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Uh...actually aren't costumes, choreo and music copyrighted? (Forgive me if I'm wrong.) Without seeking permission, isn't is illegal? Hisaishi gave permission to Yuzu only. Yuzu paid Shae-Lynn for choreo. Yuzu paid his designer for design and costume creation. So effectively this boy is stealing choreo, music and even costuming? Tbh this sort of 'idol emulation' should be discouraged because it is outright wrong. Just because choreography isn't something written black and white on paper or is concrete touchable material does not make it less of an intellectual property. Besides, someone commissioned another person and paid for it.


I rmb some skater did research on copyright and music before...was it Machida?

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3 minutes ago, the50person said:
Uh...actually aren't costumes, choreo and music copyrighted? (Forgive me if I'm wrong.) Without seeking permission, isn't is illegal? Hisaishi gave permission to Yuzu only. Yuzu paid Shae-Lynn for choreo. Yuzu paid his designer for design and costume creation. So effectively this boy is stealing choreo, music and even costuming? Tbh this sort of 'idol emulation' should be discouraged because it is outright wrong. Just because choreography isn't something written black and white on paper or is concrete touchable material does not make it less of an intellectual property. Besides, someone commissioned another person and paid for it.


Huh, he's not skating to Hisaishi or using the same choreo as H&L, though? Only using a costume as tribute. And using Biellman or IB isn't copyrighted to Yuzu. :biggrin:

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1 minute ago, the50person said:

Uh...actually aren't costumes, choreo and music copyrighted? (Forgive me if I'm wrong.) Without seeking permission, isn't is illegal? Hisaishi gave permission to Yuzu only. Yuzu paid Shae-Lynn for choreo. Yuzu paid his designer for design and costume creation. So effectively this boy is stealing choreo, music and even costuming? Tbh this sort of 'idol emulation' should be discouraged because it is outright wrong. Just because choreography isn't something written black and white on paper or is concrete touchable material does not make it less of an intellectual property. Besides, someone commissioned another person and paid for it.


I rmb some skater did research on copyright and music before...was it Machida?


I was also wondering about the music copyrights. I read that Yuzu took a long time to get permission for H&L. And  someone personally went to Hisaishi to ask permission for Yuzu tu use his music. Would this person also be able to use it?


I'm not really sure about the costume and choreography copyrights..

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Not sure which magazine this is from. 

"there are veterans like Patrick Chan, young rising stars like Jin Boyang, and also Hanyu Yuzuru of the middle generation."


LOL transitional uncle status confirmed

1 minute ago, MrPudding said:


I was also wondering about the music copyrights. I read that Yuzu took a long time to get permission for H&L. And  someone personally went to Hisaishi to ask permission for Yuzu tu use his music. Would this person also be able to use it?


I'm not really sure about the costume and choreography copyrights..

They interviewed the music editor who did Seimei. He mentioned Kozuka had issues before for music.

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2 minutes ago, the50person said:

"there are veterans like Patrick Chan, young rising stars like Jin Boyang, and also Hanyu Yuzuru of the middle generation."


LOL transitional uncle status confirmed

They interviewed the music editor who did Seimei. He mentioned Kozuka had issues before for music.


Thanks @xeyra for clarifying :thanks:


But i'm really curious about music copyrights.. can another skater use someone else's music? *not the warhorse.. and isn't there a junior skater using seimei music too?

Sorry if i'm wrong

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Just now, the50person said:

Then consider me wrong then. But costume-wise, is it okay to do such a thing?


I wouldn't know about costume design rights but I have seen lots of inspired by costumes and it doesn't seem to be an issue? Just recently Yulia Lipnitskaya's Sochi SP costume was the inspiration for Moa Iwano's costume and Elizabet Tursynbaeva wore a Yuna-look-a-like costume at Worlds. 

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2 hours ago, Fay said:


I think if he needed to do it, he could well make that effort and socialize, but it would involve considerable energy expenditure - no matter whether you're an introvert or an extrovert, socializing in a foreign language you don't speak well is hard work. No wonder he prefers to save up his energy and do something he wants to do. 

Being a picky eater is another factor adding up to the problem. 

So... yeah, we'd like him to practise his English, but come on, we can put up with his English as it is. It's incredibly cute. 

Yeah...I find it a pity that he's not making social connections in Canada, but it's his personal choice. He knows that he'll eventually go back to Japan, so as long as he is happy, he can do whatever he wants. 

And I agree, his English is super cute. XD   I think his English is now at the right balance between being adorable and sufficient to communicate with Brian, Tracy and others at TCC well.



1 hour ago, kaeryth said:

LOL... Honestly, I would do the same...




So beautiful!!! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:




:offtopic:But last night I had a dream. It was the Olympics and Yuzu skated 2 clean programmes. I was super excited, but I realized there was no medal ceremony yet. I kept searching and searching and couldn't find out who won. I was panicking because Yuzu's performance was phenomenal and I didn't want him to lose to other skaters with higher BV. I kept searching and eventually woke up and feel relieved that it was only a dream. What has Yuzu done to me...lol

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38 分ぐらい, singcarcomさんが言いました:


:offtopic:But last night I had a dream. It was the Olympics and Yuzu skated 2 clean programmes. I was super excited, but I realized there was no medal ceremony yet. I kept searching and searching and couldn't find out who won. I was panicking because Yuzu's performance was phenomenal and I didn't want him to lose to other skaters with higher BV. I kept searching and eventually woke up and feel relieved that it was only a dream. What has Yuzu done to me...lol

He skated two clean programs in your dream. Regardless of the results, and despite the cliffhanger ending, I'd consider it the best kinda dream I'd be sad to wake up too soon from. Better yet if they were also among his best performances yet. ^v^

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