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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Some clever, eagle eyed person has spotted this pattern in the ice markings "It's all in my calculations, everything" and that is why My Captain, you are the Ice Emperor eternal, Once and Future King, sole inhabitant of Planet Hanyu and the only GOAT of FS
  2. Happy days are here again A second video on the official channel, stylish and personal logo and header. Yuzu looking healthy and happy. Let the good times roll, even if some of us will need to get up super early to watch the August 10th show. Yuzu has definitely been consuming water from the Palace again. The snow melt water from the fountain in the Emperor's private courtyard, which must be the key to the Emperor's youthful appearance. Looking at the video, the Sendai rink is nice enough but there is no substantial amount of spectator seating. The sooner a larger rink with plenty of seating can be built the better. Better for local skaters, Yuzu and satellites and other fans.
  3. 'Floofy' is a made up word for fluffy. In the animated film 'Despicable Me', Gru takes the three children to a fun fair and he wins a huge stuffed unicorn toy for Agnes, the youngest girl. Gru feels bad for having destroyed her tiny unicorn doll. When Agnes is presented with the giant unicorn toy, she snuggles it and exclaims "It's so floofy, I could die!!". Agnes is delighted with the replacement unicorn, it is indeed a very large, squishy and furry stuffed animal. . As for the wording under the YT, hopefully someone fluent in Japanese will translate for us non Japanese speakers. I think that the second word might be omedetou, which is congratulations. ( I am trying to learn but am only beginner level, reading handwritten words is especially difficult )
  4. So many lovely fan made tributes to Yuzu This one seems apt and a nice little appetiser until the feast So excited about the livestream 04:00 UK, BST
  5. GOOD MORROW!!! Planet Hanyu's least favourite gossip magazine has published shocking revelations about the truth behind the alleged abandonment of Old Man Pooh san The senior editor at the Daily Spread Eagle pleads for the Planet inhabitants and satellites to remain calm and pay no attention to this libellous slur on the Ice Emperor's good character. Prime Minister Pooh issued a statement from the Palace, "It is simply not true, the Emperor would never, ever abandon such a loyal citizen such as Coach Pooh. Old Man Pooh san, is a Member of the illustrious Order of the Imperial Snowflake and one of the Emperor's most trusted advisors and beloved friend. There were added concerns, because Lady 3A fainted when this gossip was made public. Prime Minister Pooh would like to assure everyone, that Lady 3A is being attended by the Court Physician and will make a full recovery, once the gossip was shown to be entirely fallacious.
  6. Please note: WARNING this floofy cat is NOT hypoallergenic. Get ready with anti histamines, good job Pooh san is well stocked up with tissues
  7. Glad to hear that the Planet newspaper still has a mini readership. Maybe I missed my calling as an amateur reporter
  8. When I watch only, the likes have registered at 154K, the dislike button is there but no number next to it. In some ways I can blithely pretend that are no dislikes, because it does not look as if there are any when I view the video. I have viewed the video several times today, to keep the views increasing. Yuzu's little antenna has curled over, it is just possible to see it when he bows at the end.
  9. Gracias, that's an interesting article. Probably in respect to the human condition, this makes some sense. People are complex, arbitrarily assigning personality types just allows categorisation to divide people into easier to understand cohorts. Of course, in reality people are multi faceted, so they sometimes don't fit neatly into these neat little boxes. (Google translate instantaneously worked its magic to allow reading of the article. Yay)
  10. The Daily Spread Eagle PALACE ANNOUNCEMENT From ICE EMPEROR HANYU Dawn broke on what was expected to be another calm summer Sunday. With the Emperor's absence the Palace compound has fallen into the habit of weekends with very little to do. The artisan Poohs were allowed to down tools and visit relatives in the One Hundred Acre Wood and Forest. Thus the daily activities of Palace refurbishment ceased on Friday evenings to be replaced with relative silence. The quiet was interrupted by the sudden arrival of a flustered and over heated messenger, whose horse had thundered over the drawbridge of Palace Hanyu just after day break, waving the Imperial banner and shouting that the courier carried a special message from the Emperor Himself Prime Minister pooh was summoned from his quarters to meet with the messenger, still bleary eyed, clad only in his nightgown and cap. Immediately after having received the messenger, court pages were dispatched to rouse the jump ladies and the summon Town Crier. Within a quarter of an hour the bells of the Palace Campanile rang out across the Planet. The Town Crier began ..... OH YEA, OH YEA, OH YEA Hear Ye Good Citizens a Proclamation from Ice Emperor Hanyu The Emperor has made his way safely to the Ice Caves of Sendai. There he has consulted with an oracle and received great benisons of wisdom. Emperor Hanyu has become an Adept with the use of a communication crystal and will henceforth, be able to communicate by means of the crystal to remote realms. Thus, they may also be able to view the Emperor as he performs the rituals of skating, upon the the frozen surfaces of the lakes within the Ice Caves. The Jump Ladies were given specific and private instructions from the Emperor. Palace heralds issued the following notice: Ice Emperor Hanyu will make the inaugural performance of the preparations for the rituals of skating from Ice Caves Sendai and transmit views of the rituals by means of the crystal communication. The communications will take place on the 10th day of the month of August, at noon The Jump Ladies are to be present at the event Notice is hereby, given to all Planetary inhabitants, envoys and satellites This news caused widespread celebration amongst the satellites orbiting Planet Hanyu.There was a period where satellite orbits became chaotic before finally resuming a semblance of stability. Court news: Certain special envoys from the Northern realm of Toronto had received notice of the Emperor's July 19th announcement. They had received the Emperor's confidence because of longstanding loyalty and fealty of service to the Emperor in years past. The three trusted envoys have been awarded the Imperial Snow Flake for leal service.
