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I need Goliath filmed by on ice perspective:tumblr_inline_mm2wnw2HKh1qz4rgp:.

This program hits different, still can't put my finger on what it is, but it's captivating!

Absolutely appreciate how Yuzu filmed and put it together. He shows how he wants the story to be seen, but there are soooo many details that can only be captured with a close and tracking camera.... I hope we will be able to see it filmed in that way as well one day:animated-smileys-angels-151:.

In the mean time, off to appreciate Goliath again.


And merry christmas/happy holidays everyone💜

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Thank you so much for the translation !! :tumblr_m230o5o5Gg1qfamg6:

I have no words... it's really disgusting... when will he be able to have his privacy and live happily, it's seem to be worst and worst now.... 

let's support him and show we are here for him :smiley-confused001:

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Nekomasamune's support for Yuzuru speaking out against media lies!


Hiroki Endo speaking out in support of Yuzuru too


I am so happy to see such support for Yuzu - his youtube comments are full of support for him too of course!



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