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On 26/10/2017 at 12:26 AM, singcarcom said:


I like your food recommendations! I can volunteer to queue for the Michelin-starred chicken rice store, while you can chat with Yuzu at somewhere with air-conditioning! =P  Henderson bridge and Mount Faber park is very beautiful too! If you're going to the Garden by the Bay, the flower dome and cloud forest is a must!  


How's the air in Hong Kong? Years ago when I visited Hong Kong I couldn't sleep at night because my nose was completely blocked. Yuzu will need a N95 mask =P.


More shameless PR-ing =P


But I worry if he can handle the plants at the Gardens xD


Heh, not very good. He needs a mask though unfortunately :( Doesnt help that a lot of ppl smoke and that the streets arent exactly clean and free of exhaust fumes.

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On 26/10/2017 at 12:29 AM, Xen said:

I feel strangely hungry at midnight after reading that...evil. 

@Murieleirum: You are not helping either, I love Italian!


Hmm...well he can't visit my city without trying heavier spicy food. It's super flavorful. So other than drag him around for hotpot, because Yuzu would probably die, I'd probably make dumplings (zhong shui jiao) which are in a mildly spicy and sweet sauce, dan dan noodles (not spicy at all), and probably some braised pork (hong shao), and sweet and sour spare ribs. Lotus root soup, and probably yin'er soup (it's a type of fungus, usually made as a sweet soup). Most of our vegetables are lightly stir-fried, so I think that's okay, and we can toss in some chicken broth marinated chinese cabbage. As for light and refreshing, hmm probably some bing feng (a type of dessert we have in summer) which is usually made with dried raisins, and a light brown sugar syrup. =)


As for tourism, well he's in the hometown of the pandas, so a trip to see the actual pandas is a must. I'd be happy to donate the money too so he can gear up and hold a young panda for a photo-op, assuming they still do that at the reserve. Then probably a trip to Dufu thatched cottage and Qin Yang Monestary (one of the oldest ones in the city), maybe a trip to Wu Hou Ci, so he can go admire Zhu Ge Liang from the three kingdoms period, since he's so brainy and everything. Day 2, probably take a 2 day trip to Du Jiang Yan, and see the dam that was built back in around 250 BC, then go to QingCheng mountains, which is a key taoist site, climb up to the top of the mountain, stay overnight and catch the sunrise, before going back down. If he visits during September, the area will be pretty with changing leaves. And the air is good so hopefully it won't affect his asthma. 


As for Averbukh...is he trying to get Yuzu to try him out as a choreographer? o_O Don't fall for that trap Zuzu!

I think this entire off-topic thing is giving everyone very good ideas for potential vacations xD

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On 26/10/2017 at 1:12 AM, dancingnoodles said:


I wonder if Yuzu would appreciate a photo with Merlion? Typical tourist attraction but 10/10 would give an arm and a leg for a photo of him drinking water from Merlion :rofl:

He can pose with his mouth open as if he's drinking the water from it. Or with his hands cupped to receive it.

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On 26/10/2017 at 2:04 AM, Winnie_20 said:

Nothing wrong with the PR, Hong Kong is incredible. Your post just made me reread my journal of a week in Hong Kong back in 2009. It was an incredible experience, and the seafood, oh wow... I so miss that. (And yes, went to the fishing village, too.)


Unfortunately, I only remember the good stuff, and my journal also lists the bad stuff: the heat, the heat, the heat, the utterly disgusting and horribly itchy blotches caused by *something* on my arms and legs that made them all look like a warzone, (never found out what caused it, normal mosquitoes don't cause that kind of rash, and anyway, I never saw a single insect in the entire week) and OMG did I mention the heat. 

I swore never to go anywhere ever again in the subtropics (never mind the tropics). It was June, and one day there was a heat warning because it was supposed to get up to 33 C, which was like 1 or 2 degrees C higher than normal (?), and I thought, whatever, you won't notice the difference... but man, even that difference was stunning. Never again. (It probably wouldn't be so bad if my head didn't mind, but it does, hence I walked around with a 24/7 migraine and high on painkillers every day.). 

But, seriously, HK was an experience of a lifetime, something you never forget. <3  If you invite Yuzu over for seafood, plzplzplz can I have an invitation, too? ;-)


Heh, I live in the tropics. HK has less insects, and I can vouch as an anti insect person. The blotches either are due to you being unused to the weather or the climate or the food, or maybe allergies? I have friends with sensitivities and they dont have such an issue when in HK. Hmmm.


Well, it is hot and humid in summer. Best time to go is Sept-Nov. But 33C is pretty normal (or maybe cos i live in the tropics?) for summer. I suppose you live in the north with cooler year round temp?

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