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5 minutes ago, katonice said:

Another thousand cranes for Yuzu :smile:

May all these good wishes for him come true :8430721:


With the cranes and the swans, i imagine the origami god buried in prayers because of us lmao
Shameless self promotion:



My remaining flock of swans has smol swans (literally fit on the palm of my hand) so if anyone wants to give them a ride to PC or Worlds just tell me :P




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I know we are and will remain worried about Yuzu's health right up to PC. But psychologically, Nathan shouldering the hype train is a good thing (and honestly I see cracks in his composure—I suspect Shoma and Boyang are a little stronger under pressure). Now Yuzu gets to be the chaser. I completely agree with Matsuoka-san:


I hope Zhenya won't compete at Russian Nationals either, and is allowed to focus on being healthy in order to win the Olympic title over Zagitova.


The chatter I remember about Yuzu's gold is that at least he had that phenomenal short program, above and beyond the rest. The free skates were all pretty bad. Feeling a little gloomy that we may be in for a repeat of that. Then again, the Olympics is all about surprises.


Who knows, perhaps Yuzu is finally destined to win 4CC. 

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2 hours ago, IULIANA said:


I get why people are a bit pissed because it does ignore the severity of Yuzu's injuries, but to be fair, it does stick to the facts. And facts are facts- despite his FS usually being second, Chen has won his competitions. People are also kind of missing the last 2 sentences, which highlights that Yuzu is perfectly capable of missing nationals, and skating for a long stretch of time, only to come back and win (aka Helsinki 2017). 


The issue of Chen and his scores are an issue that most casual fans, or non-fs fans wouldn't bother to care about. And frankly, even some of the people commenting (in other forums and twitter  mainly) have no idea what they are really arguing about. There are calls to do away with the entire COP system, when the real issue is that politics and other stuff are leading to people trying to morph the COP to the old 6.0 system.


Lastly, generally fan favorites don't really stick with the scores even (Michelle Kwan, Sasha Cohen etc). I think Yuzu would argue to just let viewers decide for themselves- sure he may not have won against Nate in COR, but Seimei is still more stunning even to the casual fan. Same can be said of Javi's LP versus some of the quadsters at GPF. There is a charm to the skating that makes you think "ah, this is what figure skating is" rather than jump after jump after jump. Heck, even Kolyada succeeds a bit better than some of the top 2. Plus if any fan really wanted to know more about the quadsters this season, they can look up how they did in the GP series-that's what youtube is for. My sincere opinion is that no one can walk away from those events and think they truly "won." Not to mention the splatfest that was GPF: if I were to look at the men this season with unbiased eyes, and you asked me who I'd pick, I'd easily pick Yuzu, Javi, Shoma, Boyang and Jason. Reasons? Because they have qualities that stand out. Yuzu has a presence with his programs that forces you to watch, even with mistakes-it's still majestic. Javi's has charm, same with Jason (that spiral sequence is to die for). Shoma has my attention because he is consistent (though his artistry is not my cup of tea this season). And Boyang stands out because with both ankles injured, just still look at those jumps at SA. While I like Nate, I would wonder what the bruhaha was about. 

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23 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


It's a girl? Cos all those other jumps in the picture look like mini Hanyus and as such, I had the notion they're all boys, or at least boy-shaped...


well we refer the jumps as his harems so I always refer it as a girl... :laughing:

So just imagine 4A is a boy in this context 

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

tbh i imagine his jumps as boys lmao

So now his harem has both boys and girls? o_O this is going to be hard to draw man....wait, that's not a harem anymore, that's a freakin' kindergarten. Holy smokes, a quads kindergarten...no, no I got to sleep, no imaginary theatre stuff today. T_T

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1 minute ago, Xen said:

So now his harem has both boys and girls? o_O this is going to be hard to draw man....wait, that's not a harem anymore, that's a freakin' kindergarten. Holy smokes, a quads kindergarten...no, no I got to sleep, no imaginary theatre stuff today. T_T

to be fair, animals is also in his harem...

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Just now, MrPudding said:

lol this is getting creepier by the second :slinkaway:

What sorcery does yuzu have :darklordyuzu:

...you guys' fault. My brain had a quads harem, now it's also got a quads kindergarten, along with a quads office (with quads as salarymen)  ideas running in parallel. Q_Q

One idea at a time please? 

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Just now, MrPudding said:

what about mistress 4Lz :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:


i think of his spins as girls but his jumps are boys :shrug:

The idea of his jumps being girls is amusing and i like it but they feel like boys to me

Am i anthropomorphizing his jumps and spins? Yes, yes i am.

Also, i stopped having expectations of gold medals. I believe he's fully capable of doing it, and if it doesn't happen it will be bc of stuff he can't control. But my only expectation is to see him satisfied with his performance, which yeah, we could argue it will only happen if he gets the gold. Don't want to jinx l o l  but i just want to see him happy.

I miss him tons, god damnit, pls bb i hope you are slowly coming back to your usual self. Pls kill us with your murderface in PC

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Just now, Xen said:

...you guys' fault. My brain had a quads harem, now it's also got a quads kindergarten, along with a quads office (with quads as salarymen)  ideas running in parallel. Q_Q

One idea at a time please? 

And to think it all started with Yuzu innocently comparing his jumps to friends, how did we end up here exactly :smiley-laughing021: 

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54 分, bekiさんが言いました:

I hope Zhenya won't compete at Russian Nationals either, and is allowed to focus on being healthy in order to win the Olympic title over Zagitova.


Can that happen? In a field as deep as the Russian ladies' one is right now? Like, in  Hanyu's case, he's luckier because even if his track record leaves no room for any contention in terms of his selection, the fact that the Japanese men's field is rather lacking right now can only help. So he's a lock for the third spot, no ifs and no buts. Like, Takahashi had one of the best track record for the Sochi selection but had he not shown up to skate at Nats all, the third spot would very likely have gone to Kozuka. This seems more like the case for Medvedeva.


Of course, it'd be great if they give her a free pass as well, but it probably won't be as easy a decision as the one for Hanyu is. (And yes, it's very certain he's in because if he hadn't been assured of it, he wouldn't have gone as gently into that temporary good night as he had. He'd be raging against it by doing what Takahashi did 4 years ago and fight tooth and nail for a spot despite his injury. Since he agreed to WD, it's probably a safe bet that JSF already agreed that the 3rd spot is his.)


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