT skater in Men aside of Yuzu, JunHwan is more of energical, and Boyang is a happy-pill type. Shoma is seriousface type so he instantly goes out of the equation.


Gold medal also got won with just two types of quads, but superior quality. Had Javi not popped his quad, the 1-2 would be using only Sal-Toe and be fending off all the people with Flips, Loops, Lutzes...

As it is, still two out of three in the podium had "only" two types of quads and quality...hmmm...could it be...that quality actually counts?? :DDHow come I'm already spilling salt about this...





I am shocked to hear Nathan wants to go to Med School even though he has at least 5~7 years of prime climax waiting ahead of him. Maybe his life goal is not in figure skating like yuzu is?? 




I hope ISU change the rules on TES to put a limit on the max number of quads in the free program to stop figure skating turning into half pipe jst as yuzu said haha. 



Someone buy yuzu those chinese root medicines to miraculously cure yuzus ankle so we can watch him compete as long as possible :snonegai:

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23 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Please no... Okay, maybe the calligraphy brush, he'd probably make that work xD


Spoiler, because it's from across almost ten pages:

  Reveal hidden contents

What I understood it's a trick where you're spinning around your own axis and try to get airborne time long enough for the rope to go under your feet twice? I cannot do cross without the rope tangling in my feet so it's nigh-possible for me to think it's even possible...


He hesitated between chosing LGC and Chopin at the beginning of this year, I think Jeff has said something like that? And he went with Chopin only because he would need a comfort boost from the record-breaking SP at the Olys, the way PW did for him in Sochi.

I wouldn't say he disliked it, but I think he did mention making peace with it during one of the encores. I also remember us dissing it as troll comment, the way we did five-quads-one-3A layout talk.


I know we have cut this topic (rightly so) but I just want to say, that this was probably born out of our disbelief at Yuzu actually not being a secret Prince of Japan nd the need to justify it, lol :biggrin:


He can-actually, JSF can announce it as soon as in a few hours, or as late as on the day of first official practices. All in all, I think we should enjoy quality media management, and calmly await what we all know is coming, while leaving thia 0,05% on Yuzuru going 'Trololololo'-AFTER getting his ankle checked and actually discovering it's not that bad, obviously^^'.


What is this duck sound at the end...


I think if the compilation posts others have linked to you do not have it (doubtful) I saw B.ESP on niconico.


Yazura, Yuzuro and Yazunori are on the stand-by! Hanya, Hanro as well!



Sorry if I came across like condescending, but I think what we like in Yuzu's dominance is that it is RIGHTLY so. Nathan, once he gains PCS skills actually worth his scores, might still not be on Yuzu's Level, especially with his med school aspiration (less time to train). Alina I can see if she develops properly in those three to four years, but as it is, I see more people orbiting towards Janny who actually goes out of her comfort bubble a bit, and works on her weak points despite not having the initiative from her scores (her flutz did become flat I think?). I think in the men the most Yuzu fans will also stan either JunHwan or Boyang as the two doesn't receive candies and you are actually able to agree with the score they get without feeling insecurity of 'overscored' Shoma and Nathan's fans feel (that's why some of them are so defensive, just saying). More, you can scream underscored sometimes and actually give a logical reasons for that assumption and for people like me it's quite a lot.

Then, there is simply matter of taste. I don't think there is this kind of nimble, quick, LIGHT skater in Men aside of Yuzu, JunHwan is more of energical, and Boyang is a happy-pill type. Shoma is seriousface type so he instantly goes out of the equation.


Gold medal also got won with just two types of quads, but superior quality. Had Javi not popped his quad, the 1-2 would be using only Sal-Toe and be fending off all the people with Flips, Loops, Lutzes...

As it is, still two out of three in the podium had "only" two types of quads and quality...hmmm...could it be...that quality actually counts?? :DDHow come I'm already spilling salt about this...




The best suggestions for Yuzu IMO



1. Princess Mononoke soundtrack

2. Spirited Away soundtrack

3. Final fantasy soundtrack

4. Lord of the rings soundtrack

5. Matrix soundtrack

6. Tron Legacy soundtrack

7. Michael Jackson Medley

8. Lala land soundtrack

9. Tango

10. J-Rock



I wasnt trolling. Im dead serious.



For costumes.



* RED!!!! We still havent seen a RED outfit for competitions since Zegovaisen (cnt spell it)


* Silver with glitters


* All black


* Something out of this world but glittery and sparkling as Yuzu always is. 


* Another Johnny Weir designed costume

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10 minutes ago, cinemacoconut said:



I think he will be around Japanese Media after retirement so thats a relief.


I will go long to follow yuzus work even after retirement and wait until yuzu teaches his children figure skating. Hopefully the talent genes are passed through  :darklordyuzu:

Personally, I hope he'll be around more than Japanese Media, but also overseas media. He can draw attention to the sport like few others can, because aside from his achievements, he's also charming and smart and knowledgeable and likeable. (Although, admittedly, he still has to work on his English.)


On the other hand, I won't hold my breath about Yuzu teaching his children, because with how private he is, we might never know much about his family, he might prefer keeping that private. Although, of course, if some day another Hanyu skater shows up, we'll know then lol But I suspect we won't hear much until then.

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4 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Personally, I hope he'll be around more than Japanese Media, but also overseas media. He can draw attention to the sport like few others can, because aside from his achievements, he's also charming and smart and knowledgeable and likeable. (Although, admittedly, he still has to work on his English.)


On the other hand, I won't hold my breath about Yuzu teaching his children, because with how private he is, we might never know much about his family, he might prefer keeping that private. Although, of course, if some day another Hanyu skater shows up, we'll know then lol But I suspect we won't hear much until then.



Im more excited about another Hanyu skater than a new generation of skaters hahahaha. How wonderful it would be to see another Hanyu on an ISU competition.... :LOL:

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On 01/05/2017 at 10:23 AM, OmNom said:

(This is a double post from the GS thread but pls allow me to do this only just this one time bc I want to make a proper introduction to you guys :grin: )


Hi guys, consider this my late entry :yay:

I don't know if you noticed but my GS account (OmNomNomNom) got banned after a good 4 hours after registering :smile

I wanted to be one of the pillars left in that sh*thole to defend ourselves for newcomers, but alas :tongue:

And my posts are all still there! So you can read them and judge for yourselves. Also please tell me what I said that was ban-nable (bc I honestly can't find any) :rofl:

Their tyranny is too blatant at this point, but I feel so safe now here at our new home :yee:



What exactly happened to Hanyu fans in Golden Skate? I only joined a Hanyu forum this month and would love to knw the history of what Hanyu fans went through. Please enlighten this newbie

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