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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Ahh fantastic, very apt for our own dear Emperor of Ice
  2. That is genuine proof that Yuzu has fans on all the Continents of the World. Is it the research team member or the Penguin who is the fan, or perhaps they both are. It would be especially fitting if the Penguin is Emperor species, although King would be as good Thank you for posting
  3. You are absolutely correct. This will be especially telling if Gift sells out and the other ice shows scheduled for the same days do not. As previously discussed on various social platforms, had Yuzu been treated fairly as a competitive athlete, there would have been ample opportunity for a two times Olys champ to be invited to the galas as an honoured guest to skate and sell the gala tickets. Yuzu could have sustained the big organisations and delighted fans for years. A squandered chance, but Yuzu has shown us Prologue and will soon be bringing Gift to those who wish to continue giving Yuzu their support and encouragement. To quote Puck " O what fools these mortals be "
  4. We are not sure about what would happen if someone turned up with a gift. They may still decline even if the fan paid for admission to see the little exhibition or even skate. Once word got around that Ice Rink Sendai accepts gifts, they would be inundated, because it sets a precedent. Currently we have to respect their wishes. WE made the enquiry about whether they could accept a gift and they said that his was not feasible. Due to not be able to competently speak Japanese, we asked a Japanese satellite to contact them, which they very kindly did. We are not sure if they were asked whether they would accept mailed gifts or hand delivered gifts. There would be problem if your friend very kindly took the book to the rink and then the request to leave it for Yuzu was declined, what would she do with the book? this is very tricky, due to the number of gifts presented to Yuzu in the past he must have a real problem with how to deal with them all perhaps he has decided that he can no longer accept any presents because the numbers are so vast, even something as uniquely beautiful as the lovingly handmade individual gifts. I still have the 100 acre wood hand stitched sampler ( curses that it took so long to make ) and there are many other fan made beauties shown on social media. It would be impossible to keep everything. Such a shame because a lot of thought and time has gone into making these lovely things.
  5. BabyPooh is channeling Rock Star Yuzu in leather trousers and jacket
  6. To go with @Anabel Water and Fire Spirits, here is Ice Warrior
  7. People would go, once they had filled up a bag with Yuzu publications. They would want to pour over the pages in a nice coffee shop. If there are posters inside the magazine, people would want to be at home so as to open these very carefully. Otherwise, you are correct, customers would never leave and the book shops make really attractive Yuzu displays.
  8. Thank you, that's a good thought. Yes we have hoped that gift drop off boxes might reappear. Both Prologue events specifically stated there would not be any gift giving opportunities. We had looked into whether we might be able to send the book to someone attending prior to that notice. Anyway it was not to be. Tokyo Dome already stated no gift giving provision. With 50K attendees, Yuzu would need a shipping container sized gift collection receptacle, not at all practical. In addition, the book could just have been lost in that scale of massive collection. The book is not of massive monetary value, but it is a representation of the work put in and the manifestation of support and affection from PH. It is a personal and unique gift, not something that can just be grabbed from a shop shelf. No disrespect to shop bought gifts at all, but you can understand that there is a special quality with individually created gifts. We will keep looking for a solution. Please think of potential suggestions. A thousand thanks
  9. YuTunes HY channel, creeping upwards at slug pace 760K subscribers
  10. To be honest there may be an element of reluctance to open a fan mail address because the service would be inundated with gifts and letters, rather akin to a dam bursting. Actually it is astonishing to think about how JSF coped with the fan gifts and mail. I used this service when Yuzu was still actively competing, but who knows if they were delivered or what happened to them if Yuzu received the gifts. Active imagination envisages a warehouse the same size as the one at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark where the Ark of the Covenant is placed in order for it to be lost to humanity. You will laugh though. There is a comprehensive list of rules about what can/cannot be sent via the JSF forwarding service. Some are obvious - gifts of high value, food items, bulky items are prohibited. OK makes sense for, as mentioned, obvious reasons. Sending live animals is also prohibited - !!!!!Seriously, this had to be included as a separate not permitted item, what do people try to send? The mind boggles, but would you care to imagine a troupe of specially trained mice wearing miniature skates on a tiny rink or a swan in the impromptu Ikea swan bag or a giraffe. What is your guess? Another reason for JSF to be exasperated, having to employ extra post room staff to cope with Yuzu fan mail. There is probably nothing for them to do now, they are most likely cast out, may be they joined Staff san and are still busy trying to sort out the gift and mail back log.
  11. Yes we have explored several avenues attempting to find a way to deliver the book. All met with dead ends. Collectively we will come up with a solution When the appeal went out for questions for Yuzu for prologue - a fan mail address was one question ( along with the usual grovelling and begging for internationa ticket purchase ) Ice Rink Sendai was approached, but declined We have even explored whether a local TV channel might be able to present the book to Yuzu if there were any further Yuzu publicity appearances. Nothing is forthcoming so the book would end up lost. TCC is not a viable option. Any other ideas would be welcome. Thank you
  12. Dear Admins and Mods Thank you for the skating party So lovely to see the Birthday Celebrations again Thank you Satellites for all of the lovely birthday wishes, it was great to join in and contribute to a delightful project. Hope that Yuzu had a fabulous birthday and that he might have had chance to see all of the birthday tributes and how much affection and support there is for him
  13. Fear not, there will be ample opportunities for Seimei to be performed again. Truly, there will be years of Ice shows and fan requests segments. Seimei may have been put to bed for a while, but the wish and desire to skate The Signature medal winning programme will arise. When Seimei returns in years to come it will be revisited with renewed vigour. Perhaps, for now it is time for Seimei to take a bow and allow other equally wonderful programmes to take centre stage. Not all shows in the future will be solo Yuzu shows, but 2 hours is still a long show and all of the programmes past and new will have chance to be presented.
  14. Definitely channeling the Mewzuru Nyanyu facet of his persona Difficult to choose which is the more adorable
  15. Came across this on twt. It is a very well done fan edit. The voice over is from a documentary.
  16. This is very cute. Years ago at JNats 2017, Yuzu could not take part but because of his prior competition results Yuzu was announced as being part of the Japanese FS team. Yuzu was not present at JNats due to injury. At the press conference the team had a group photo taken and a cardboard 'Standee' Yuzu was placed beside the team members for the photo. It was very amusing.
  17. Yes because the cameras were there and at the end fans would suddenly realise that when the show was over they would be desperately wondering when Yuzu's next appearance might be. As he ducked behind the curtains, he was heard to say " mata ne " see you later. Then the screen played the Gift information, so that we would not be bereft. He knew that that would be cause for instant celebration amongst the farewell's Darling, caring Yuzu, as always Hope that Yuzu felt the reflected and reciprocated affection as much as the gift he gave us ( although the Hunger Games ticket grab is no fun at all )
  18. 'Gift' shop is working now. Just bought more stuff. With the Prologue and Gift things shipping in Feb most likely a big customs charges bill will be required as well. Never mind. Ordered all 3 hoodies now. They are to wear at Ice Shows, so will most likely never be worn. Oh dear clowning myself and my wallet. Just hope that Yuzu gets a decent share of the merchandise profit
  19. BabyPooh's 'Gift' blouson has already been shipped. He looks great
  20. Moomin has a wonderful selection of outfits to wear to go for coffee and he also has Yuzu merchandise
  21. Had a look at you tumblr - the gifs look great. Following you on tumblr - ImagineHowCharming, just in case you don't recognise the name.
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