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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Or this for the Yuzutopia Rink and Leisure complex ( 2nd photo )
  2. This won't happen but it would be a good title for Yuzu's blockbuster 10 series Biopic ( it is a gorgeous banner )
  3. Whenever Yuzu's wise words appear, it often brings to mind the famous poem 'If' by the author, Rudyard Kipling, the message being about living a life with integrity, to have aspiration but not be ruled by those dreams and being grounded in reality. The list of wonderful personal attributes goes on. Yuzu embodies the desiderata of the poem most admirably. Some of the lines from the poem are written above the players' door to Centre Court at the All England Club, better known as Wimbledon " if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same "
  4. BabyPooh with Yuzu water bottle. Stay well hydrated BabyPooh
  5. Not sure how to classify this. It is not really fanart and it is possibly too playful for the general chat, maybe. It is super cute so thought that it warranted being posted somewhere on the planet Neko Mewzuru Nyanyu to san hiki koneko
  6. The Community section on the Hanyu Yuzuru channel will most likely be the place for new content to be advertised. Yuzu did mention that there would still be new content on the public part of the channel as well. If anything appears on the general channel or the members section news will appear on social media even if the content is not shared, there are bound to be many notifications that something of importance has happened. Any new content will most likely be posted at 11:11 or 12:07 JST, Yuzu loves the number 1111 or at least that what a lot of fans say. Due to the time difference between Japan and Europe/ the Americas, it will be news that European and American residents will wake up to. Fans have already been speculating whether Yuzu will have headliner news to post on November 11th at 11:11. Might well be like Christmas day or birthday day for fans, sorry this is all so exciting it is easy to get carried away. Gone are the Yuzu hermit days, at least for the time being
  7. That must be a beautiful sight in the Springtime. When you see the Sakura, I hope that you feel close to Yuzu. The is a little cherry tree in my garden, variety is Stella and it produces pretty blossom and in late summer about a couple of dozen fruits which the birds always manage to eat before anyone has the chance to pick them.
  8. How the channel will post about new content remains to be seen The channel might have a public notice to let people know that there is a new video and possibly a brief description. That would not be revealing the content to non members and that is also probably reasonable way to let non members know if there are new videos or costumes or reworked past programmes that will be available in the members section. Then people will be able to make informed decisions about whether to start subscription or wait until there is a lot of content to binge on. Is that what you meant? That would be no different to a streaming service advertising that a sports match or new series will be appearing on a particular TV streaming service, the actual content is not shared in the non member section.
  9. The only down side of owning a car like this would be being surrounded by fanyus whenever you needed to pull out of a public parking space and maybe having to wipe lipstick kiss marks from Yuzu's face!!!
  10. If only one could have the privilege of being able to walk into a department store beauty section and see this. Yuzu and Sekkisei If you listen carefully, you can just hear it calling to you ... Masqueraaaaaade....
  11. Yuzu cherry tree and Ice Garden project The Nemophila seedlings are already sprouting Sprouting seedlings always feel like a symbol of hope. Hoping that Prologue will give Yuzu the success he justly deserves.
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