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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. The inspiration for the lego sculpture and Yuzu in his under sea costume Yuzu is the Muse for art
  2. Truly a most wondrous, unique and precious Gift. History was made and the event is now legend in the folklore of figure skating and for fans of Yuzu. It probably is not a repeatable event, not just the production complexities but the moments of connection created between Yuzu and the spectators near and far. Hoping that those special moments can at least be captured on a disc to keep and treasure. Even for those who were present, many people also bought the livestream, partly to be able to re connect with the performance and for those not fluent in Japanese to have the translation for Yuzu's monologues. Like so many of us the entire event was an immersive experience and one that we yearn to revisit. If it is any consolation Disney plus version is still available until March 31, with Disney plus subscription and VPN. No translation though, but a one month subscription is not as costly as the livestream, so there are at least a few days remaining to enjoy Gift. It would be really wonderful if a disc to purchase could be released in the next few months. The Gift companion booklet will be published fairly soon and will contain copious gorgeous photos of the event.
  3. YuzuSakura watch today - the tree is no longer cordoned off, so people will be able to get very close to admire it and take photos. Nearly ready for blossoms. The petal shade is a lovely intense pink, but this maybe due to the petals being packed tightly together. This little tree is going to receive a lot of love
  4. Listening to the music is a lovely way to evoke the memories of Gift and connect with the incredible emotions that were experienced that day. A legend was created that day Hope that Yuzu will open some of his future ice shows arriving as the magnificent Firebird, he was truly splendid. Ahh one can only hope and dream
  5. Hanyuconomy in action. Good news for those who ordered prologue goods. It seems that the Prologue supply factory has been working over time and the manufacturing Poohs have been working around the clock to fulfil the orders
  6. A tutorial with Yuzu, can you imagine "Konnichiwa minna san, how nice, Hanyu Yuzuru desu figure skeeto. First you must grow warmer like the sun, reaching upward growing tall like the grass until you bloom. These jumps are your friends. Let's go - fast spread your wings aaaand shu pah. Once more. Well done you are like stars" Sorry could not resist Do you recall someone posted from Notte audience that they heard Yuzu from behind the curtain saying "shu pah" and surmised that he was preparing himself to perform Conquest of Paradise, undoubtedly this is what was happening. On reading their account I thought for a few seconds what if this was Yuzu trying to teach Kohei the principles of FS jumps!!! Hehe just a fun thought
  7. People are able to post from twitter, instagram and imgur Hope that helps
  8. Watching the compilation videos of Yuzu's old programmes interspersed with live performance was a really inspired way fro Yuzu to ensure breaks for himself and keep the flow of the story. The amount of fantastic material for Yuzu and fans to look back on is one of those treats to sit curled up with and watch on a rainy day. At the beginning of Gift Yuzu said that the programmes are your friends, like good friends they really give cheer when it's needed. The emotional investment that Yuzu puts into each programme is his way of connecting with fans. o grateful for TV Asahi and of course Yuzu for sharing this day 2 show with us. The twt campaign for prologue is trending at over 24K tweets. Hope that the outpouring of gratitude will encourage TV stations to continue their interest in Yuzu and broadcasting on their TV channels This is also very validating for Yuzu and a lovely way for fans to come together and show their support and affection. Have a wonderful day
  9. Please join the vote - it is possible to vote once per 24 h. Yuzu now up to 95% https://www.tokyojournal.com/rankings/food-3/item/796-sports.html
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