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Everything posted by howlpendragon

  1. the mao jia "rivalry" is reminiscent of mao and yuna side note, jia was robbed last year
  2. keagan messings performance was amazingggg so sad he's retiring
  3. also the korean ladies were fabulous, i especially liked chaeyeon kim's performance
  4. so happy that jun medaled! and jason did well too. after yuzu retired jun and jason have become my new obsession
  5. I constantly gush over yuzu to my friends knowing full well they dont care asgsxjalksha but i did get them to cheer for him in beijing and they thought he was cute. im still the only fanyu tho
  6. does anyone know if yuzu's ice show will be available on disney plus canada?
  7. heaven and earth is such a beautiful costume too
  8. yuzuru hanyu is the reason I got into skating, too bad i didn't discover him sooner
  9. "again the sea of flags from japan. what can he produce, lying in 5th place, surely a medal is within his grasp if he can skate anywhere near his top form. yuzuru hanyu, the music hope and legacy"

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