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Mushroom (1/67)

  1. 1. TENCHI, it will forever be my most fav costume of Yuzu (with black belt) 2. One summer day from gift 3. Notte Stellata for sure 4. Seimei (OG version) 5. both origins p.s PHOEHIX from gift ofc
  2. if it was not for Yuzuru, I'd never have started studying Japanese
  3. oh for me it is 1. Jnats 21 Tenchi 2. OG18 Chopin 3. H&L 2017 worlds 4. OG14 Parisienne Walkways 5. Seimei gpf15-16
  4. I don't remember exactly when, but I think it was 2019? I clearly remember watching his Olympic chopin and I remember how stunned I was... but then I didn't investigate more about him, and only became fan after Beijing Olympics (SP)
  5. AGREE... and there are so many quiet lurkers, just to watch and enjoy this real gems
  6. I am happy for Kaori but this once again reminded me how bad Yuzuru was robbed on worlds and so many times...
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