  11. After more than a decade Yuzu has decided to open a window into his world via a social media platform. Yuzu always says that he wants to give 120%. So it's safe to deduce that Yuzu really will promote himself at last, now that he is a professional athlete. Omedetou gozau masu to the Ice Champion We will be blessed indeed to have more sightings of the Magical Skating Unicorn.
  12. Dear Anni, You most welcome. You make a wonderful effort to source lovely fanart featuring Yuzu. I wanted to show appreciation for you Pxx
  13. YuzuTube - GMT 09:00 Views: Almost 1.3M Likes: 138K Subscribers: 327K Comments: over 40K The comments are welcoming and positive and demonstrate the Global reach of Yuzu. People have stated their country of residence in their comment ( For reference, ISU subscriber numbers 249K. Disclaimer: I did not check the channel myself because I don't want to show any interest with clicks or searches, sorry it's both petty and not thorough to use another info source, but that's how it is for me atm, I'm sure that satellites can empathise with this. )
  14. Glad to see such a positive response to the dedication on the first page
  15. This fanart seems especially fitting for the day that the Ice Emperor forges ahead with his first official media activity as a professional skater apologies if this has been posted before
  16. Every day the fanart compositions never fail to amaze me with beauty. What good fortune to be able to stumble across gorgeous images which gladden the heart @Anni you seem to have an almost endless supply of lovely pictures that you have come across and share here on the Planet. Danke schon, many thanks.
  17. Left a congratulatory comment on HY channel comments now almost 28K views over 849K likes 108K subscribers 214K It's incredible and exactly the recognition Yuzu deserves. Hope that Old Man Pooh san can view this i think that Yuzu must have a gym and studio at home for practice and off ice training, perhaps the white wall is one of the gym room walls. Seeing Yuzu on his own channel has brought such delight and joy to the Planet, coinciding with the Sendai Tanabata festival is very auspicious timing.
  18. Once you have subscribed to the channel, it will appear on your yt profile as channel that you have subscribed to. That should make Yuzu easier to find and you'll be notified whenever need content appears
  19. Short hair breeds like Siamese, my kittens in the photo, are less allergenic. There are special cat foods that mean the cat saliva contains less allergens. Sorry if too much info
  20. More views and especially subscribers generates advertising revenue. Encourages the channel to keep on producing content and more advertising income for you tube plus channel gets a tiny amount but this can build up over time
  21. Fantastic news. This is enough crumbs for a whole biscuit. Maybe it should be first pancake? I've liked and subscribed to the channel. Give as many clicks etc to demonstrate that Yuzu is Ice Emperor Eternal Congratulations Yuzu on your first official media as professional skater
  22. Yuzu also said that he wants to be reunited with Old Man Pooh san, "so that we can be together always". Pooh is 'Home Alone' in Toronto
  23. The official channel wants the views and subscribers, having large numbers of views, likes and subscribers means that the channel generates advertising income. If the channel is increasingly more commercially viable it encourages the channel to keep going and more content, in theory. If nothing else, it is like Google trending, by keeping Yuzu videos and searches at the top of most viewed/ most searched for it will generate interest and anything Yuzuru Hanyu at the number 1 position. I just pop his name into YT, Google and twitter, just so that Yuzu is more popular in search terms, than any other skaters, sends a message to those who want to erase Yuzu from the FS psyche. Not happening on my watch, so to speak.
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