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9 minutes ago, YuDai said:

If he does, I hope he takes it very easy

I hope he doesn't cos 1) he is still injured. 2) it is too far away and staying long amidst Covid is not a good idea and 3) they have their shiny new medalists, surely that can save ratings and make gala great again? So leave Yuzu alone.



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I thought I would sleep it off a bit but now I'm awake and still pissed and sick to my stomach. Sorry for my rant, please skip it if you can not deal with something negative now.



The past four years has been torture for him, psychologically. After he's won his second Olympics title, they proceeded to do everything to erode and destroy his confidence, bit by bit. They tell him repeatedly that his programs are not good enough, his skating regressed, his techniques not solid. Lower pcs, check. Phantom ur call, check. Incomprehensible invalidated elements, check. And that's what's written in his protocols. 


Around him, people with influence in the sport keeps telling him he's not good anymore, while heaping praises on his rivals, even those with questionable techniques and skills, especially them. I keep telling they do not matter. But they matter. Some of them used to act chummy with him. Some of them his idols. They are people he respect. And they have been doing anything to crush him, because he does not fit in their narratives. Sometimes, they even caused troubles for him, stirring up things because they were annoyed at how famous he was.


In the face of all that, his fed has continuously humiliated him, through judges and tech panels, through telling him he was troublesome (the Pooh bear banning). Thr media in his country has repeatedly pushing him to be stronger, skate cleaner, go for higher tech. Many of his fans do this too. 


He is a human, for god's sake. But they treat him like something to be used and thrown away, then throwing in some more kicks when he's down. He is pressured and expected to rise above all that. When he's just one person. The most amazing and extraordinary person. But still just one boy, who is always incredibly sensitive and thoughtful.


If he at least find something to enjoy, I'll be at peace. But no. He has grown more and more unhappy each comp. His smiles have become so rare and filled with regret or irony. At this stage, where they have taken everything away from him, he has looked so unhappy that it's unbearable.


Scores matter to him. People in his sport matter to him. As he's tried to write his own story, achieve personal fulfillment, i've tried to look at him only and disregard everything else. But it should not be like that. He's given everything for this sport, his blood sweats and tears, but this is how they treat the biggest star and the one who loves this sport the most. They did this to many people before him too.


I just want him to rest and heal. But there are damages that cannot be undone. He's always been so so kind, yet they treat him in the cruelest way possible. I'll move on eventually, and he will too, but my heart breaks for this boy who has tried his best and been the best possible, but somehow has not been treated with the kindness and respect he more than deserves.


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2 hours ago, BonnieLou said:

If it hasn't been shared here before, there is a Korean YouTube channel that posts a lot of skating, including livestreams of GPF events, etc. and afterwards posts some full programs and top three winners. For the Olympics, they didn't stream live, but they included both of Yuzu's programs:






and of course their lovely Jun-hwan's, along with his practice skate, and others, in their playlist mix here:






I have never posted here before and don't know how many links I can use or if I put these videos on the correct Topic. The channel's playlists are a little cumbersome to search through, but if you search YouTube with the event title or skater's name in Korean, it may pop up, as SBS TV also posted some. Otherwise, I may help. And thanks and love to all you active Fanyus who have shared so much support and information here!

You could post this on the Team Korea page, too, but I want to thank you for the Jun stuff (Yuzu, too, of course, but Jun-focused content is hard to locate - I hadn't even thought of posting his name in Hangul to find anything, but good idea.) And FYI: the videos are not available in the US, so I can take my computer to another country to watch them  - it's an NBC thing,  They don't want anyone in the states watching anything figure skating if it's not through them.

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Yuzuru is still at the top of his game right now and still the best skater in the world RIGHT NOW. Besides 4Snake in the FS (in the SP the real snake was the hole and I dont regard that as a mistake), and the risk he took on to do a certified 4A, he did brilliantly and beautifully. He lost a lot of points due to 4S and 4A and his opponents were showered with candies but we all know that the points might as well be given blindly. Could he go on to further competitions as Plushenko says? Certainly and he will do well like the god of figure skating he is. But will the scores reflect that? Absolutely not unless everyone in power in the ISU and big feds suddenly disappear. Now, it is not a question of whether he can but a question of whether he wants to. With how he’s been treated, I am not surprised if he does NOT want to. It’s just that he still very much wants to land a clean 4A, and this perhaps outweighed the negatives for him.


I can’t wait for jobless and broke ISU, USFSA, etc after Yuzu finally decides enough is enough and ditches these shits.


Perhaps what would help is if Yuzu takes two seasons off first, then comes back to yolo a 4A. During the hiatus he can make bank doing ice shows, work on 4A, work on implementing his thesis, etc… while ISU crashes and burns. 

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Guest BonnieLou
38 minutes ago, barbara said:

How could post this on the Team Korea page, too, but I want to thank you for the Jun stuff (Yuzu, too, of course, but Jun-focused content is hard to locate - I hadn't even thought of posting his name in Hangul to find anything, but good idea.) And FYI: the videos are not available in the US, so I can take my computer to another country to watch them  - it's an NBC thing,  They don't want anyone in the states watching anything figure skating if it's not through them.


Thanks Barbara, I hadn't seen that Team Korea page and I just posted it there. I didn't think till afterwards that I am watching the channel here in Seoul and it was probably blocked elsewhere. I had to get a VPN to watch the Olympics skating from (India)....Yes, the Korean channel, especially with the livestreams (I also watched the US Nats on it) and their downloading entire short and long programs is really nice. Plus, the commenters are warm and friendly and very polite, especially to Yuzu, .not like on some sites. Worth viewing if you can get it with a VPN!



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1 hour ago, Yuzurella said:



Yuzu's 4A is already on Wikipedia. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought his 4A was certified and not ratified, so wouldn't it make sense that his name should not be there? (for now, hopefully it will be there one day)


edit: they removed his name 

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Guest Mary_kyo

I'm torn between hoping to see him compete and reach his dream because he is just so close, closest ever. But at the same time, I want him out of that circus as fast as possible. If he decides to carry on, it means he is even closer to 4A than we think. My selfish wish for him is to land 4A in ACI 2022 and compete at least in nationals. 

I don't know when will be the next time we can see such a sincerely happy and satisfied Yuzu again



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