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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. First of all just to say: Relieved that you are safe and well Thank you sharing and really pleased to hear that you had a lovely time, enjoying the show ( apart from earthquake ) So glad that you were able to cheer and show your support. Everything, from the descriptions so far sounds as Yuzu was superb
  2. Stay safe, hope everything is Ok and settles back to normal quickly
  3. Drama on Day 1 !!! Phew, glad all is well after earthquake, thank goodness was not too large a quake and not disruptive to the safety of the venue and everyone inside is safe. ( Maybe Poseidon bringer of earthquakes is sending a message ) Good that safety checks demonstrated everything OK and show carried on Glad that show went well and everyone had a wonderful time Stay safe and well Japan, FaOI, Yuzu and satellites Sending caring thoughts Pxx
  4. Oh what a shame, just stay safe Yuzu for the precious ankles and back/waist - Please Ice spirits no sprains, strains, pains, a thousand thanks in advance
  5. Two English translations from a couple of our favourite translators. A thousand thanks Lae and Sarah
  6. Today's the day Cant' wait for snippets and crumbs
  7. Bag and brooch are from Anteprima - There are stores in Milano and Roma plus many locations in Asia. Mail order also available. Wonder how long before sold out? The wirebags are really pretty and around average price for quality evening bag. Get to the shops to accessorize like David Wilson
  8. As previously discussed, Yuzu inspires people in all forms of art and science because he is a modern Muse. The posters are really beautiful. One day it would be wonderful to view them in person at an exhibition
  9. The constellation clear file was a bonus present with the book and the long postcards came with the postcard set
  10. Concur. The dedication of the staff who made Gift work very well, all to ensure that the show ran smoothly and safely for Yuzu. Truly inspirational and they have the enormous gratitude from Fanyus because their work was invaluable to the success of Gift, made the show spectacular and their commitment to caring for the ice and venue conditions for Yuzu so that he could put on this stupendous performance. Every element of Gift was wonderful. Every staff member was credited in the booklet for their work and contribution to Gift.
  11. The new chans have little animal mascots with them !! If it possible, all of the programme chans are even more adorable
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