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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. In the cast bio on ImDB, the photo image used for Yuzu is from PC Olys with the Gold Medal Yuzu plays the character of Date Shigemura
  2. Hope that you and other Japanese satellites are safe. Sending well wishes to give you courage and strength
  3. Posted 2 hours ago Daily Spread Eagle Old Man Pooh san Returns to Planet Hanyu Emperor Hanyu Journeys to the Northern City to Reunite with Prime Minister Pooh Towards the end of April, Emperor Hanyu visited one of the most esteemed nobles, the wise and munificent Duchess Tetsuko. Emperor Hanyu was a special guest at her Palace. The entire palace had been decorated with flower garlands and the Duchess had invited the Emperor to eat pudding and spend time with her. The Duchess had been present at the Gift of Castle Dome and since that time had been hoping that the Emperor would be an honoured guest in her home. The Emperor was delighted oblige and they talked about the Emperors plans for the Kingdom, reminisced about the Emperor's childhood exploits and even joked fondly about one the the Emperor's most fearsome tutors. Following this audience the Emperor travelled in secret to the Land of Ice Lakes and Snow. The Emperor had spent many years there, when he was Prince Hanyu in order to perfect the Ice Rituals and assume his role as Emperor. Emperor Hanyu had applied himself diligently and had received instruction from three of the most respected tutors. Sadly the outbreak of a deadly disease had forced the Young Emperor to flee back to Planet Hanyu and in the dreadful haste Prime Minister Pooh san had not been able to board the transport back to the Planet and the Emperor had not had time to bid a suitable farewell to his tutors. As the pandemic had finally settled to almost safe levels Emperor Hanyu made the journey back to visit his esteemed tutors to express his gratitude and reunite with Prime Minister Pooh Once the Emperor and Prime Minister Pooh were safely back at Palace Hanyu a portrait of Prime Minister Old Man Pooh san and Deputy PM YuzuPooh was displayed at the gates of Palace Hanyu. PM Pooh has commended the Deputy PM for having very ably conducted his duties and supporting Emperor Hanyu. The two Poohs are looking forward to working together.
  4. A thousand thanks to Sarah for her hard work translating into English
  5. Daily Spread Eagle Old Man Pooh san Returns to Planet Hanyu Emperor Hanyu Journeys to the Northern City to Reunite with Prime Minister Pooh Towards the end of April, Emperor Hanyu visited one of the most esteemed nobles, the wise and munificent Duchess Tetsuko. Emperor Hanyu was a special guest at her Palace. The entire palace had been decorated with flower garlands and the Duchess had invited the Emperor to eat pudding and spend time with her. The Duchess had been present at the Gift of Castle Dome and since that time had been hoping that the Emperor would be an honoured guest in her home. The Emperor was delighted oblige and they talked about the Emperors plans for the Kingdom, reminisced about the Emperor's childhood exploits and even joked fondly about one the the Emperor's most fearsome tutors. Following this audience the Emperor travelled in secret to the Land of Ice Lakes and Snow. The Emperor had spent many years there, when he was Prince Hanyu in order to perfect the Ice Rituals and assume his role as Emperor. Emperor Hanyu had applied himself diligently and had received instruction from three of the most respected tutors. Sadly the outbreak of a deadly disease had forced the Young Emperor to flee back to Planet Hanyu and in the dreadful haste Prime Minister Pooh san had not been able to board the transport back to the Planet and the Emperor had not had time to bid a suitable farewell to his tutors. As the pandemic had finally settled to almost safe levels Emperor Hanyu made the journey back to visit his esteemed tutors to express his gratitude and reunite with Prime Minister Pooh Once the Emperor and Prime Minister Pooh were safely back at Palace Hanyu a portrait of Prime Minister Old Man Pooh san and Deputy PM YuzuPooh was displayed at the gates of Palace Hanyu. PM Pooh has commended the Deputy PM for having very ably conducted his duties and supporting Emperor Hanyu. The two Poohs are looking forward to working together.
  6. The newspaper is a five page spread of Yuzu - once unfolded is an almost life size Yuzu photo. Some fans have posted photos on twt of this poster hung on walls or on a door. The book description at pre order was 'after show booklet' this does not do the book justice at all. The GIFT photo book is a large hard cover book filled with beautiful photos and interview with Mikiko. The photos are high quality, mainly of the show but there is also a selection of behind the scenes photos from the practice sessions and making of Gift.
  7. Yuzu is so natural featuring as special guest on Tetsuko no Heya, articulate and witty throughout. Yuzu has such impeccable manners and looks extremely debonair in the three piece. Yuzu goes to Tetsuko san at the end and kneels at her side and they have a lovely tete a tete about Gift. Then Yuzu bids everyone goodbye, thanking everyone as he exits and runs away like an adorable Emperor penguin chick ( wearing grey like the grey down of this species ) Tetsuko san gazes at Yuzu with tremendous fondness and wearing her wonderful big dress, she is reminiscent of a Fairy Godmother.
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