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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Maybe the costume will not be ready in time for prologue. However, if it was something for Chapter 1 - a new dream/journey/ hope, then there is no rush for completion. There would be something to look forward to for the next show. As the saying goes 'Always leave them wanting more'
  2. https://kahoku.news/articles/20221120khn000011.html Article about Yuzu Prologue [news] The article mentions, the about certain dreams that can no longer be realised. Previously in the Prologue thread I mentioned about the rectangular cloth that Yuzu is draped in during the end of 'Dreamy Aspiration' video and the beginning of the live performance of 'A Dream ThatWill someday End'. This interview makes me even more convinced that the cloth is the 'ghost' of the flag. Yuzu will no longer represent his country in competition and will never again be draped in his country's flag as a medallist. The end of competitive life and that huge change is something that Yuzu has expressed though this gorgeous flowing programme and the symbolism of this programme being akin to the cool down at the end of the practice sessions, is Yuzu saying good bye to that chapter. Apologies if this is too speculative. Yuzu often says himself that it is through the medium of skating that he can speak to everyone in a universal language of movement. The final video of the door closing emphasises this ending. As the saying goes 'as one door closes, another one opens'. The show title Prologue also emphasises the imminence of a new phase Thank you for your indulgence
  3. BabyPooh is dressed in suit like Yuzu's suit in the Towa advertisements
  4. This gentleman speaks the truth about the art and beauty encompassed by Yuzu's skating very eloquently. It seems that Yuzu once again is transcendent and able to reach many people across many walks of life
  5. Trailer for Prologue Hachinohe - Livestream Dec 5th Really like the camera angle which swoops over the ice as if rushing towards Yuzu. Hope this bodes well that there may be extra footage which can be compiled into a special programme for a later date or Bluray/ DVD. Yes Axel store these are marketing ideas for your loyal supporters, especially those who wished that Prologue would be a wonderful success, yet knew that they could not attend due to living outside of Japan This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  6. Yuzu is so accomplished and his contributions both financially and in terms of effort and raising / maintaining awareness about the plight of people still affected by the Great Eastern Earthquake and its aftermath are truly inspirational. I actually checked what criteria there are for individuals/organisations to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Yuzu could probably accomplish anything that he wishes to apply himself to achieving. It would just be a joy to see Yuzu covered in more glorious accolades. It is a contentious issue in academic circles and very much location dependent as to what the general view is about which Dr's are the most respected, (PhD / D Phil beats MB BS/ MD). The salt thread is no more, but you probably understand this not very subtle message. On the European side of the Atlantic the Doctor of Philosophy would be deemed as having greater academic excellence, same is most likely true in other countries. It is a dull discussion, which is far too labourious for the Yuzu thread but suffice to say that the D Phil has been around since the first Universities were founded in Medieval times, MB BS came later, ( MD in the US even later ) Calling medical doctors Dr is a courtesy professional title, not an academically conferred title. Sorry fellow medical docs
  7. this fan is trying to draw their memories from Prologue, such a meaningful act of remembering
  8. Cryptic message or something else? Intriguing indeed, whatever it may mean.
  9. A funny moment captured Brian uttered a rude word, after Ghislain and Yuzu mentioned that Brian should be with Jason and not in the K and C with them.
  10. More programme -chans, different artist. Both sets of art works are adorable
  11. Inspirational sculpture - 4A The detail is incredible and captures the dynamism of Yuzu's feat of jumping 4A A fitting tribute to record this astounding event
  12. It would be amazing if the next piece of news about this is that Yuzu has taken the research further and has successfully defended it as his Doctoral Thesis and is now Dr Y. Hanyu PhD.
  13. Two of the staff in comedy show 'Parks and Recreation' have a day of doing fun things, dubbed "treat yo'self day" Money MacMoney says "Treat yo'self !!" ( Secretly hoping that post Hachinohe there will be more photos and / or Bluray DVD. Will wait until after that performance to see what else is available, before ordering )
  14. Standing on tip toe because Romsky is soooo tall It's alright Origin Yuzu, you are wearing the crown, you rule the world
  15. Yes, but these photos are new and you don't have them yet. Many fans will be doing the same because as well as supporting Yuzu, they will be the first official professional skater Yuzu photos. Do not feel the tiniest inclination towards guilt, there are plenty more justifications for purchasing Yuzu photos that can be brought to mind.
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